If Trump wins legitimately will you accept the victory?

i've got enough gas to run my gennie for weeks. you don't?
Dunno if you can have a Canadian bank account in the states, but if the banking system went tits up in the states, ours would not, dunno if interac would work south of the border though, but you could get your cash with online banking and wire transfers etc.
a dude that i used to see at work had some really quick tesla sedan. he had some mods done to it or something he claimed. he let me take it down a road next to work: that m'fer is quick, real quick.
Wife's former bosses burnt up in the company lot. Never got an explanation. Batteries are more dangerous than liquid fuels. RC over tweeker from long ago.
Because we allow it. Waived at the fully battle dressed bunghole boys marching across from my city hall building dropping mail in today. Refute their point. Respect their rights.
good luck with a 3rd party. it will never work here. it will take something very special to find and vote in a middle of the road party
bingo. i hate to admit it but if i see that shit coming, i'll be poaching everything and anything and putting it in the freezer.
I'm set
I have my PSE bow/.270 Winchester/12 gauge Ithaca/.357 Israeli Arms carbine & my favorite. a .36 cap & ball Navy Colt :)
I am surrounded by deer & Trump supporters.
One way or the other, I will fucking survive :)
Fuck Trump & the Proud Boys, not all Liberals are cunts as they suppose
Yes, but they are very pricy and i like the Tesla charging network.
I see Volkswagen is moving forward with solid state lithium ion batteries within a couple of years, they sound serious and claim breakthroughs, from what I've read it sounds promising, provided the electrolyte doesn't crack! These things charge fast, have twice the energy density or more than regular Lions, with way more charge cycles and no fire hazard.

I'm kinda into electric propulsion, on a smaller scale, performance is everything, if only for a short time, but some folks like long range too.
I'm set
I have my PSE bow/.270 Winchester/12 gauge Ithaca/.357 Israeli Arms carbine & my favorite. a .38 cap & ball Navy Colt :)
I am surrounded by deer & Trump supporters.
One way or the other, I will fucking survive :)
Fuck Trump & the Proud Boys, not all Liberals are cunts as they suppose
we aren't cunts and we can afford better firearms than those welfare bitches.

i thought about buying a few huge bags of salt to preserve meat if the shit got really bad. hard to find so far.
Most of them have no mortgage and guns are their hobby. Me personally I like a more green hobby, but to each their own I guess...
Many of us have paid our mortgages off or are close to finishing the last ones. And guns are green when used properly and as a management tool for natural wildlife health and sustainability. Read up on why we hunt animals still and the devastation your beef does to our planet.