Greed or pride, it’s all the same, selfishness. Some have enough to last their families several lifetimes. Yet they still want step aside and let someone else make a dollar. It’s sad how these companies will not stop bleeding the people. It the people who have to say enough is enough. Boycott and you will see prices fall as they will rather sale their goods than see them spoil on the shelf.
We have to walk by over priced goods. These markets run off algorithms that are programmed to create the best conditions for the sale.
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We have an old say around here, if I don’t get it in the wash, I’ll get it in the rinse. People are still falling for Gimmick sales. Auto floor mats, nitrogen in the tires, electric window… all add to price. You pay a premium for every individual piece, even though it compromised of recycled parts. The metal from which those cars are made, come from the scrap yard… at lease they give you A few pennies for a pound of metal. They don’t give anything for plastic. Yet they charge $40k for a car made entirely of scrap iron and other recycled materials. Namely plastic.