If you have ever ___ ____ _______ __ you might be a pot farmer!

If you find yourself walking around outside checking for light leaks, fan noise and smell. CONSTANTLY...You might be a pot farmer. (guerilla growers)

not trying to troll but do you know what a guerilla grow is? because fans and lights are not involved

if you have ever thought you found the perfect guerilla spot and then realized somebody else was already growing there you might be a grower
not trying to troll but do you know what a guerilla grow is? because fans and lights are not involved

if you have ever thought you found the perfect guerilla spot and then realized somebody else was already growing there you might be a grower
was wondering the same thing lmao

if you dont ever let anyone over to your house you might be a grower
Hanks cracking me up

if you said fuck it and started smoking only hash, because flowers taste like ciggerettes now....
Man this thread really took off!!!

If you have ever rubbed your eyes and said...Shit they should make pepper spray out of this stuff, you might be a pot farmer.
If you have a few pounds in mason jars, a few pounds of cannabutter, an ounce of keif, and a giant garbage sack of leaves that have needed to be dry iced for over a month....