I'm voting for McCain....

I'd like to know when the Obama drones will figure out that the DEMOCRATIC Congress has been passing the bills to keep funding all this crap.. stop blaming the Republicans for the budget issues when the Democrats are just as complacent.

Also, as a former resident of Illinois, you people with your heads in the clouds better check out Obama's VOTING RECORD, and lack of voting record whenever there's something controversial to vote on. Every election you sheeple compare campaign rhetoric and vote on that- then are shocked with the reality you get. Well no kidding- you base your votes on words rather than actions.

As far as fiscal responsibility- LMFAO. Every single one of Obama's great ideas is TENS AND TENS AND TENS OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS. WHERE THE HELL IS THE MONEY GOING TO COME FROM?!

I find it amusing that all these Obama supporters talk high and mighty then won't address the real issues- I've yet to receive plausible answers to my Obama questions..

I'll vote for neither Obama or McCain- I'll be writing in Ron Paul, my conscious won't let me vote any other way.
This is half of the problem. Why is it Americans and American presidents look at the presidency as the seat of "GLOBAL LEADERSHIP" or as the "Leader of the Free World". The president should be the president of the U.S. period. Why cant we just mind our own fucking business and stay out of everyone else's affairs. Why are we so busy worrying about other countries when we have more then enough of our own problems to worry about. Why do arabs and the so called terrorists hate us anyway? Because we have had our nose in their business for the past fifty years.

This is half of the problem. Why is it Americans and American presidents look at the presidency as the seat of "GLOBAL LEADERSHIP" or as the "Leader of the Free World". The president should be the president of the U.S. period. Why cant we just mind our own fucking business and stay out of everyone else's affairs. Why are we so busy worrying about other countries when we have more then enough of our own problems to worry about. Why do arabs and the so called terrorists hate us anyway? Because we have had our nose in their business for the past fifty years.

We're a predominantly Christian country. That's why the Arab and Muslim extremists hate us, and they've been hating us for a thousand years and more, not a mere fifty. Remember the Crusades? Their hatred of Christianity goes back way before there ever even was a United States. That we're the most powerful predominantly Christian country in the world makes us the obvious target for such extremists.

As for global leadership, that's just reality. We have the biggest economy, the greatest need (or desire anyway) for natural resources, the most powerful military. But if we pulled back inside our own borders and went back to log cabins and horses, there would still be a global leader. It just wouldn't be us. It might be the EU, it might be Russia, it might be China. Create a vacuum and another country would gladly fill it.

The question isn't, should we be the global leader or not. The question is, which country do we *want* to be the global leader? For now it is us. If we are willing to take gigantic steps backward in resource-usage and technology and energy-usage (which would probably be great for the environment), then we could abdicate the role and someone else would then assume the mantle. And then we'd be a follower, not a leader. There's nothing wrong with that. We'd just have to adjust to some other country having more sway over the future of this planet that we all share than we do.
We're a predominantly Christian country. That's why the Arab and Muslim extremists hate us, and they've been hating us for a thousand years and more, not a mere fifty. Remember the Crusades? Their hatred of Christianity goes back way before there ever even was a United States. That we're the most powerful predominantly Christian country in the world makes us the obvious target for such extremists.

As for global leadership, that's just reality. We have the biggest economy, the greatest need (or desire anyway) for natural resources, the most powerful military. But if we pulled back inside our own borders and went back to log cabins and horses, there would still be a global leader. It just wouldn't be us. It might be the EU, it might be Russia, it might be China. Create a vacuum and another country would gladly fill it.

The question isn't, should we be the global leader or not. The question is, which country do we *want* to be the global leader? For now it is us. If we are willing to take gigantic steps backward in resource-usage and technology and energy-usage (which would probably be great for the environment), then we could abdicate the role and someone else would then assume the mantle. And then we'd be a follower, not a leader. There's nothing wrong with that. We'd just have to adjust to some other country having more sway over the future of this planet that we all share than we do.

Right on! bongsmilie

The latest nationwide survey, begun Friday afternoon after the McCain announcement of Palin as running mate and completed mid-afternoon today, shows McCain/Palin at 47%, compared to 45% support for Obama/Biden.
I'd rather buy weed legally and not buy any guns at all, on the black market or otherwise.

An interesting statistic about guns in the U.S. -- the primary use of guns in this country for the past several years has been as a tool to commit suicide. More than 50% of all gun deaths last year (and the year before that) were suicides. In houses where there is a gun, the chances that someone will commit suicide are dramatically higher than in houses where there is no gun. I find that fascinating, sociologically speaking. It's as if the mere act of owning a gun increases the likelihood of that person committing suicide. I guess because it's so easy, not to mention effective - guns are 90%+ likely to result in a successful suicide.

I'm not saying guns should be illegal (too late for that, really). I'm just pointing out the fact that the primary purpose of guns in the US these days is to help people kill themselves. Maybe that says something about us, that we fight so hard to protect the rights to a kind of tool that we mainly use for killing ourselves.
I'd like to know when the Obama drones will figure out that the DEMOCRATIC Congress has been passing the bills to keep funding all this crap.. stop blaming the Republicans for the budget issues when the Democrats are just as complacent.
Hey... this sounds very familiar to me... But wait, there's more!
Also, as a former resident of Illinois, you people with your heads in the clouds better check out Obama's VOTING RECORD, and lack of voting record whenever there's something controversial to vote on. Every election you sheeple compare campaign rhetoric and vote on that- then are shocked with the reality you get. Well no kidding- you base your votes on words rather than actions.
Hello! :D :clap:
As far as fiscal responsibility- LMFAO. Every single one of Obama's great ideas is TENS AND TENS AND TENS OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS. WHERE THE HELL IS THE MONEY GOING TO COME FROM?!
Oh! You mean like the 100K+ ground troops he wants to build up, when we can't even adequately pay or care for the ones we have now...??? I'm told that's entirely speculation on my part. :)
I find it amusing that all these Obama supporters talk high and mighty then won't address the real issues- I've yet to receive plausible answers to my Obama questions..

I'll vote for neither Obama or McCain- I'll be writing in Ron Paul, my conscious won't let me vote any other way.
Yee Haw! And THAT's what makes YOU a Hot and Sexy MILF. ;) :lol: :blsmoke:
But if we pulled back inside our own borders and went back to log cabins and horses, s
lol I don't think anybody wants to take it to that extreme......................decreasing U.S meddling in foreign countries affairs is not an extreme proposal.............everything is not that black and white
An interesting statistic about guns in the U.S. -- the primary use of guns in this country for the past several years has been as a tool to commit suicide.....

I'm not saying guns should be illegal (too late for that, really). I'm just pointing out the fact that the primary purpose of guns in the US these days is to help people kill themselves. Maybe that says something about us, that we fight so hard to protect the rights to a kind of tool that we mainly use for killing ourselves.

So wait a minute.. guns are only being used if someone dies? How about we think about this logically for a moment. If I'm pointing a gun at someone who is about to commit a crime, they realize ITS A GUN, THEY WILL PROBABLY DIE IF SHOT, they flee, crime prevented- no death. Gun used as a defense- one of the main points of gun ownership.

How about we talk about real important statistics, let's talk about how in areas where guns are the most restricted there is more violent crime. Let's talk about the amazingly lower crime rates in areas with conceal and carry permits. When guns are illegal the only two groups of people who have the guns are cops and criminals- leaving regular citizens to be victims. Most criminals when committing crimes want to live and get away with it- when criminals have no idea who is carrying a gun they commit less crimes- when they know everyone is disarmed they can carry out crimes and leave intact as they intend.

Hey... this sounds very familiar to me... But wait, there's more!
Hello! :D :clap:
Oh! You mean like the 100K+ ground troops he wants to build up, when we can't even adequately pay or care for the ones we have now...??? I'm told that's entirely speculation on my part. :)

Yee Haw! And THAT's what makes YOU a Hot and Sexy MILF. ;) :lol: :blsmoke:

from Obama's policy page on the economy...
"Provide $50 billion.."
Double Funding.."
invest $150 billion.."
"increase funding.."
"$60 billion over 10 years.."
"doubling federal funding.."
"invest $250 million per year."
"$1.5 billion fund.."
"double funding.."

Just one page on his site.. all while he's promising a zillion tax cuts.. then there's all the education promises and everything else.. all while preaching fiscal responsibility? lmfao.. it's not possible.
So wait a minute.. guns are only being used if someone dies?
The way I interpreted that statistic was that they were looking ONLY at gun deaths, and of those deaths, most are suicide.
from Obama's policy page on the economy...
"Provide $50 billion.."
Double Funding.."
invest $150 billion.."
"increase funding.."
"$60 billion over 10 years.."
"doubling federal funding.."
"invest $250 million per year."
"$1.5 billion fund.."
"double funding.."

Just one page on his site.. all while he's promising a zillion tax cuts.. then there's all the education promises and everything else.. all while preaching fiscal responsibility? lmfao.. it's not possible.
I love it when people tell me to "just go look at Obama's site!" Well, I have, I did a while ago, when it became clear that he was a Dem front-runner. I started looking into his voting record, his political history, the man. I mean, just because I really dig Ron Paul doesn't mean there's no one else out there, right? I didn't like what I found, it quickly became clear that HE equals more of the same, just like McSame. Palin is the only bright spot I see in this.
Obama supporters=liars (what did you expect from a Marxist and his followers?)

The Associated Press: Evangelicals energized by McCain-Palin ticket


During a 2006 debate, she said she was a proponent of teaching both evolution and creationism in schools. She later clarified her stance in an interview with the Anchorage Daily News, saying that she doesn't think creationism needed to be part of the curriculum and that she would not push the state Board of Education to add such alternatives to the state's required curriculum.
Not only does Palin oppose abortion as a matter of policy, but she chose to give birth to her youngest child, a son, after a prenatal exam indicated Down syndrome. Studies show that about nine in 10 pregnant women who are given a Down syndrome diagnosis have chosen to have an abortion.
I love it when people tell me to "just go look at Obama's site!" Well, I have, I did a while ago, when it became clear that he was a Dem front-runner. I started looking into his voting record, his political history, the man. I mean, just because I really dig Ron Paul doesn't mean there's no one else out there, right? I didn't like what I found, it quickly became clear that HE equals more of the same, just like McSame. Palin is the only bright spot I see in this.

I hear ya.. I reviewed all the candidates back in the primaries- nothing but the same same same everywhere. Bigger government, more war, more spending, less freedoms. No thank you, I'm an American, I reject socialism.

Palin seems better than all the other crap out there, but she's still pro war and that's a big no no for me. 1.25 million dead Iraqis- mostly civilians- this isn't enough?!:evil:

Has anyone heard either candidate talk about REAL cuts in federal spending? I haven't.

Nope.. just increase increase increase.
Has anyone heard either candidate talk about REAL cuts in federal spending? I haven't.

It's a start........:blsmoke:
adn.com | alaska : Palin cuts $231 million from capital budget

Palin cuts $231 million from capital budget

The Associated Press
Published: June 29, 2007
Last Modified: June 30, 2007 at 05:53 AM
Gov. Sarah Palin upset some lawmakers Friday by carving more than a quarter billion dollars from a $1.8 billion capital budget approved by the Legislature last month.
updated 10:54 p.m. EDT, Sun July 20, 2008

Obama cuts back on spending to match McCain - CNN.comObama cuts back on spending to match McCain

  • Story Highlights
  • Obama held back on television campaign until July
  • McCain raised $21.5 million in June; Obama raised $52 million
  • Financial differences reflect campaigns' strategies on public financing
  • Obama also asked supporters to help Sen. Hillary Clinton pay down debt
Teen daughter of GOP VP pick is pregnant - CNN.com

Teen daughter of GOP VP pick is pregnant

  • Story Highlights
  • Bristol Palin, 17, is pregnant and will keep baby, McCain aide says
  • GOP nominee McCain knew of pregnancy before choosing Palin as running mate
  • Information revealed in effort to correct rumors that Palin's baby is daughter's
  • Next Article in Politics »

ST. PAUL, Minnesota (CNN) -- Bristol Palin, the 17-year-old daughter of Sarah Palin, is pregnant and will keep the baby and marry the father, a senior aide to Sen. John McCain confirmed to CNN Tuesday.
Not only does Palin oppose abortion as a matter of policy, but she chose to give birth to her youngest child, a son, after a prenatal exam indicated Down syndrome. Studies show that about nine in 10 pregnant women who are given a Down syndrome diagnosis have chosen to have an abortion.

I had wondered why she even got the test- when I was offered that prenatal test I passed on having it, the biggest reason was because the results didn't matter, but there's also a risk of miscarriage from the test procedure alone.