If Trump wins legitimately will you accept the victory?

At this point, there’s no question of him “winning”: he simply can’t. He has failed to establish grounds for ANY action against any part of the election, so he doesn’t even get into the Supreme Court with it: every single court he’s presented his rants to, has dismissed the matter as having no foundation in fact. Appellate courts have dismissed his filings; pressing SCOTUS to throw out the election and declare him the winner is not with the courts power.

All he can do is exactly what he IS doing, which is attacking the election and the electoral process. It will only work if it whips enough of the brainwashed into attempting an armed revolt - and that revolt succeeds against 2/3 of the US population and the US military. The hard-core of his supporters have been polishing their “Confederate patriot hero” armor for a very long time; many are eager, but also disturbed, have feelings of alienation & problems getting along with others, problems with authority, problems expressing themselves, problems feeling secure, difficulty reading....

This is ultimately the outcome of the racist response to school desegregation: the end of teaching civics to children in school. I understood the Constitution, the Declaration, the parts of our government and how they are supposed to interact to do the nation’s business, how senators, governors, representatives and presidents are elected, how our system of self-government via popularly-elected representatives works, how our courts and law enforcement are supposed to work. We knew our responsibilities and duties as citizens, and we all cheerfully took part in civic activities.

It was part of what made Americans different from others, we believed: our liberties, our freedom, our self-government are ours because we had a government and principles we could believe in.

Unfortunately, there were black children who learned little in black schools, and certainly nothing about the way the government was supposed to operate. “Separate but equal” was a lie. My first year in high school, I learned the intricate ways that my state had arranged to maintain control of state and local politics, and to disadvantage everyone pressed into the de facto service class. Seriously, Social Studies spent AN ENTIRE YEAR on that alone. Integrating schools with black students - having only ONE school system, rather than maintaining both real and fake education - meant dumping civics, and encouraging parents and church to take up civics for the right kids, defunding schools, and encouraging state-sponsorship of religious schools for those “right” white kids.

A lot of white kids got trapped in the deteriorating public schools along with blacks, latinx, and others; many of them lost what race blinders they’d worn before, but many of them strapped those blinkers on good and tight - got Daddy & Grampa to fix them for him.

We’ve spent the last four years wallowing in our national return to Jim Crow’s asshole, and much of the last year sitting in our rooms, thinking about our mistakes. Trump’s refusal to do the same - to learn, to reflect, to recognize - has put the very survival of the nation on the line, and he’s throwing everything he can think of.

We need one hell of a goalie....
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I had a bad dream the other night. On electoral night the states of Arizona, Georgia and Michigan all gave their electoral votes to trump. Handing him the win. It was just a dream but it scared me :eyesmoke:
Hahah you sound like MLK. That dream is gonna be a very nice eyeopener here soon!
When Joe in inaugurated there will be quite a few good old boys on the terrorist watch list and they will take their guns and put them on a no fly list, take the bus Cletus. If you're a member of a militia or even visit their website and one of the wing nuts does something, good by gun and if you're caught with one, the fines will cost you your house and improve the neighborhood.
I'll see you Jan 6th :blsmoke::blsmoke::blsmoke::blsmoke::peace:
What is that when you are going to log your ass back in to talk shit about how Dear Leader is so awesome and far right gun nut shit?

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Says the keyboard warrior lol
We in Trump land call that the Kenosha Hat Trick ;);)
Says the tough guy who ironically(?) logs into a website to talk all tough.

Your cult leader is a chump that shits himself.