infrastructure vote surprise...

The only good thing about Bidan is he is the worst Resident ever of the White House. Carter thanks him. Carter is part of the Globalist cabal too. Human and drug trafficking and all.
the heartbeat of democracy can still be heard. They are trying to silence it and when they can't they shout over it.

They hate that bill because they know it will do much good. The Republicans who voted for that bill did so because their constituents demanded it. It will be interesting to see if they beat the Trump die hards who will run well funded campaigns in order to primary them.

I don't really agree with Hannimal that RINO means right wing trumper-insurrectionist radicals. RINO is their term to define and it means people who represent the Republican Party as it once was, or at least tried to make itself out to be, not the hard line fascist party that it became over the years. RINO will go down as a good thing some day.

damn right they did;

people should stop blaming the Progs in general it shows the news you listen's a hint make your own decisions..for some reason everyone forgets these bills were to be passed in 'TANDEM'(i don't need to post the definition, do i?)..that was the reminder that we didn't forget..THIS negotiation and outcome was as close to the way they did it in Lincoln's time.

RINO means Republican In Name Only as you've stated and for the reason you state.

Tax The Rich!

'if they don't come i'm not signing..if only one comes to me i'm not signing it needs to come in tandem'.
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Links to American History? What do you think the open boarder policies are all about. I see pedo Joe is highlighting the separation and loss of children at the boarder now. The cartels are very powerful and have a long reach into US government.

What happen to all those Haitian children after the earthquake?

We are going to find out......

let's ask Trumpy Magic 8-Ball..i just shake YT and something pops up.

damn right they did;

people should stop blaming the Progs in general it shows the news you listen's a hint make your own decisions..for some reason everyone forgets these bills were to be passed in 'tandem'..that was the reminder that we didn't forget.

Tax The Rich!
I would look at it like the Manchin/Sinema stuff. It would have been 200+ Republicans and 6(?) Democrats faults if this bill didn't pass.

Just like it will be 50 Republicans and 2 Democrats fault if the human infrastructure bill doesn't get passed.
I would look at it like the Manchin/Sinema stuff. It would have been 200+ Republicans and 6(?) Democrats faults if this bill didn't pass.

Just like it will be 50 Republicans and 2 Democrats fault if the human infrastructure bill doesn't get passed.

and that's your burden friend..i'm a glass half full kinda girl..i never say 'die'.

i wore my hat from 2016 yesterday in town as a symbol..women and little sisters get it..they ask about it; they want to touch it.
people should stop blaming the Progs in general it shows the news you listen's a hint make your own decisions..for some reason everyone forgets these bills were to be passed in 'tandem'..that was the reminder that we didn't forget..THIS negotiation and outcome was as close to the way they did it in Lincoln's time
i'll quit blaming the progressives when they stop fucking up...
i don't listen to any news, i read, it's rare that i even watch a video, usually only if it seems absolutely necessary.
i've made my own decisions for a long time, based on what i read from many news services.
shit happens in political negotiations, so you wanted to tank the whole thing, and let the republicans break the democrats majority before anything got passed, so that nothing would ever get passed? take what you get and be glad you're getting anything, in this political climate.
and wtf are you talking about? Lincoln's time...? your sentence isn't a complete thought...this negotiation and outcome was as close to the way they did it in Lincoln's close as what? did what? and finally, so what?...
Ok so at some point you realized it was trump. You ranted to get there but you made it (that’s all that matters :clap: )

now the Great Recession started around 2007. Who was president from 2000-2008? What party was he reppin?

What are you talking about commie. When Barack Obama bin laden bombed the twin towers because he hated of freedom we as a country bonded in renaming French fries.