If Medicare is better than private insurance...

Universal means everyone has it, whether it be medicare or private insurance.

Also, there is this thing called a dictionary. I don't know if you've heard of it but basically, it has every word in a given language arranged alphabetically with definitions. It's perfect for uneducated morons who don't know what words mean.

and Medicare for All is forrrrrrrrrrrrr..?*

No, saying that the underinsured problem has gotten worse is objectively true. More people are covered, but more people are underinsured. Try google my friend. The way you unpack the facts is your issue. It doesn't matter if Republicans are the cause of the underinsured problem. You still need to vote them out in order to fix it at all, which we agree on. On one hand you're arguing that in order to fix the ACA we will have to elect blue government officials in red states. Why is that not the exact same issue that is brought up about Bernie not being able to pass anything in congress?
Fixing the ACA is not the same political issue as passing Bernie's healthcare bill because Bernie's bill is politically and functionally dead on arrival. there are two reasons why I said this. First, Bernie's Medicare For All bill is a functional failure. His bill contains so few details about the services it will provide that the OMB cannot provide a cost estimate. His bill also contains no details on how it will be paid for and which income brackets are affected. So, what are we actually talking about? Without a funding mechanism, so-called "Medicare for All" cannot happen regardless of who controls the three non-judicial branches of government

Second, the bill is a political dead end. 150 million people say they like the private insurance plan they currently have. That's a lot of people who must make a leap of faith and put their trust in a Senator who has accomplished nothing in twelve years. The upcoming presidential election is set up to be a close one and splitting the moderate vote gives Trump the chance to win. Do I have to name all the reasons that are not healthcare related why that would be a disaster to many?

Job one is to get Trump out of office. The candidates who are pushing Medicare for All are harming chances of doing that.
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and Medicare for All is forrrrrrrrrrrrr..?*

Have a cup of coffee, maybe the nuance will find you. Bernie's bill is a dumpster fire.

Medicare for all, if passed before healthcare costs are reduced, will come with a huge tax hike. Like get ready to have two thirds of your income withheld.

Universal health care can be achieved without that nonsense.

I have already argued this, in this thread.

God damn learn how to use some commas. Only idiots want to continue paying more money for less coverage.
Only idiots are falling for the "free shit" vote bait.

The Bernie-Liz plan comes with huge tax hikes. Only a fucking idiot would vote in favor of having two thirds of their income withheld for far more coverage than they need or want.

Expanding Medicare to the 8% of Americans who do not have it will give you the coverage you lack. It would cost only a quarter trillion annually. That's a small tax hike.

I'm guessing you don't know what it's like to earn and be productive since you are so quick to demand that people like myself are idiots for wanting less coverage. It's typical of a Bernie supporting idiot to think that they know what is in everyone's interests just because you want free shit.
Only idiots are falling for the "free shit" vote bait.

The Bernie-Liz plan comes with huge tax hikes. Only a fucking idiot would vote in favor of having two thirds of their income withheld for far more coverage than they need or want.

Expanding Medicare to the 8% of Americans who do not have it will give you the coverage you lack. It would cost only a quarter trillion annually. That's a small tax hike.

I'm guessing you don't know what it's like to earn and be productive since you are so quick to demand that people like myself are idiots for wanting less coverage. It's typical of a Bernie supporting idiot to think that they know what is in everyone's interests just because you want free shit.
The authoritarian attitude expressed in threads written by Bernie Bros is disturbing.

"You will do as I say because I said so".
This troll who decided to occupy my thread, @xmatox started with insults and then moved on to distorting my arguments. She's going to fit right in with the other toxic Bernie bros.
Dishonest arguments are pretty much an admission they have nothing of substance to argue with. Not a single one owns up to the fact that his bill contains no funding mechanism. Instead, they go after estimates that others have had to make in absence of substance in Bernie's bill.

The more they go on about Bernie's chimera known as M4A, gaslighting, insults and browbeating, the better Biden starts to look. I don't even like Biden.
No, saying that the underinsured problem has gotten worse is objectively true. More people are covered, but more people are underinsured. Try google my friend. The way you unpack the facts is your issue. It doesn't matter if Republicans are the cause of the underinsured problem. You still need to vote them out in order to fix it at all, which we agree on. On one hand you're arguing that in order to fix the ACA we will have to elect blue government officials in red states. Why is that not the exact same issue that is brought up about Bernie not being able to pass anything in congress?
tbh, I am not sure what part of the laws gave those states the right to opt out their citizens, but the fact remains by the time the Republicans got some lawsuits through in the attempt to kill Obamacare, whatever holes were caused were not able to be fixed due to the Tea Party scam electing a Republican house essentially ending Democrats being able to get much done.

ACA would be easier to fix that M4A to create.

Bernie will get trolled hard as a socialist and all the crazy shit he has said through the years will cause the house and senate to go to the Republicans even if he somehow pulls out a win over Trump and he won't be able to get anything done. The Republicans are perfectly happy to let the government melt down because who benefits, the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male who has for the entirety of our nation's existence has absorbed the vast majority of wealth and power, so they don't really need America to win to do well relatively.
Only idiots are falling for the "free shit" vote bait.

The Bernie-Liz plan comes with huge tax hikes. Only a fucking idiot would vote in favor of having two thirds of their income withheld for far more coverage than they need or want.

Expanding Medicare to the 8% of Americans who do not have it will give you the coverage you lack. It would cost only a quarter trillion annually. That's a small tax hike.

I'm guessing you don't know what it's like to earn and be productive since you are so quick to demand that people like myself are idiots for wanting less coverage. It's typical of a Bernie supporting idiot to think that they know what is in everyone's interests just because you want free shit.

I'm sure your W2 looks amazing, but probably not since you spend most of your time on RIU political forums. Who wants free shit if we're paying for it?? I have great private insurance and I still would trade it for M4A so that everyone is PROPERLY covered. Not just bandaid insurance where people still go bankrupt and can't afford their bills. Why do you want people to go bankrupt?

Your the one that asked me for the cost estimates for Bernie's plan because you said you haven't seen them. Then I showed them to you, you responded within 2 minutes saying something complete irrelevant to my argument. Then when I call you our for not reading them, you claimed to have previously read them. So you were lying then. WTF? So.... then you know that the plan is estimated to cost around the same price we are paying now. How is that gaslighting? How is that lying? How does continuing to ignore any evidence brought before you not disingenuous to the debate? H What makes matter worse is that the evidence supporting M4A isn't even from a liberal think tank, its from a libertarian/ Republican School and think tank. Since you claim that I'm unproductive and essentially poor, I think its more than fair to ask what your education level is? What experience do you have in policy? Any?
I'm sure your W2 looks amazing, but probably not since you spend most of your time on RIU political forums. Who wants free shit if we're paying for it?? I have great private insurance and I still would trade it for M4A so that everyone is PROPERLY covered. Not just bandaid insurance where people still go bankrupt and can't afford their bills. Why do you want people to go bankrupt?

Your the one that asked me for the cost estimates for Bernie's plan because you said you haven't seen them. Then I showed them to you, you responded within 2 minutes saying something complete irrelevant to my argument. Then when I call you our for not reading them, you claimed to have previously read them. So you were lying then. WTF? So.... then you know that the plan is estimated to cost around the same price we are paying now. How is that gaslighting? How is that lying? How does continuing to ignore any evidence brought before you not disingenuous to the debate? H What makes matter worse is that the evidence supporting M4A isn't even from a liberal think tank, its from a libertarian/ Republican School and think tank. Since you claim that I'm unproductive and essentially poor, I think its more than fair to ask what your education level is? What experience do you have in policy? Any?
I stopped reading after the first fallacy. Bernie's bill doesn't have a funding mechanism. Nobody would receive medical care under that bill.
I stopped reading after the first fallacy. Bernie's bill doesn't have a funding mechanism. Nobody would receive medical care under that bill.

Lol. M4A doesn't cover everybody? Wow. We pay 35 trillion over 10 years already and do not cover everybody. How is that not a funding mechanism for something that is estimated to cost 35 trillion over 10 years?
I stopped reading after the first fallacy. Bernie's bill doesn't have a funding mechanism. Nobody would receive medical care under that bill.
Yeah she's not very good at this. She should just stick to insults.
Your the one that asked me for the cost estimates for Bernie's plan because you said you haven't seen them. Then I showed them to you, you responded within 2 minutes saying something complete irrelevant to my argument.

First off, it's you're, not your.

Secondly, stop asking for my personal info, it's not necessary to the debate, only to your insults.

Thirdly, that's not how it went. You were citing something that doesn't exist. You made up a scenario where I pay 4k in private insurance and would get taxed 4k. That's just made up hypothetical bernie fantasy world bullshit.

Your memory is as weak as your insults, but not as weak as your arguments.
We can barely hold on to the ACA, because of Bernie Babies from 3 years ago balked about the election.

But we can wish hard, click our heels and get much more real easy and cheap, totally without any resistance from anybody.

Reality can be difficult. Don't help Trump while he's reeling on the ropes. This should be easy.