If Trump wins legitimately will you accept the victory?

Say in the small chance that Trump wins, how die hard are you as an American that if Trump wins, you'll admit that the American political system is working properly?

Or fuck that and protest that the system is shit and needs to be fixed?
I say he shouldn't make it to the election... he should be evicted by the US Military, and then picked up by Fed's at the front gate on the way out.

Where you goin Sir? NOWHERE! lol
No, it won't
We're double/triple/quadruple fucked between COVID-19/Trumptards/unemployment/homelessness & poverty.
This clip comes too my mind when I think about Trump & the state of affairs in America today.

Glass half-full, Covid will be gone starting Nov 4th...

I have been hanging one a week from a freeway overpass up in redhat country for the last couple of months. I have saved one for after the election. There's gonna be a bunch of butthurt redhat snowflakes on wed and I want them to feel the will of the people....

I feel like that might put a target on you. If Trump loses, I'm sure he will tell his follows to enact violence. He has done it before.

'If Joe Biden wins, the conservative voters go home and lick their wounds, Trumpvoters will say: See voting was pointless'. 'If Trump wins there is a threath of lawlessness [riots].' - Ayaan Hirshi Ali, research fellow at Hoover Institute,

She’s is usually right.

Trump voters have little to lose when Biden wins, they too get a better president and country.
Sane people, however, have everything to lose if, hypothetically, Trump would win.
If Trump is reelected by the American people, my Dream that the USA is/was founded with a moral ideal that we are a humane/caring/compassionate Society is fucking over.
My father/mother came here in 1940 from Ireland, following their siblings & millions of other Irishmen/women thinking that they would find happiness & security in this supposed Land of Liberty (total bullshit)
I have duel citizenship with Ireland & if it was at all possible economically (it isn't) I would be on the next fucking flight out of here.
Fuck this shit
Wish I had dual citizenship with Ireland! I'm only part Irish but would rather live there at the moment.