If Trump wins legitimately will you accept the victory?

I have an active e mail from 13 years ago. Never use it. Open on occasion. How many messages does a server store? My counter is ----. Just one of those med induced ponderances. Just messing. Thanks and laugh. Times are tough.
Oh shit I had to sit down one day and delete delete delete for an hr to clean out my email.
Stupid election emails and text are pissing me off.
For what? Don't get the logic. I use a single shot 410 at home. The wife has semi 12 if I fall. One shot is all you need. Need more than a gun if not. Think about that. Every round is destruction waiting to happen. Do you want or need that or the conscience?

Mostly for plinking and moles but I've taken plenty of squirrels and rabbits with it. My small game rifle is in 22wmr also and it holds more than one round as well. Perhaps one shot is all you need but I'm a big guy and 2 little squirrel legs isn't much, obviously ymmv.

I thought about that like you suggested and am wondering why you are suggesting such to me that you obviously dont for your wife. Apologies if "semi 12" referenced other than semi automatic 12 guage shot gun.

Anyhoo I will for sure think about the destruction waiting to happen after I reload all my nato brass this weekend. It's hard not to think about each round even on a progressive press but thanks for the reminder.
Mostly for plinking and moles but I've taken plenty of squirrels and rabbits with it. My small game rifle is in 22wmr also and it holds more than one round as well. Perhaps one shot is all you need but I'm a big guy and 2 little squirrel legs isn't much, obviously ymmv.

I thought about that like you suggested and am wondering why you are suggesting such to me that you obviously dont for your wife. Apologies if "semi 12" referenced other than semi automatic 12 guage shot gun.

Anyhoo I will for sure think about the destruction waiting to happen after I reload all my nato brass this weekend. It's hard not to think about each round even on a progressive press but thanks for the reminder.
LMAO. My wife can't shoot a daisy red ryder bb gun. I'll chamber the first one for her. She's throwing rock salt the first two. Then 5 BB OO buck customs. No gun skills. Hope we never find out. I like peace.

And was pointing out that each round is a world altering nightmare if not respected. Peace, health and safety always.
LMAO. My wife can't shoot a daisy red ryder bb gun. I'll chamber the first one for her. She's throwing rock salt the first two. Then 5 BB OO buck customs. No gun skills. Hope we never find out. I like peace.

And was pointing out that each round is a world altering nightmare if not respected. Peace, health and safety always.

Ah 10-4. Best safety is between your ears lol. Peace dude, thanks for the pic and the dialogue.
Ah 10-4. Best safety is between your ears lol. Peace dude, thanks for the pic and the dialogue.
Picture the mess in your living room after a chimpanzee ran rampant unloading a semi auto 12 GA. Deadly but funny. I hate remodeling and the price for the mess. SAFETY.
LMAO. My wife can't shoot a daisy red ryder bb gun. I'll chamber the first one for her. She's throwing rock salt the first two. Then 5 BB OO buck customs. No gun skills. Hope we never find out. I like peace.

And was pointing out that each round is a world altering nightmare if not respected. Peace, health and safety always.
My wife is someone who should even TOUCH a firearm, loaded or not: she has neither the emotional maturity nor the personal self-control necessary to handle firearms safely. Bizarrely, she’s become obsessed with learning to shoot. Wil not teach her. I know her too well. My arms are under lock and key, away from the household; not convenient, for sure, but I simply don’t trust her to have a weapon near to hand...I *can’t* trust her with one. She’s a loaded gun all by herself.
My wife is someone who should even TOUCH a firearm, loaded or not: she has neither the emotional maturity nor the personal self-control necessary to handle firearms safely. Bizarrely, she’s become obsessed with learning to shoot. Wil not teach her. I know her too well. My arms are under lock and key, away from the household; not convenient, for sure, but I simply don’t trust her to have a weapon near to hand...I *can’t* trust her with one. She’s a loaded gun all by herself.
I am glad mine is not interested. Just life where and how we grew up. Forget they are here. But you are right. Not a toy. Do air rifles. My sister was state ranked. Same one who knocked a chambered SKS over in the deer camp trailer with a Hellfire trigger mod on it. Tough call on second thought. Hmm.
What can I say, she’s an autistic 12-year-old in a 50-year-old’s body...and utterly no sense of reality, much less judgment...my daughter, OTOH, is the exact opposite - and an excellent shot (no relation at all to my wife)