If you have ever ___ ____ _______ __ you might be a pot farmer!

if you have company over and they ask what air freshener you use and you don't want to tell them its Ona.
If you have six "5" gallon water jugs, but not one of them is for drinking.....

If the people at the store say "god damn this guy drinks a lot of water, twice a week? That's 60 gallons of water!"
If ur garden is fenced protected by dogs surrounded by booby traps and u make it a habit to go outside in the months of September and october every 20 min to shoot 1 warning shot into the air just in case. ur probably A pot farmer.
Holly Myjelehosis cannabineer you have 33787 post??????

If your name here is cannabineer........you might be a pot head, farmer, person, Jesusaholydangelberry I'm stoneded again
Holly Myjelehosis cannabineer you have 33787 post??????

If your name here is cannabineer........you might be a pot head, farmer, person, Jesusaholydangelberry I'm stoneded again

I am Lesion. ;) cn

Come on you guys and chicks!!!

I started this thread only twenty and a half hours ago and it already has 96 post and 800 views. lets see how many we can get in 24 hours.

If you switch from one electric co to another and always use their "flex plan" you might be a pot farmer.
If you have ever woke up in the morning, and found little pieces of pot leaves stuck to the bottom of your socks, you might be a pot farmer.

if a random person notices the pot trimmings stuck before you do and says something while your shopping
I am Lesion. ;) cn


A cleaver mis-quot from the bible. When Christ cast the demons from the heard of swine, he ask their name. They replied our name is legion because we are many. A roman legion consisted of 7000 soldiers. These are the seven thousand demons who left their first place place of habatation, as is discussed in the book of Jude, and came down and cohabitated with the daughters of men as described in the sixth chapter of Genesis. The hybred offspring were giants.

Just for your inquisitive minds reading enjoyment.