If you have ever ___ ____ _______ __ you might be a pot farmer!

If this fucking douchebag keeps showing up ininvited.....

Lol, I kept running into him and his bodyguard at the cannabis cup... He's a lingerer man...

If you have paranoia issues....you might be a pot farmer
Pot-Farm-Promo-Shot.png If you are a stupid 19 year old with "biker connections" and 400 Facebook friends who lives with mummy and daddy and who's "3 pound" plant was confiscated by the police mid flower and who runs away over a $30 debt and sits at home playing this game, you might not be much of anything.
That he needs a bodyguard, tells all you need to know. I'd like to knock his teeth loose
At one point shotwell almost screwed up my dab with some stupid ball he was hitting in the air, and I told his bodyguard "hey man, don't be fucking up my dab" to which he kinda glared at me... Lol

if you disguise your front yard as shitty landscaping and gardening to throw off cops and suspects....
View attachment 2745381 If you are a stupid 19 year old with "biker connections" and 400 Facebook friends who lives with mummy and daddy and who's "3 pound" plant was confiscated by the police mid flower and who runs away over a $30 debt and sits at home playing this game, you might not be much of anything.

You will have to be more specific, considering the odds!

if you go into dispensaries just to critique their flowers and never buy anything....
If you've been trimming for three days straight and look in at all the remaining untrimmed branches and think "fuck it, I'll make hash". You might be a pot grower.

If you've ever had an escaped police dog bust into your house (then destroy your grow room)...
When your wife has to ask everyday, "You didn't buy more ceeds today did you?".....You might be a pot farmer.
If you have a certain room that your family members have never been in FOR SOME RIDICULOUS "reason"....You may be.....
Who is he? If you spend more on soil in a month than you do on food then you might be a pot farmer
He was a dispensary owner in Cali that got popped by the Feds, then he went on to try and start up again by sleezing into the triangle by trying to hook up while still being investigated if I'm not mistaken.... Weed country is the show look it up

Woops.... If you have had sticky traps full of gnats stuck in your hair.....
shotwell is a fucking shitbag, one of the first things I noticed when his dispensary was raided and he was talking about it on the show was "they took everything, about 100k of merchandise on consignment from the growers" i wonder how many of those growers were paid back. fucking scum

on top of that I find his attitude downright fucking retarded and hope he enjoys federal prison cause he's well on his way
If ur willing to loose ur job to steal a 480 watt t5 that's used to light up a warehouse ur probably a pot farmer.PS this things the shit!
If you've ever turned down sex because you needed to repot or burp jars...

If a friend asks you to help them move and you really are going to be busy (with your plants), but you can't tell them what you are doing and hope they don't ask because then you'll have to make up something better than just tending to my garden... might be a pot grower.