If Trump wins legitimately will you accept the victory?

guns are an investment that can be used every day and still quickly turned into cash if needed. and protect you and you're loved ones from harm. kind of a win/win/win as i see it...
They are tools. Used for food as raised here. And termination of threats to home and property. I'm eating suburban delicacies when it hits the fan. And feeding OOO copper balls and tungsten serrated discs to threats. Just dust collectors until needed. Gun ownership is a survival need. Not a male statement. 001.jpg
if they sweetened the deal with a hand ful of pickled possum dong, yes sir! sold!!
Just saying. They have a place. And the world we enjoy could change tomorrow. Those that honestly know sustenance hunting, fishing and gathering will be okay. The gun boasting un aware modern folks will be a threat to all. Hate to think about it. Ignorant s killing actual gatherers to steal a meal because a gun makes them dumb. The old people kill thing. Dreading tomorrow night.