If you have ever ___ ____ _______ __ you might be a pot farmer!

if ya gal blanks u out wen talkin bout weed u myt be a ......

Me: Babe I just got this crazy cross of chem x uzbeki hashplant x blackberry kush... I'm thinking it's gonna be a nice yielder with a potent stone. Remember when I ran the chem x sour diesel? Man that was some FUNK right there! But damn, you know me, I'm a sucker for anything with chem genetics!

Her: mmmmhmmm............Wait who the fuck is KIM and do I need to kick her ass?

If you have ever taken one hit off a joint of regular pot and said O shit...I'll never smoke that shit again, you might be a pot farmer.
If you can remember what a drag it was to search for weed, but know you will never need to do that again, you might be a pot farmer.
If your entire outside vegetable garden dies every year, but your inside pot forest looks great in January, you might be a hydro pot farmer.
If the AC is on in your grow room while the rest of the house is sweltering because you want to save on electric you might be a poor pot farmer.
If you carry fishing tackle into the woods every time even though their is no apparent place to fish, you might be a gorilla pot farmer.
If you have ever been talking about your "babies" and a bystander says "hey dude, your not married and I know you don't have any children" you might be a quick thinking pot farmer.
If you successfully grow and harvest marijuana on a regular basis, you might be a pot farmer. ........Damn.....I'm bad at this game.
if you buy your car because: man look how big that trunk is! if you buy 12 pairs of sissors in 1 week. if you ask the bank if they have any realy big safety deposit boxs? if you go on vacation from november to march every year you might be a pot grower?
If this is hanging out of your balcony.
