If greed disappeared would it solve 95% of our problems?

yeah, sin of pride. problem is, your allways going to have those who dont want to do anything to contribute towards a better future, its a human flaw. you can cast them out of the comunity as it were, but they would soon find each other and form gangs of thieves. then we have to see just how far we need to go to protect our comunities, dodgy road at first
I had a chat with a friend and we tried to think of a problem in this world that wasn't tied somehow to greed.

Human trafficking? People make money from it.

Clearing of the rainforest. Money.

War. Money.

Unhealthy food that is the number 1 cause of death in America. Money. If we are truly about "saving lives" shouldn't this be the number one problem to focus on each year?

And it goes on and on.

Should greed be illegal or are we so addicted to it that it can't be stopped?
Yes, The love of money is the root of all evil.
Pride (superbia), also known as hubris (from Ancient Greek ὕβρις) or futility. It is considered the original and worst of the seven deadly sins on almost every list, the most demonic.[42] It is also thought to be the source of the other capital sins. Pride is the opposite of humility.--Wiki

I like the demonic part, which backs the Lucifer ouster idea. Pride is what causes all the other sins. Take greed, which we're talking about as being bad, and it is bad. But what causes greed? Pride does. I'm greedy, I want to get a bigger house, bigger boat, to enhance my prideful sense of myself.
Pride (superbia), also known as hubris (from Ancient Greek ὕβρις) or futility. It is considered the original and worst of the seven deadly sins on almost every list, the most demonic.[42] It is also thought to be the source of the other capital sins. Pride is the opposite of humility.--Wiki

I like the demonic part, which backs the Lucifer ouster idea. Pride is what causes all the other sins. Take greed, which we're talking about as being bad, and it is bad. But what causes greed? Pride does. I'm greedy, I want to get a bigger house, bigger boat, to enhance my prideful sense of myself.
Take anything, just one. Let’s take Cannabis since we all share love for this plant. Greed is what led to prohibition, which led to countless horror and injustice that people STILL take lightly.Greed is what keeps the legal state mass producers lobbying against home grow so they can pump their mids and provide hella tax to the people still incarcerating our freinds and family…..It’s the love of money, not money itself. Always was, always will be
Greed is what keeps the legal state mass producers lobbying
So, greed, and not pride, eh? Even tho i just argued that pride precedes, and causes greed.
Why do the state mass producers indulge in greed? Because they want bigger, better and more, hence greed. Pride causes it.
if everyone disolved there ego, then there would be none of these problems, i actualy have no ego anymore, its great feeling, everyone should atain it
So, greed, and not pride, eh? Even tho i just argued that pride precedes, and causes greed.
Why do the state mass producers indulge in greed? Because they want bigger, better and more, hence greed. Pride causes it.
I agree that pride precedes greed 100. Was just tacking on some anecdotal high ramblings to support, not refute anything you stated. bongsmilie
if everyone disolved there ego, then there would be none of these problems, i actualy have no ego anymore, its great feeling, everyone should atain it
Naw, the ego is important. Without it there is no sense of personal survival or positive personal improvement. Keeping the ego reigned in at a healthy level is the tricky part.
Take anything, just one. Let’s take Cannabis since we all share love for this plant. Greed is what led to prohibition, which led to countless horror and injustice that people STILL take lightly.Greed is what keeps the legal state mass producers lobbying against home grow so they can pump their mids and provide hella tax to the people still incarcerating our freinds and family…..It’s the love of money, not money itself. Always was, always will be
Do you have anything on this happening that you can share? If mass grow operations lobby against home growers that is really screwed up! I'd think grow equipment manufacturers would be involved with advocating for home growers.
Greed or pride, it’s all the same, selfishness. Some have enough to last their families several lifetimes. Yet they still want step aside and let someone else make a dollar. It’s sad how these companies will not stop bleeding the people. It the people who have to say enough is enough. Boycott and you will see prices fall as they will rather sale their goods than see them spoil on the shelf.
We have to walk by over priced goods. These markets run off algorithms that are programmed to create the best conditions for the sale.
Free.. free $50 gift card. Free shipping,, 25% more free.
We have an old say around here, if I don’t get it in the wash, I’ll get it in the rinse. People are still falling for Gimmick sales. Auto floor mats, nitrogen in the tires, electric window… all add to price. You pay a premium for every individual piece, even though it compromised of recycled parts. The metal from which those cars are made, come from the scrap yard… at lease they give you A few pennies for a pound of metal. They don’t give anything for plastic. Yet they charge $40k for a car made entirely of scrap iron and other recycled materials. Namely plastic.
Hey. The problem is inside the human. You have to throw out the entire batch. Even if you are good/cool, your kids can turn out to be piles of shit. The cycle continues.
Isn’t it obvious that the legal cannabis market is loosing ground.
The rising fear of a super strain, could mean that the corporations could loose an even bigger share of the markets as people are already turning away from their strains.
Therefore, higher thc strains are already being targeted as a medical threat. Scare tactics are being used such as announcing that high thc strains causes Psychosis…. Reminds me of the old movies. For real, refer madness all over again.
Higher taxes for higher thc strains, is another low blow, as the market tries to profit from its control.
The inevitable high thc strain will mean great looses to anyone who doesn’t have a competitive strain.
Millions of dollars can be made in a matter of few days when the next generation of cannabis debuts. Everyone will quickly turn to it, thus leaving cannabis current offering to age on the shelves. Like most of it’s doing now.
Therefore the owners of the corporations are trying to make it harder on the owners of the next gen of cannabis to proceed. Right now the cannabis market is ripe for the picking. And the big corporations know it.