Gonna be hilarious when you need healthcare but can’t afford it because you subsistence farm out of a shack since you’re an unemployable pedophile and the rest of us have to foot the cost of your medical billsWhen you say "good healthcare should be free", do you really mean it should be forcibly subsidized
and you're okay with some people threatening the use of guns against those that refuse to comply?
If you don't mean that, how would this "free" part work?
Gonna be hilarious when you need healthcare but can’t afford it because you subsistence farm out of a shack since you’re an unemployable pedophile and the rest of us have to foot the cost of your medical bills
I am very familiar with Obamacare and how it works. The problem is that states were left with too much power under the ACA. They have the ability to deny expanding programs into their states. If you are going to force states to comply, how is that different than going down the path of M4A? You still didn't argue how the ACA will fix the underinsured problem that has actually gotten worse under the ACA.@xmatox
I was gong to go through point by point, but I realized I have 3 pages left still.
Obamacare's goal is to have every American insured. And the way it works is that as people make less, they pay less. It was originally intended so that when people left their jobs, they could have kept their insurance companies. But Republicans have systematically been trying to destroy it since 2010 and it was kept out of Republican states to try to get it to fail.
Fixing these holes to get the rest of the nation covered is actually a possibility, M4A is not.
So am I after saying something like that is a mathematical fact.
How do you get to work... Roads made by the government.
How do you flush your toilet... Sewage system made by the government.
Electricity grid? Government.
on and on. Government has improved our lives in many ways and it is a convenient straw man argument.
And your 'no more loans for education' is incredibly destructive if it ever happened. You would remove the most effective way Americans have to increase their standard of living ever.
32 trillion instead of 35 trillion, not in addition. 35 trillion + 2.5 trillion = 37.5 trillion, no eye, hearing, or dental. No choice of employment without risking coverage, 500K medical bankruptcies/year
So explain why you believe spending 5.5 trillion more than we do now on a healthcare system that provides fewer services at lower quality than our universally covered counterparts is better
What's the plan to reduce the amount of people who use your preferred system who go bankrupt because of medical debt?
I don't actually think anyone will be able to do much better with the Republicans obstructing everything to keep the power in the hands of the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda.I am very familiar with Obamacare and how it works. The problem is that states were left with too much power under the ACA. They have the ability to deny expanding programs into their states. If you are going to force states to comply, how is that different than going down the path of M4A? You still didn't argue how the ACA will fix the underinsured problem that has actually gotten worse under the ACA.
yeah, my old lady is from NC, and its shocking to me as a canadian at the cost of going to the doctor in the states.
The difference between people who support Bernie's bill and those who have read it and quite reasonably don't support his stupid bill is not the same as supporting or opposing nationalized healthcare.My brain is having a hard time understanding how Abandonconflict doesn't understand how basic math works. Instead, he keeps insisting that he would have to pay the current rate of health insurance + the new tax for M4S, which is idiotic and objectively false. It has been said to him almost 10 times throughout the thread.
federalized healthcare....The difference between people who support Bernie's bill and those who have read it and quite reasonably don't support his stupid bill is not the same as supporting or opposing nationalized healthcare.
I do not oppose universal healthcare. I don't even oppose M4A per se. I just oppose the Bernie-Liz plan like most of the country and like most of the lawmakers who supported it until they got an idea of the cost.
Besides that, your conclusion doesn't follow from your premise. Wealthy people opting out would not overburden the system, nor would poor people opting in. The whole point is to get the last 8% of Americans covered so that everyone will have healthcare coverage. Obamacare was literally universal healthcare and would have achieved it had Trump not fucked it.
I'm beginning to think that you support this braindead bullshit for no reason other than your actual opposition to getting the remaining uncovered 27 million Americans covered. That's the most likely reason you oppose Obamacare, which did more to expand healthcare coverage than any other measure in US history.
It doesn't really matter what you want to call it. We haven't settled on what a single payer system looks like right now. Given the current political climate in the US, the most we can do with our healthcare system, offer Medicare as an option for those who are shopping for coverage and subsidize healthcare for those who have such a low income that they can't afford to pay for it.federalized healthcare....
nation means something diffrence
yeah , yeah
we have a social credit model system where natural resource producers pay a royalty that pays for healthcareyeah , yeah
We know you want free stuff. It's not as if you make enough to pay for it so you'll just have to suck it up until the people who will pay for it figure out what they are willing to give you. The phrase that applies to you is -- beggars can't be choosers. So, drone on, dude.
You post is another dishonest one. Nobody stays in the hospital for free. The only difference is, who pays?
OKwe have a social credit model system where natural resource producers pay a royalty that pays for healthcare
works fine
Who thinks this? You didn't make this a direct quote so I assume it is directed to the one who made the thread. That's actually what I am suggesting, to increase taxes in order to expand Medicare to cover the 27 million (approx 8% of US pop) Americans who still lack coverage. It would likely cost upwards of a quarter trillion dollars a year.Why you think it's ok to tax for military, roads, firetrucks and not healthcare?
Nothing is free. If you want income taxes to take two thirds of your pay, vote accordingly.
Universal means everyone has it, whether it be medicare or private insurance.What's the difference between universal healthcare and Medicare for all?
I don't actually think anyone will be able to do much better with the Republicans obstructing everything to keep the power in the hands of the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda.
They will use M4A as a way to scare people into voting for them, it is far easier to sell against something that for it.
The idea of Obamacare was to 'bend' the increasing cost curve and get everyone that needs insurance on it to cover catastrophes and focus the majority of healthcare into the doctors offices and out of the emergency rooms. Saying that the underinsured problem has gotten worse under the ACA is disingenuous. It is like someone bitching that they don't like cake because it is gross, and when someone is baking it, pouring a ton of salt in it when they are out of the room, and using the people disgusted by the outcome as proof that cake is gross. The Republicans have been screwing with it since it became law and 92% of Americans got covered.
How do we get it into the Red States? By voting in Democratic govenors and state congress so that they can bring it to their people. And to do that you cannot scare those red states with someone they will not vote for.