awe you think ask Iran where there getting there uranium from ??? made in usa mined from Russia from USA sold to Iran lol enough said

Ryk just for you brother

The claim has particular political salience at the moment because of an investigative piece published byThe New York Timeson Thursday that showed the Clinton Foundation, run by former President Bill Clinton and current presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, hadaccepted millions of dollars from foreign donors, including some in Russia, who were seeking the government’s approval of a deal that would transfer the rights to about 20 percent of U.S. uranium mines to a Russian-held company.

Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State at the time, and her department, as well as a number of other U.S. agencies, approved the deal. Multiple approvals were required because uranium is considered an asset with national security importance

Under the deal, Russian firm Rosatom took control of a Canadian company called Uranium One. This gave Rosatom control of uranium production facilities across the globe, including about one-fifth of the capacity in the United States.

Inan interview with Fox Newshost Greta Van Susteren, Barrasso said that he opposed the sale back in 2010, when it was first contemplated. And said, “Now you have [Russian President] Vladimir Putin owning 20 percent of American uranium – controlling that. And we know that Russia sends uranium to people who are not our friends, to our bitter enemies, including Iran.”

Related: EU Dials Back Gazprom Investigation, but Still Riles Kremlin

At the time, Barrasso said, he was assured by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission that the Uranium would not leave the U.S.

In fact, we do know that uranium has left the United States, has gone overseas, and under the direction of Vladimir Putin.

Because of the importance of uranium to both national security and energy generation, uranium exports are tightly controlled. On Thursday, though, Barrasso claimed that that Rosatom is moving it out of the country without permission.

Van Susteren asked if the Nuclear Regulatory commission had granted an export license, and Barrasso said that it had not – he had asked the NRC to alert him if a license request was submitted.

So retard i am Solo ):

NO doubt!

She's become a very popular celebrity with latina telenovella fans. Trumps behavior towards her has turned that crowd against him. Especially in Florida, this was a shrewd move.

Remember Trump's "nasty woman" quip, as if women always should be nice even when men aren't? Who says women have to be nice? Clinton's move to revisit Trump's "Miss Piggy" faux pas is downright cut throat, smart, mean and exactly the kind of action she needs to take to win FLA.
yes correct, i remember! Sometimes I wish Hill was more fired up like EW gets!!
yes correct, i remember! Sometimes I wish Hill was more fired up like EW gets!!

Loved it. Warren is a great speaker especially when Trump practically writes the speech for her.

"I've got news for you Mr Trump. Women have had it with guys like you. And Nasty Women have really had it with guys like you." "and Nasty Women Vote!"

Hit him again, Warren!

What's Trump's response?



6 more days
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@Dr.Amber Trichome - You should post in these sections more often, get out of the "art cave" now and again...

View attachment 3821051
Ok, I do follow along quite regularly and it is fun and sometimes inspiring. I was thinking about adding Hillary's H on a necklace
around my drummer neck.
I love this one so called Trump scandal vs how many Hillary scandals sure one or two of hers must be true so keep thinking the only one trump scandal is true

So, you like and trust the atlantic magazine? Good. Because I'll see your one trump scandal are raise you 20. The difference between Trump's scandals and those about Clinton is that Trump's are factual and verified. Clinton's are innuendo and by and large proven false.


Here is a short list:

"grab em by the pussy" scandals, sexual assault scandals, beauty pagent scandals, racial housing discrimination scandals, mafia ties scandals, trump university scandals, tenant intimidation scandals, the four bankruptcy scandals, undocumented polish workers scandals, marital rape scandals, violation of casino rules scandals, anti trust violations scandals, condominium hotel fraud scandals, campaign staff assault on reporter scandals, phoney libel lawsuit scandals, stiffing contractors and workers pay scandals, mis-use of campaign funds to buy his own books scandals, undocumented models scandals, trump foundation scandals, violating commerce laws with cuba scandals
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So, you like and trust the atlantic magazine? Good. Because I'll see your one trump scandal are raise you 20. The difference between Trump's scandals and those about Clinton is that Trump's are factual and verified. Clinton's are innuendo and by and large proven false.


Here is a short list:

"grab em by the pussy" scandals, sexual assault scandals, beauty pagent scandals, racial housing discrimination scandals, mafia ties scandals, trump university scandals, tenant intimidation scandals, the four bankruptcy scandals, undocumented polish workers scandals, marital rape scandals, violation of casino rules scandals, anti trust violations scandals, condominium hotel fraud scandals, campaign staff assault on reporter scandals, phoney libel lawsuit scandals, stiffing contractors and workers pay scandals, mis-use of campaign funds to buy his own books scandals, undocumented models scandals, trump foundation scandals, violating commerce laws with cuba scandals

No, I think he's right. The Chump only has one scandal;
