I'm going to be hated for this, But Bush a Good President

Indeed, Congress (along with Bush) did pass a lot of stuff. But for six of the last eight years, it was a Republican Congress. The last two years, anytime Congress has tried to accomplish much of anything, Bush has broken out the veto stick, or threatened to use it. Since Democrats don't have a veto-proof majority, as long as Bush is in office he can veto away and make it almost impossible for Congress to pass anything that he doesn't like.

Come November, that will change. Then Congress and the Oval Office will be on the same page, and finally, we can get some stuff done. Personally, I'd start with the new GI Bill for our soldiers, that both Bush and the Republican Party are against. As a former soldier myself, I firmly believe that after forcing our military to fight for six or seven years in an unnecessary conflict (that is, Iraq), they deserve the same benefits we gave our soldiers after World War II. Christ, what's happened to the Republican Party? They used to be for fiscal restraint and for our troops. Now they stand for neither, which leaves them standing for nothing other than rich people and big business.
"I'd start with the new GI Bill for our soldiers"

Bush unwilling signed the bill last month for the new gi bill, mccain was aganist it, go figure
Now you are just making things up.amendments dont change what is behind the constituition. Amendments actually change or amend "the" constitution. Thats why you have to make an amendment to change an amendment..

I think you are missing the meaning of the word amend somewhere.

never said the war is not illegal. I actually think it may be, but i am now looking for reasons why it might not be, like us never signing any paperwork with irag after the first gulf war, making it possible that we are just carrying on the same war.

Dont be an ass, i am not the only one telling you you dont know shit, just one of many.

Once again you are off base with your childish comments. You're inability to grasp ideas is mind boggling. It's laughable how you try to change what I say in order to further you're agenda, especially when others can see my posts in print. I guess if you say it enough it becomes true.

Maybe I missed the amendments that change the constitution, lol.
Pakistan will not tolerate any U.S incursion. We asked already. They turned us down.

Actually Mr Georgia Peach you are partially correct. We were there early on using Pakistani military bases when we originally kinda sorta went into Afganistan. Once we got rid of the taliban in government, left Pakistan and established themselves in Kabul, Pakistan has limited the US in cross border military involvement. We haven't been invited in, military wise, except the CIA and some advisors.
Uhh, Packistan has Nukes and some really nasty Mullahs that preach Death to America. While I can see their reasoning, being as I live in America, I surely wish we handle Packistan with Kid gloves. I wouldn't take kindly to a suitcase nuke in downtown Vegas, and I know the Mullahs consider Vegas to be like Sodom and Gomohra, and wouldn't hesitate for a minute to blow us up if they could.
These are two really informative documentaries. Money Masters is a little dry (and was done in the 80's/early 90's) but you will be fascinated by the evolution of money systems, up to how ours are run now. As well as some rarely heard quotes from America's founding fathers

It's funny, I was talking to my mother's friend (who just retired as vice president of a major investment firm)and she was SHOCKED to find out that the Fed is PRIVATELY OWNED! Then she looked it up, and well, what could she say? kiss-ass

Esoteric Agenda just came out and is directed mainly at Americans but is of interest to most everyone (Western Europe should be familiar with a few subjects as they have already fought to removed them from their lives). It covers alot which is great so you can research everything independently. NEVER listen to someone, or some book, or whatever blindly, no mater what the source. Budda said something to that effect, I believe...Einstein too. ;-)


Do you have any idea how much oil is burned (i.e. wasted) EVERYDAY in the world?

Oil is kind like 'colorless' diamonds...There's too much, so supply must be suppressed.

And to those who think Obama is bringing "change", ask your self why the US is building a base is Iraq that is THE SIZE OF VATICAN CITY? Hmmmmm...

ok, i've read most? of the comments on this thread and here's my 2 cents:
i voted for bush because i knew him as the governor of texas and he did fairly well w/ that (i like to vote for a president who's been a governor of a state ie; clinton, bush, governors imho know more about budgeting, he's like his own pres. of a state) sorry got side tracked, so i voted for bush the first time, second time around i wasn't to sure about voting for him again. see i have a son who in the us army and he has been deployed 3 times and has spent over 4 yrs in that armpit of a country IRAQ!!! he's in the 3rd infantry division, yes the division that spearhead the invasion of iraq!! he is safe at home at the moment! he just got hame end of may!!! so it's election time, and i've had it w/ this fucking war and hate bush, just because i had a child on the front line. but the dumb ass democrats had a dumb ass candidate so like a dumb ass me i vote for bush again!!!! people, we need a change, and mcCain isn't the answer. i'm a republican but i think mccain is an idiot!!! although, if obamma picks hilary as vice president, i'm votin for ron paul...the economy is bad because it's an election year!!!!! come on!! everyones skeptical so the market gets scared. i have no doubt after january 2009 our counrty will rebound!!!! thanks for your time, justs an old man's 2 cents.........:joint:.........:peace:
Since WW I, the U.S. has fought for the freedom of other peoples.

Two words: Latin America. I doubt that statement would fly in Chile, Nicaragua, Haiti, Cuba, or in Venezuela.
Most of the examples you cited were in the context of the Cold War. In such a scenario, sometimes there is no choice but to make a deal with the devil. Our hands are not clean by any means. The other option was to allow Communism to spread throughout Latin America unimpeded.

You name countries, but do not direct me to specific examples of our tyranny.

Chile - You might have a point, but I do not know enough about it. Perhaps you could explain exactly to what you are referring.

Nicaragua - We fought to the Communists. Perhaps you could explain exactly to what you are referring.

Haiti - Haiti has proved time and again it cannot govern itself. We went as far as threatening an imminent invasion to oppose despots. Perhaps you could explain exactly to what you are referring.

Cuba - Was a U.S. territory and the U.S. granted independence. They fell under the communist sphere of influence after Batista fell. The Bay of Pigs was a half-hearted attempt to free Cuba which ended in failure and the death of hundreds of brave Cuban patriots. Perhaps you could explain exactly to what you are referring.

Venezuela - I don't know enough about this country except to know their leader is a Castro wannabe. Perhaps you could explain exactly to what you are referring.
Most of the examples you cited were in the context of the Cold War. In such a scenario, sometimes there is no choice but to make a deal with the devil. Our hands are not clean by any means. The other option was to allow Communism to spread throughout Latin America unimpeded.

You name countries, but do not direct me to specific examples of our tyranny.

Chile - You might have a point, but I do not know enough about it. Perhaps you could explain exactly to what you are referring.

Nicaragua - We fought to the Communists. Perhaps you could explain exactly to what you are referring.

Haiti - Haiti has proved time and again it cannot govern itself. We went as far as threatening an imminent invasion to oppose despots. Perhaps you could explain exactly to what you are referring.

Cuba - Was a U.S. territory and the U.S. granted independence. They fell under the communist sphere of influence after Batista fell. The Bay of Pigs was a half-hearted attempt to free Cuba which ended in failure and the death of hundreds of brave Cuban patriots. Perhaps you could explain exactly to what you are referring.

Venezuela - I don't know enough about this country except to know their leader is a Castro wannabe. Perhaps you could explain exactly to what you are referring.
Is that how you really see the bay of pigs incident?
Batista was a corrupt ruler who shat on his people. Cuba was becoming a haven for the u.s. syndicate.i.e. lansky,luciano,trafficante.
We put those hundreds of brave cubans on the shore waiting for help, and then left them there. Nice of us.
IE: I'm throwing my vote down the rathole of ignorance.

I'm not going to let the media bias my views on who will be the best president. But you knew that all ready, MM!:mrgreen:

I would rather throw my vote "down the rat hole of ignorance" than waste it on furthering the corruption. You know Obama isn't half as intelligent as RON PAUL and you know he is a puppet. Hes related to Bush and Cheney, what more do you need to know?:mrgreen:

I.e.- your throwing your vote "down the rat hole of ignorance" :mrgreen: I feel as though I have enough understanding on the candidates to know which one would best suit the working class, i.e. me and most every other American.

The REVOLUTION has begun!

