If Trump wins legitimately will you accept the victory?

Republiclans are the ones that started the escalation with the war on drugs starting with Nixon. Paraquat, he hated Hippies because they got the war stopped, and weed was the antiestablishment thumb in their faces. Establishment Rs HATE WEED.

Id vote for 1 million Kamala harris's before Id vote for ANY fucking Republican.
A lot of establishment-loving Cheeto-suckers making weed lovers look (and smell) bad.
No shame - and no sense
Moot point ? Is that what your ancestors told their slaves after they were forced to release them?

False narrative ? Nope. Kamala was a prosecutor, and you would have voted for her if you weren't being held captive in Hockey Puck land. Pathetic.
I get it: you don’t give a shit what happens (as long as it doesn’t happen to you?)...guess you never had a job that required you to do things you wouldn’t have done off the clock. I imagine prosecutor is a shitty job, but maybe it beats breaking legs for a loan shark? Being an enforcer for Mafia Donald?

BIG talk about slavery, too: please submit notarized documentation that you are completely unrelated to anyone who ever owned slave. My ancestors owned slaves...though it was never explicitly acknowledged while I knew their descendants ...makes me less of a person in your eyes? You must pay your employees top dollar!
I get it: you don’t give a shit what happens (as long as it doesn’t happen to you?)...guess you never had a job that required you to do things you wouldn’t have done off the clock. I imagine prosecutor is a shitty job, but maybe it beats breaking legs for a loan shark? Being an enforcer for Mafia Donald?

BIG talk about slavery, too: please submit notarized documentation that you are completely unrelated to anyone who ever owned slave. My ancestors owned slaves...though it was never explicitly acknowledged while I knew their descendants ...makes me less of a person in your eyes? You must pay your employees top dollar!

Was it wrong for Kamala Harris to take stolen money and use the force of the state to harm people who were not harming others ?
Your ancestors owning slaves doesn't usually make you less of a person if you don't own slaves etc..

Voting for people like Kamala who enslaved people and then making excuses for her behavior makes your argument weak. I would not recommend you work for Donald, he might grab your pussy.
Watching Fox News and all we are hearing from the Trump camp “waaaaaaaaa they called Arizona early”, “waaaaaaaa voter fraud” (even though there is zero evidence)

I want to dedicate this song to Trump and all you pussies crying over this race.

BTW Biden is about 3.5 mil up in popular vote as well just to cement this victory.
Nobody is being held captive here Bob, we can go anywhere we want, unlike you. The Covid hoax changed everything and you’re stuck wherever the fuck that is, even if you wore a fear mask.

Do you have to ask permission via magical state approved papers to leave Canada ?

No, I'm not stuck, I could sail to South America tomorrow and never need, ask or give permission...BUT you will need permission from your mommy to leave the yard.
complains about paying taxes, like a good lemming pays his taxes by April 15. good sheeple. obey your gov't.

I did pay gasoline tax today. If I didn't the pimp daddy government may have beaten their store attendant ho if she didn't get daddy his money, isn't that right?
The monkey is pacing in his cage longing to be free in a tree.

Actually I'm listening to music, trimming weed and procrastinating putting the chickens up for the evening. You should see the size of my cock, he's very proud when he stands erect. He kinda looks like this guy

Why is the Trump campaign fighting in Penn? Biden doesn’t even need it to win. What a joke these babies are.

I feel bad for Biden he’s already required to speak to the American people like a president should be doing. I’d be yelling “yo Don I ain’t on the clock yet” :lol: :lol: :lol:
Yikes listening to a defeated sounding trump. Why the sad face Trump?

Trump didn’t even take the time to screen his own speech. He’s reading the entire thing :lol: :lol: