Inflation and Biden

I got one of them insurance tracker gizmos on my car, it'll ding me if I do more than limit+7mph. On a recent trip up I-5 to Portland, I had everyone blowing past me because I couldn't drive with the flow. I hate this thing.

My insurance company keeps bugging me to get their app for my phone but fug that. I even disconnected the OnStar unit in my 2008 Saturn so it won't keep track of where I go. Location is off on my phone too unless I'm flying my drone which won't work without it. My insurance is pretty cheap as I haven't had any tickets since a speeding ticket in 2001. Got another about 3 years ago but beat it so no demerits and nothing on my driver's abstract. A photo radar ticket that cost me $116 but doesn't come with demerit points or show up on the abstract. My f'n house insurance is almost 3X what I pay for the car and I have collision coverage too.

Modern vehicles are the worst invaders of privacy going according to Mozilla the makers of FireFox so we should all sign this petition and pass it on. I signed and only use FireFox as a browser on my PC and phone.

Hurryin is worryin

I'm always running late and my mom used to say I'd be late for my own funeral. Nothing but empty highways up here so I'm often doing 120 - 140kmh in a 100 zone. My little 40 year old radar detector still works fine and has saved me many tickets I'm sure. When I get to the city I stick to the limit as they have photo radar at every damn intersection along with the red light cameras. No front license plates here so if nailed speeding the registered owner of the vehicle gets the ticket in the mail. Just a money grab.

On the way home I set the cruise control for 10 over and take it easy. Cops won't bug you for that.

Majority of my driving is along I-40; 75MPH speed limit in my area. I'm typically doing 85-90 on the straight stretches. Gas prices have been going back up around here so I may have to actually slow the old Imperial gas guzzler down a bit. Damn the man!
I got one of them insurance tracker gizmos on my car, it'll ding me if I do more than limit+7mph. On a recent trip up I-5 to Portland, I had everyone blowing past me because I couldn't drive with the flow. I hate this thing.

I take special pride in driving the speed limit to Portland. I stay in the right lane and just watch in amazement how many people tailgate me or sometimes even honk at me. For driving the speed limit. This is a wonderful state. I mean, I don't even know the people and I'm able to ruin their day.

I take special pride in driving the speed limit to Portland. I stay in the right lane and just watch in amazement how many people tailgate me or sometimes even honk at me. For driving the speed limit. This is a wonderful state. I mean, I don't even know the people and I'm able to ruin their day.
C'mon man, I-5 is cruise control at 79 and you're fine. But at 80 the popo will getcha

I take special pride in driving the speed limit to Portland. I stay in the right lane and just watch in amazement how many people tailgate me or sometimes even honk at me. For driving the speed limit. This is a wonderful state. I mean, I don't even know the people and I'm able to ruin their day.
I have little reason to get on the freeway anymore, but I take my 1989 Jeep Comanche pickup for a 35 min. ride early on Sunday morning, to keep the battery up and oil flowing. I get in the slow lane and drive 55. Sometimes, not often, someone will get on my butt, and I'm the stereotypical old man shouting "go around me, fucker, there are two lanes to pass." I was on a road trip to Lake Havasu when I was about 19, again early in the morning, no cars to be seen in back, or front and decided to see what my Plymouth Valiant could do. I got it to 100 downhill and never drove a car that fast again. Maxed out that slant 6.
I have little reason to get on the freeway anymore, but I take my 1989 Jeep Comanche pickup for a 35 min. ride early on Sunday morning, to keep the battery up and oil flowing. I get in the slow lane and drive 55. Sometimes, not often, someone will get on my butt, and I'm the stereotypical old man shouting "go around me, fucker, there are two lanes to pass." I was on a road trip to Lake Havasu when I was about 19, again early in the morning, no cars to be seen in back, or front and decided to see what my Plymouth Valiant could do. I got it to 100 downhill and never drove a car that fast again. Maxed out that slant 6.

About 5 years ago I bought a little 2 Chevy Aveo while out in BC. 1600cc 4cyl with less than 20K miles on it. Lady driven and stored indoors so looked and drove like brand new. I drove that thing like a go-kart on the way home and about 10 miles down the road from my place it's a very slight incline for over 5 miles and dead straight so I opened her up and hit 165kmh/103mph for about a mile. Spun out on some ice in town and it got wrote off. Damn I loved that little car and only had it for 2 months. Got over 40mpg too. Now I drive a 2008 Saturn Vue with the biggest 6cyl engine they made at the time and it barely gets 20mpg but with the AWD is as good a 4x4 in the snow. 6" of snow in the driveway and that little Aveo wasn't going anywhere. :)

I have no choice but to drive on the highway as my driveway goes out onto a 2-lane provincial highway with a 100kph/60mph speed limit but very little traffic on it. Can drive the 10 miles to town and only have a dozen cars go by on the way at 4pm.

C'mon man, I-5 is cruise control at 79 and you're fine. But at 80 the popo will getcha
It's my thing. i don't care what other people do or how much of a hurry they are in. That is their problem. I refuse to be rushed. I'm not telling anybody to slow down, I'm just unwilling to speed up.

Regarding the police. Everybody who is pushing their speed past the limit let off the gas and some even brake when they see the popo. When I drive the speed limit, I don't have to pay any attention to them.. Sometimes, I get the sense that some popo are aggravated by that.

I'm just staying safe and within posted speed limits. I'm a rebel.
I did not read the whole thread, but I'm assuming this is a tribute the great job Dark Brandon has done fighting inflation. Last year it was 9 percent. Now it's around 3 and a half. Hats off to the folks at the fed for a job well done. This soft landing is giving me a boner.

Of course everyone knows there is only one market these days. It's a small world after all. So the way to judge how we are doing is to look how others have handled this supply and demand imbalance.

I did not read the whole thread, but I'm assuming this is a tribute the great job Dark Brandon has done fighting inflation. Last year it was 9 percent. Now it's around 3 and a half. Hats off to the folks at the fed for a job well done. This soft landing is giving me a boner.

Of course everyone knows there is only one market these days. It's a small world after all. So the way to judge how we are doing is to look how others have handled this supply and demand imbalance.

I wish we had Joe running things up here.
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This being the case......... isn't the blame for US inflation, more on the fed, than the president?
The meme says Congress, the president and the Federal Reserve all play a role in our economic system. But I don't see anywhere in that text about controlling inflation. This round of inflation was due to global issues. As large as the US's economy is, it's still small compared to the rest of the world.

Data has been posted that shows the US is doing quite well to reduce inflation and that fact simply doesn't penetrate the web of lies made by MAGA and other enemies of US democracy. The truth is that some credit should be given to Congress, the president and the Fed for managing to to keep inflation from going much higher and then bring it back down as quickly as possible without triggering a recession. But the US doesn't control inflation. Also, inflation by itself isn't why people are suffering from it. If wages kept up with inflation (rising prices), it wouldn't hurt nearly as much.

This article from NPR points to corporate profit-taking and greed among the wealthy as the culprit for the harm almost all people of the world have suffered from this round of inflation:

In that article an economist posts a ludicrous defense of rapacious profit taking that corporations bragged about in 2021 and into 2023:

"My friend and economist Jason Furman says, 'Blaming inflation on greed is like blaming a plane crash on gravity,'" says Wolfers. "It is technically correct, but it entirely misses the point."

Wolfers says companies are always trying to charge as much as they possibly can. In fact, the only reason we're not all paying $800 for a pair of socks or a cheeseburger is simply due to greed in another form: competition.

"That greed forces them to offer low prices because they're trying to muscle out their competitor," says Wolfers.

So, in defense of prices going up more than 7% and wages going up 5% with corporations taking the difference in profits, the economist says we should be glad it isn't higher. In other words, "I would have taken more profits if I could".

Not much of a defense, if you ask me. If anything its a call for Congress, the president and the Fed to raise taxes on corporations and the wealthy.