If Medicare is better than private insurance...

That's not the only reason. You're a racist and a bigot. You think 100% of white folks, especially male christians, are going to steal your job through nepotism, or old money, or the fact people wrongly assume they're more moral on those characteristics, rather than on their qualifications alone.

You're just a hateful person that hates on America because you think ever single white man is secretly part of the 0.1%, even though that's not mathematically possible. You're completely insane.

Yes the system is rigged, but it's not because of white people.
So I'm just racist against those poor persecuted whites? Oh you poor gringo...
That's not the only reason. You're a racist and a bigot. You think 100% of white folks, especially male christians, are going to steal your job through nepotism, or old money, or the fact people wrongly assume they're more moral on those characteristics, rather than on their qualifications alone.

You're just a hateful person that hates on America because you think ever single white man is secretly part of the 0.1%, even though that's not mathematically possible. You're completely insane.

Yes the system is rigged, but it's not because of white people.
The system is rigged because of whites
@Communist Dreamer

Is @UncleBuck oppressing white men also?

Not until he has the procedure he promised he'd get with this.

Because then the government has control over what care you get.
No they don't. They simply prioritize critical procedures over elective ones. The needs of a heart transplant recipient would be above someone who wants to get a nose job for example. Also, the current medicare system in America is one of the most popular programs the government offers, it consistently has above a 70% approval rating
They can still be made to "subsidize" it without being given the benefit of it. It's called taxation.
Tax people without providing them a service? Nobody supports that
You just spent two pages complaining you would have to pay higher taxes if M4A were implemented, then claimed a better plan is paying higher taxes while receiving nothing in return
You just spent two minutes not reading the thread and then showing how little you know about the whole debate.

32 trillion dollars in addional government spending for a healthcare bill that gives me coverage I don't want or need, along with everyone.


About 8% of that amount to just give it to those who need it. Around two and a half trillion dollars in the first ten years.
You just spent two minutes not reading the thread and then showing how little you know about the whole debate.

32 trillion dollars in addional government spending for a healthcare bill that gives me coverage I don't want or need, along with everyone.


About 8% of that amount to just give it to those who need it. Around two and a half trillion dollars in the first ten years.
32 trillion instead of 35 trillion, not in addition. 35 trillion + 2.5 trillion = 37.5 trillion, no eye, hearing, or dental. No choice of employment without risking coverage, 500K medical bankruptcies/year

So explain why you believe spending 5.5 trillion more than we do now on a healthcare system that provides fewer services at lower quality than our universally covered counterparts is better

What's the plan to reduce the amount of people who use your preferred system who go bankrupt because of medical debt?
I was gong to go through point by point, but I realized I have 3 pages left still.

Obamacare's goal is to have every American insured. And the way it works is that as people make less, they pay less. It was originally intended so that when people left their jobs, they could have kept their insurance companies. But Republicans have systematically been trying to destroy it since 2010 and it was kept out of Republican states to try to get it to fail.

Fixing these holes to get the rest of the nation covered is actually a possibility, M4A is not.

I don't want the government in my life at all either. They never helped anyone. Just about every employer has decent healthcare plans, so find a job. I really don't see how this is so complicated. Universal health care will never work in this country until people start taking care of themselves. Not enough healthy people to pay for the rest. It's a mathematical fact.

And I'm all for education reform. That's the biggest thing this country needs. Cut out college sports funding, waste of money. Cut out useless degrees like gender studies, you won't get a job with that. No more federal loans for college either. It should be the responsibility of the college which will increase competition to lower their tuition. When big daddy government just hands out money to anyone, colleges can make their own price, they know they'll get paid.
So am I after saying something like that is a mathematical fact.

How do you get to work... Roads made by the government.
How do you flush your toilet... Sewage system made by the government.
Electricity grid? Government.

on and on. Government has improved our lives in many ways and it is a convenient straw man argument.

And your 'no more loans for education' is incredibly destructive if it ever happened. You would remove the most effective way Americans have to increase their standard of living ever.
Because then the government has control over what care you get. A lot of people don't want that

I lived most of my life with universal health care where the government dictated what we could do. Was awesome. We could do a lot more than Americans on average. Never heard anybody say, “I need teeth work done but can’t afford it.” So people who don’t like it are idiots who believe the hype. Now there are some very unfortunate individuals who have very rare diseases that affect only dozens of people and the cost of treatment in the millions which are not covered, they do suffer and have to travel overseas for treatment. They have a right to bitch, but in all honesty I’m today’s world they just start a go fund me thing and usually get the treatment they need.
The system is rigged because of whites
Ever heard of Africa? A continent that is so corrupt that people have to pay a bribe to built a hut in shanty towns. Whites hold no patent on corruption. Dude you just go after the low hanging fruit.
Good healthcare should be free at point of access

When you say "good healthcare should be free", do you really mean it should be forcibly subsidized
and you're okay with some people threatening the use of guns against those that refuse to comply?

If you don't mean that, how would this "free" part work?