If Trump wins legitimately will you accept the victory?

It is not zero, but they are still counting is what is happening. The voting is done, like someone said earlier, they are just measuring the results. But if Biden gets Georgia (looking really good), its over.
Demographic shifts, but Stacy Abrahams and the ground game created in the wake of cheating her out of the governorship did lead to some change that might have tipped the balance. Poor Vlad, I'll bet he missed Georgia altogether, so did Donald apparently.
Speaking of telling people what to do. Did you vote for Kamala the former drug warrior prosecutor who took money to harm people for victimless crimes?

...and, no, I did not vote for Trump or Biden.

Republiclans are the ones that started the escalation with the war on drugs starting with Nixon. Paraquat, he hated Hippies because they got the war stopped, and weed was the antiestablishment thumb in their faces. Establishment Rs HATE WEED.
jimihendrix was also the Poster Child for the Antiwar Movement.

Then Carter got in, Willie Nelson smoked weed with people on top of the White House, carter wanted to decrim weed.

Reagan got in, started the CAMP thing. Remember CAMP???
Campaign, Against Marijuana Planting??? Remember that one??? In California????
When Reagan took office there were only 20 crimes that came under Federal Guidelines. When He left there were OVER 300. Talk about Small Government??? Hypocrites.

Then lets see, when Bush got in, in 1990, he got all of the Grow Shop Records, and started targeting people buying gear to grow.
This was called????
Operation Green Merchant... They took it to court, and was ruled Unconstitutional.

Alirghty then.

Now we still have Bush using Helicopters, and Infrared, and flying over homes, and trying to detect marijuana grows.

Like Operation Green Merchant, this was ruled Unconstitutional. Illegal Search.

When Clinton got in, with a Republican led House, and Senate, they passed even more strict laws on some things, and even the black leaders supported the bill. But the sentencing for Coke was grossly fucked for blacks. Powder vs Crack.
The Republicans were also going hard against the Ds if they were against the bill, and would label them, weak on crime.

In this aspect, sorry, BOTH were FUCKED, and the Rs hold no high ground.

Alrighty then.

Dont give me shit about people getting prosecuted for weed. I did more time that you would ever want to do. Federal. No Parole. Serve about 87% of sentence.

I got busted in 97 for an indoor grow op.

I gave an older gentleman, my buddies uncle, he was 70, I was 39 then, he owned a really nice 1000+ acre farm in south central Ky. Stanford.
He rented a home in my hometown, and I stayed there, and grew mother plants, grow room, and clones to put on his farm in 6 months.

I had 40 nice 4ft tall mother plants, and had taken 1000+ clones, and gave him 500. He got busted, ratted me out, and they charged me with his 500, and my 500. I got charged with manufacturing all of them.
I pled guilty to a 10-LIFE Mandatory Minimum, and $3-5 MILLION $$$$ Fine, which was waived.

I did from 1997-2009 with the feds.

The Rs in my state of Ky. Ernie Fletcher, early 2000s also took away the right for a NON Violent Felon the right to vote, and our current Guv'nor, Restored my right to vote as one of the first things he did when he got into office. His father had previously restored them when he was leaving office. He/Beshear #1 was Guv'nor from 2012-2016. Matt Bevin, Fucking Republiclan got in, and TOOK AWAY the right to vote again, He got voted out, and this Guv'nor Restored my voting rights dude.

Who the fuck you think Im going to vote for???
A party that wants to take away my right to vote, or a party that restored my voting rights???

You aint that fucking stupid are you?????
Rs dont want nonviolent felons, who have paid their dues to be able to vote dude. Simple as that. Theyve fought it every step of the way in Florida, when the People Overwhelmingly approved it by Voting. Rs are trying to Obfuscate what the voters intended.

So yeah.

Id vote for 1 million Kamala harris's before Id vote for ANY fucking Republican.
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I like Florida. People stick their nose up on it, but I was always comfortable there. I never went to any of the small towns though, maybe that is where the problems are.
Yep, Alabama in the north and central, liberal elites along the expensive coast.
Who the fuck you think Im going to vote for???
A party that wants to take away my right to vote, or a party that restored my voting rights???

So you voted for a drug warrior even after you got boned hard by a drug warrior and then allude to my stupidity ?

You're not really Patty Hearst are you ?
It will be legalized, moot point, but you never had a point except on yer head. Besides it's a false narrative.

Moot point ? Is that what your ancestors told their slaves after they were forced to release them?

False narrative ? Nope. Kamala was a prosecutor, and you would have voted for her if you weren't being held captive in Hockey Puck land. Pathetic.
Moot point ? Is that what your ancestors told their slaves after they were forced to release them?

False narrative ? Nope. Kamala was a prosecutor, and you would have voted for her if you weren't being held captive in Hockey Puck land. Pathetic.
Nobody is being held captive here Bob, we can go anywhere we want, unlike you. The Covid hoax changed everything and you’re stuck wherever the fuck that is, even if you wore a fear mask.