If you have ever ___ ____ _______ __ you might be a pot farmer!


Well-Known Member
if you've ever layered your garbage so that the trimmings are the least accessible and then waited until you heard the truck coming...


Active Member
Reminds me of the Autistic reporter...
OK I know I have had a couple of drinks already, and I am currently smoking a bowl of some really top shelf shit (which I grew for myself), but this is like totally, I don't know what!


Well-Known Member
If you have to sleep with windows and doors open at night to try and not cook in your house you might be a pot farmer.


Active Member
If your second move in the morning, just after making the coffee, is to check your journal for new post, you might be a pot farmer.


Active Member
If you let your pets hang out in your garden when the lights are on, so the plants can get more C02, you might be a smart pot farmer.


Active Member
If you grow marijuana in a closet, bathroom, bedroom, garage, attic, basement, forest, barn, tent, yard, warehouse, or industrial sized installation, you are definitely a pot farmer!


Active Member
If you are sitting there right now saying to yourself, damn, I wish I could come up with a good one which hasn't been used, you might be a stoned pot farmer!