If Trump wins legitimately will you accept the victory?

Thats the best part, thanks for pointing it out.
its uptown minneapolis, i live a few blocks from lake calhoun, avg homeprice on my block is $500k

My fear is what i thought(perhaps unfairly or wrongly) was an uninformed individual acting on bs info.

if you are informed, then explain why the popular vote would be better in light of the cons to the method

Here is a good discussion on that.

Don't give a shit who wins, hope everyone can be civil afterwards no matter the outcome. Tired of the politicians trying to divide the citizens in order to get votes. All I wanna do is sit in my house in the woods and grow weed. I'd rather not everyone I know be brainwashed one direction or the other treating neighbors, friends and family like enemies because of some fucking douche bags who once in office will try to fuck ya no matter which side they are on.

I quit paying for cable a few years ago and it was the best thing I could've done. I don't get all the brainwashing making me think the world is about to end any minute. I don't scroll facebook at all, only shop marketplace and my IG is 99% weed accounts. Im already an anxious person I don't need to be spoon fed anxiety causing propaganda. But I hate to see what it's doing to people, you have people on both sides who are very fine people thinking the world is gonna end, when in all actuality whoever wins is just there to line their pockets for as long as they can, meanwhile neighbors and friends are turning on each other over something that is not near as interesting or dramatic or life altering as they are being told.

fixed it for you trumper..and in case you decide to take that red hat off..?

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1$ ? you f'en groveling cuck, Putin pays him more than that per second. You were in the fapping gallery in Helsinki when the impeached slob felched putin.
Ummmm, you said salary. Words actually mean something

Obama and biden made serious money post terms in office. Thats verifiable. Slinging a huge nothing burger about putin paying trump is just silly

im starting to see this site is loaded with 20yr olds. Ill go back to the growing forums. An educated civil discussion would be great, but i know thats a lot to ask
My fear is what i thought(perhaps unfairly or wrongly) was an uninformed individual acting on bs info.

if you are informed, then explain why the popular vote would be better in light of the cons to the method
Because the popular vote means every vote counts the same.....as it is now rednecks living in flyover states have more weight than voters who live in California.....lets even the playing field....
3 things ur not suppose to talk about : money, politics, and religion. You bring any of the 3 into conversation ur bound to end up in a argument along the way!
Ummmm, you said salary. Words actually mean something

Obama and biden made serious money post terms in office. Thats verifiable. Slinging a huge nothing burger about putin paying trump is just silly

im starting to see this site is loaded with 20yr olds. Ill go back to the growing forums. An educated civil discussion would be great, but i know thats a lot to ask

so after someone leaves a job they are no longer allowed to make money?..what world are you in?

you're pissed because they're popular and we're going to hand you your ass today.
My fear is what i thought(perhaps unfairly or wrongly) was an uninformed individual acting on bs info.

if you are informed, then explain why the popular vote would be better in light of the cons to the method
The position is titled "President of the United States".

The "President of the United States" and not "the President of mostly small states"

All we need to do is look at the disaster we've had in the last two of three presidents won office with a minority of the voter. One started an unnecessary war and led us into the worst recession since the Great Depression. The other ballooned the national debt, bungled the response to the coronavirus (He simply wasn't competent to lead us through that) and has probably put is into a recession that is worse than the one George W created.

Not to mention civil unrest due to fascist police and Trump's support for that.

The crap your kind say about how the EC somehow gives smaller states more influence is bunk. You are not informed if you think that. All it does is make it possible for a minority of people to vote in an unrepresentative government.
+ The electoral system creates a system that can be manipulated.
The popular vote is always the will of the majority, like it or not.

similar to the Senate if filled with presidential cronies- a few things are going to need to change because the framers couldn't imagine the psycho we were stuck with..the 25th? fvcking give me a break..as useless as tits on a bull.
The main problem I have with the popular vote, is it would cause politicians running for POTUS to focus on a handful of the biggest cities being able to ignore all the people in rural areas.
The main problem I have with the popular vote, is it would cause politicians running for POTUS to focus on a handful of the biggest cities being able to ignore all the people in rural areas.
as it is now voters in rural areas receive undue attention and people in more populated areas get ignored....