Warning: if you are typically a fairy and get but hurt when it comes to ppl opposing your opinion than dont read this if you can handle a little critisism and can actually have an intellectual conversation than go ahead and keep reading for warning though this isnt a personal attack on anyone its just me venting my opinion...
ok so let me tell you first what set me off yesterday i was driving through the downtown area and look to the side and i see a billboard size add on the side of this building and it reads "my kinda medicine" and has actual bud i mean actual marijuana buds on it really can we be a little sensitive to children they are somewhat impressionable but no lets not leave it as a green cross or smiley face or even a pot leaf no no no lets slap the kids in the face with weed lets make sure they know what it is from the time they can talk wtf are you retarted you know whats gonna happen pretty soon medibud or even legal bud is gonna be sposoring all sorts of shit and your kids are going to be exposed to it lets grow up here ppl i dont want my kids growing up exposed to this all the time its like a right of passage once your old enough. you know whats gonna happen dont you???????
well if you dont than ill explain kids will grow up with weed legal it will be in their minds from age 5 and by the time they reach highschool its not cool to do it cuz its legal it becomes the ciggs at parties and now our kids are getting pressured into coke and meth and dont tell me its not happening cuz it is and i would much rather have my kid feeling cool cuz he is smokin a j than snortin a line. and thats just one problem
immma be honest and blunt and get through all this bs you guys are buying into mary jane is not medicine its not there is no scientific evidence to support the fact that it has any medical qualities not to mention they use it to treat nasea (idk how to spell that) but guess what when your vommitting and cant eat and feel like shit smokin a j is the last thing you need getting cotton mouth and the munchies eating and drinking than puking all that right back up doesnt sound like medicine to me and hey im just being honest and looking at it from a none biased side.
oh and im sick of all these growers claiming im helping ppl yada yada yada bullshit like your not pullin a profit its not about helping ppl its all about the money and guess wha we were makin all that money untill this god damn generation got greedy and wanted more money so you show the gov how much its worth how they could tax it n shit well guess what bud now all that money we were makin is going away did you now that marblo has patents on marijuana ciggs so now our beautiful plant is going to become a nasty contaminated addicting cigg
how cann you let this happen if your a real smoker you know who u are look at whats happening the gov is gonna turn this into tabacco they are making our organic herb into and artificial drug that creates addicts now awesome!!!!
congrats goood job
oh and dont sit their ignorantly saying that you will be able to grow all the time and make money and life will be just grand no that was the old way now huge companies with millions invested in the best botonists and equipment will be producing but that makes yours worth 50 cents a gram good luck makin money that way cuz now your growing fuckin tomatoes just like the granny next door
. oh and to thos dispensery owners you are gonna put yourself out of buisness wants its totally legal you become as obsolete as the rest of us because now the huge perscription companies are all gonna be sellin this top notch stuff that you cant get a hold and ppl now get shipped bud to their doorstep now they dont even have to leave the house to get bud it comes in the mail. sweet so all you fuckers are workin hard to lose your jobs ya there will be money mad but not by us its gonna be the ppl with the money that fucker in cali putting 1.3 million into the cause is gonna be filthy rich but you guys getting the signitures are just gonna have to get another job.
havent you seen what happens to stuff when it hits the main stream of the us it turns gay it gets monopolized take music when you love an underground band and they go mainstream what happens they change to make more money so now they arent the same and they suck you dont even buy their cds anymore. well same shit is gonna happen gas stations are gonna sell mj ciggs and joints and blunts for 5 bucks a box how can any of you compete with that.
now im all for decriminilazation because it will keep big buisness out of it but legalization is the wrong way to go about it we will lose everything that we believed in
oh and im tired of these fuckin ignorant ppl just getting into growin because its legal and comin into my local hydro store talking about medibud dude are you fuckin retarted its just like a smoke shop you cant say marijuana you grow tomatoes thats how its been its a known but unspoken secret jeez
and what you think its just gonna be awesome and you can drive all over and smooke all the time and yeah everything wil be happy no your not going to be able to drive under the influence so they will come up with a way to restrict that and guess what the ppl who get caught pay the gov more money..... does anyone see a pettern its all about the MONEY can you not see that
ok lastly for those of you still saying no its about helping ppl than why is it that cali is putting total legalization on the ballet this november 21 and up can posses hmmm i see a pettern cali, colorado, etc, etc ........ how do you not see this its right there and the sad part is its too late we had it a secret makin money and now look the gov is gonna get all that money so they can spend it on another worthless war and go further into debt sweet!!! gotta love america common sense is so uncommon its unbelievable.
hmmm alright that felt good i have been holdin that in i probably didnt hit all my points but im stoned and thats bound to happen but anyway if you understand what im sayin pm me and we can have a real stoner chat like its supposed to be marijuana opens your mind and lets you think outside the box if your gonna be legal dont lie and hide why you want it legal thats politics and weed is not a political issue its for the ppl somethin the gov couldnt control till you fuckin idiots ruined it. like i said though this was just a rant and if you dont agree cool post an itellectual response to why you disagree wand we can talk if yur gonna post anything under a paragraph....well
get the fuck off my thread and go start your own thread itll be just like highschool!!!! arent you excited ne way i look forwar to getting some good response out of this thread thanks for reading and happy smokin

ok so let me tell you first what set me off yesterday i was driving through the downtown area and look to the side and i see a billboard size add on the side of this building and it reads "my kinda medicine" and has actual bud i mean actual marijuana buds on it really can we be a little sensitive to children they are somewhat impressionable but no lets not leave it as a green cross or smiley face or even a pot leaf no no no lets slap the kids in the face with weed lets make sure they know what it is from the time they can talk wtf are you retarted you know whats gonna happen pretty soon medibud or even legal bud is gonna be sposoring all sorts of shit and your kids are going to be exposed to it lets grow up here ppl i dont want my kids growing up exposed to this all the time its like a right of passage once your old enough. you know whats gonna happen dont you???????
well if you dont than ill explain kids will grow up with weed legal it will be in their minds from age 5 and by the time they reach highschool its not cool to do it cuz its legal it becomes the ciggs at parties and now our kids are getting pressured into coke and meth and dont tell me its not happening cuz it is and i would much rather have my kid feeling cool cuz he is smokin a j than snortin a line. and thats just one problem
immma be honest and blunt and get through all this bs you guys are buying into mary jane is not medicine its not there is no scientific evidence to support the fact that it has any medical qualities not to mention they use it to treat nasea (idk how to spell that) but guess what when your vommitting and cant eat and feel like shit smokin a j is the last thing you need getting cotton mouth and the munchies eating and drinking than puking all that right back up doesnt sound like medicine to me and hey im just being honest and looking at it from a none biased side.
oh and im sick of all these growers claiming im helping ppl yada yada yada bullshit like your not pullin a profit its not about helping ppl its all about the money and guess wha we were makin all that money untill this god damn generation got greedy and wanted more money so you show the gov how much its worth how they could tax it n shit well guess what bud now all that money we were makin is going away did you now that marblo has patents on marijuana ciggs so now our beautiful plant is going to become a nasty contaminated addicting cigg

how cann you let this happen if your a real smoker you know who u are look at whats happening the gov is gonna turn this into tabacco they are making our organic herb into and artificial drug that creates addicts now awesome!!!!

oh and dont sit their ignorantly saying that you will be able to grow all the time and make money and life will be just grand no that was the old way now huge companies with millions invested in the best botonists and equipment will be producing but that makes yours worth 50 cents a gram good luck makin money that way cuz now your growing fuckin tomatoes just like the granny next door

havent you seen what happens to stuff when it hits the main stream of the us it turns gay it gets monopolized take music when you love an underground band and they go mainstream what happens they change to make more money so now they arent the same and they suck you dont even buy their cds anymore. well same shit is gonna happen gas stations are gonna sell mj ciggs and joints and blunts for 5 bucks a box how can any of you compete with that.
now im all for decriminilazation because it will keep big buisness out of it but legalization is the wrong way to go about it we will lose everything that we believed in
oh and im tired of these fuckin ignorant ppl just getting into growin because its legal and comin into my local hydro store talking about medibud dude are you fuckin retarted its just like a smoke shop you cant say marijuana you grow tomatoes thats how its been its a known but unspoken secret jeez

and what you think its just gonna be awesome and you can drive all over and smooke all the time and yeah everything wil be happy no your not going to be able to drive under the influence so they will come up with a way to restrict that and guess what the ppl who get caught pay the gov more money..... does anyone see a pettern its all about the MONEY can you not see that
ok lastly for those of you still saying no its about helping ppl than why is it that cali is putting total legalization on the ballet this november 21 and up can posses hmmm i see a pettern cali, colorado, etc, etc ........ how do you not see this its right there and the sad part is its too late we had it a secret makin money and now look the gov is gonna get all that money so they can spend it on another worthless war and go further into debt sweet!!! gotta love america common sense is so uncommon its unbelievable.
hmmm alright that felt good i have been holdin that in i probably didnt hit all my points but im stoned and thats bound to happen but anyway if you understand what im sayin pm me and we can have a real stoner chat like its supposed to be marijuana opens your mind and lets you think outside the box if your gonna be legal dont lie and hide why you want it legal thats politics and weed is not a political issue its for the ppl somethin the gov couldnt control till you fuckin idiots ruined it. like i said though this was just a rant and if you dont agree cool post an itellectual response to why you disagree wand we can talk if yur gonna post anything under a paragraph....well