I'm force flowering outdoors - anyone else?

Papi Chingon

Well-Known Member
Ok, so I'm force flowering in an outside environment for my first time and man what a pain in the ass. I have some potted plants that I move inside every evening to force 12/12 and then return them outdoors later on in the night - every night. Man this is a pain in the ass (did I already say that?)! Anyways, how many people are doing this right now? I guess this wouldn't be that big of a deal if the timing was different and my pots and plants were smaller, but whatevs. Here's some pics of what I'm force flowering.

1. Big Bang
2. Ice (largest of the group)
3. Medibud
4. THC Bomb (bushiest)



Active Member
If ur gonna bring them inside leave them inside to make sure they get 12 hrs of perfect darkness too. U dont wanna fuck up the photosynthesis.

Papi Chingon

Well-Known Member
If ur gonna bring them inside leave them inside to make sure they get 12 hrs of perfect darkness too. U dont wanna fuck up the photosynthesis.

please explain what you mean, i don't understand. btw, there is no fucking way i'm waking up at 5am to put these muthas outside every morning!!!


Well-Known Member
heh ive seen your big ladies in the monster grow comp thread.. you could invest in a hps light and flower them indoors?
or make a really big tent frame that u can just throw a tarp over every 12 hours.. just make sure you time it with the sun and all


Well-Known Member
Wish I could do that. I have a question for you though since you are growing outside your door: Have you considered trying a large bubble bucket or hempy bucket grow? Hydroponics + natural sun seems like it would produce some amazing growth. I've always wanted to try but can't take the chance of home growing here.

Papi Chingon

Well-Known Member
heh ive seen your big ladies in the monster grow comp thread.. you could invest in a hps light and flower them indoors?
or make a really big tent frame that u can just throw a tarp over every 12 hours.. just make sure you time it with the sun and all

the summer is just too hot for indoor, and i don't want to deal with buying an AC unit due to the cost of both the unit and electric bill. as far as a tarp goes, that's pretty much the same thing that i'm doing, just that instead of a tarp i'm bringing them inside.

Papi Chingon

Well-Known Member
Wish I could do that. I have a question for you though since you are growing outside your door: Have you considered trying a large bubble bucket or hempy bucket grow? Hydroponics + natural sun seems like it would produce some amazing growth. I've always wanted to try but can't take the chance of home growing here.

no, i haven't considered those options since this one is just simple/stupid.


Well-Known Member
see but with the tarp you only hafta pull off a sheet rather than lugging thoose big girls in and out of your house every day lol

Papi Chingon

Well-Known Member
and then you have a moisture problem as well as the possibility of light leaks. we can agree to disagree though, that's what this forum is for and i appreciate the ideas.


Well-Known Member

we are doin it all summer and even had some we carried in since April. now, outside, there are some in black plastic and duct tape at night and flowering fine.

it is possible but a pain unless you rig it..


Well-Known Member
heh ya i was just telling you how i would do it those big pots filled with soil and a big plant look heavy atleast youll get sum good exercise


Well-Known Member
um ii wouldve waited the couple months itll only take a couple times u being high as fuck and timing being off to stress the plants in2 hermie'n or small harvest due to stress shit hookin upp a cfl tent would prob save you stress and time shit you cant even spend a weekend out thats a full time job yo


idk about fixing the problem of having to do it. it is a lot of work for you and time requiring which sucks but hopefully it will pay off. i do have one idea though. Is there anyway you can use wheels to move them? idk your house so idk if your would be able to roll them in and out of your house, but if its possible to roll them in and out then i believe putting them on wheels would solve the back breaking work of carrying them. By putting them on wheels i obviously mean a a piece of wood with 4 wheels that will hold all the plants or a separate one for each. Either way, if its possible i think it would be worth doing since they are just going to get heavier as they bud.

Papi Chingon

Well-Known Member
i dont really care about how much they weigh, it's just a matter of having to do it at the same time every single day, since it has already made me skip out on appointments early and whatnot. the weight is a non-issue because these aren't 30 gallon pots.