infrastructure vote surprise...

i don't think there's ever been a republican president with a good tax plan...General or not...
FDR gets credit for the New Deal and the war. Eisenhower’s tax policy largely paid for them.
damn right they did;

people should stop blaming the Progs in general it shows the news you listen's a hint make your own decisions..for some reason everyone forgets these bills were to be passed in 'tandem'..that was the reminder that we didn't forget..THIS negotiation and outcome was as close to the way they did it in Lincoln's time.

RINO means Republican In Name Only as you've stated and for the reason you state.

Tax The Rich!
What good did all the rancor and difficulty in getting this bill passed do for the "Progs" other than provide political theater?

You and your Progs own a large portion of the drop in support for Democrats. Biden and Democrats in Congress are the only people trying to make real progress on the issues you care for and you "Progs" shanked them for their effort.
What good did all the rancor and difficulty in getting this bill passed do for the "Progs" other than provide political theater?

You and your Progs own a large portion of the drop in support for Democrats. Biden and Democrats in Congress are the only people trying to make real progress on the issues you care for and you "Progs" shanked them for their effort.

nope; we went on record..and Congressional Record never dies..which is why the Gang of 13 broke with see someone has to do it..someone has to be the first to walk down Main St in their town.

they used to call it 'leadership'..and 'making good trouble'.

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The dems have moved to the right since Clinton (bill). If what's getting pitched doesn't appeal, why should we hop on board other than the republican party are fuckin tards. In the 2020 election you had the debate of appealing to the center or going left, the decision was made to pick up the centrist Republicans. What appeals to them is not what attracts the left...granted I find myself in a "where else can you go" scenario, which is what I think the political calculus would be.
The dems have moved to the right since Clinton (bill). If what's getting pitched doesn't appeal, why should we hop on board other than the republican party are fuckin tards. In the 2020 election you had the debate of appealing to the center or going left, the decision was made to pick up the centrist Republicans. What appeals to them is not what attracts the left...granted I find myself in a "where else can you go" scenario, which is what I think the political calculus would be.
It was Obama who said it. So called "Progressives" want all or nothing and so, nothing is what they accomplish.

What good did all the rancor accomplish? @schuylaar at least was honest when she confirmed it was all just political theater. It's also called spitting in the soup.
Not that im too into politics or Trump... and definitely not for Biden... who... unless you're in complete denial... ..well.. the lights are on but no ones home....Any defense that Biden is running things or clear of Mind... is ridiculous. Yes I know you'll argue me.. but, its a fact, How many stopped streams and events are cut short/ ....With Rumors of him deficating himself coming out of the vatican.... Massive dislike to like ratios on every platform Biden speaks on......How many hours of complete gibberish Joe Biden is putting out.....I mean there are like 5-6 major youtube channels that have big traffic....That are only held up by Biden Gaffes and moments of complete confusion of the year, day, dates, how long hes been in politics and a bunch of other things that are concerning ...coming from the leader of the 'free world'.......But anyways.

I do remember Obama saying, something to the sort... theres not some magical wand that can just increase the GDP by several percent....Which Trump achieved by several percent for multiple years...until covid..... reported on by even cnn :
, This is the only time you see any liberal media give any tip of the hat to Trump at all... Before all the "Trumps economy is all because of Obama and inherited." I am a former 2x Obama voter btw,.

And Kevin Hassett quickly disproved the notion that Trump inherited the upward trend from Obama.... Hassett worked under Bush and Clinton.:

and if you watch the whole video, he said Obama inherited a bad economy... and said To say Obama destroyed the Economy isnt true....So he seemingly is just a economy numbers geek... and loves to go over Data. He even corrected Trump on a wrong statement he made on Highest economy 100 years chirp...(in fact its was ten years)

I made sure all sources are liberal, as no democrat will even click your link if it resembles anything conservative, which is ridiculous...ofcourse facts can come from either side.........Anyways, to anyone saying The tax Cuts and deregulation changes Trump made did not work...( as they would.. under any president. Not just Trump. As they did for Regan as well) is complete hog wash... Oh And gas was super cheap as he focused on self energy independence.......and...Yeah other than being divisive with his twitter thumbs, Trumps take on the economy and the direction he should guide it to.....was better as far as from an economic growth standpoint and better for the 'average joe' than any previoius administration ...all the way back to another republican. Regan. So to say.,...Trumps Economy is trash, or on the other hand admit it was good...But inherited....Is not factually correct, worked for Regan, Trump took the THAT direction, tweaked it....and deployed it effectively for a new time period.....Not To say Trump did everything right....Other than keeping us out of wars....and a booming economy and energy independent standpoint, which Biden killed with promptly....unfortunately...oh and whoever said recessions only and always come after republican presidents...I will submit to you the strongest the economy has been since the 1980s to now.... was under republican administrations., Trump and Regan. These are facts......okay... annnnnnnnnddd


Also....Side note: anyone wondering where Gavin Newsom is? He got a booster jab, has not been seen in almost 2 weeks..... then was rumored to be having chest problems a mere three days after the jab....Then denied that (via twitter ofcourse, not in person)....and cited family issues,,,another rumor flew our that a family member was in deep criminal shit...But lets be honest here... For Gavin to not show to the climate dog and pony show and consort with the rich, famous and like minded people is very odd for a normally gregarious guy.....things that make you say hmm... Given this fact from the vaers system clearly highlighted on the jabs and risks for men with future cardiac issues....ill give you the quote here ...Steve Kirsch, executive director of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund and a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) panel member. In a late September discussion of the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, he stated that the “VAERS [Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System] shows heart attacks happen 71 times more often following these [coronavirus] vaccines compared to any other vaccine.”
Not that im too into politics or Trump... and definitely not for Biden... who... unless you're in complete denial... ..well.. the lights are on but no ones home....Any defense that Biden is running things or clear of Mind... is ridiculous. Yes I know you'll argue me.. but, its a fact, How many stopped streams and events are cut short/ ....With Rumors of him deficating himself coming out of the vatican.... Massive dislike to like ratios on every platform Biden speaks on......How many hours of complete gibberish Joe Biden is putting out.....I mean there are like 5-6 major youtube channels that have big traffic....That are only held up by Biden Gaffes and moments of complete confusion of the year, day, dates, how long hes been in politics and a bunch of other things that are concerning ...coming from the leader of the 'free world'.......But anyways.

I do remember Obama saying, something to the sort... theres not some magical wand that can just increase the GDP by several percent....Which Trump achieved by several percent for multiple years...until covid..... reported on by even cnn :
, This is the only time you see any liberal media give any tip of the hat to Trump at all... Before all the "Trumps economy is all because of Obama and inherited." I am a former 2x Obama voter btw,.

And Kevin Hassett quickly disproved the notion that Trump inherited the upward trend from Obama.... Hassett worked under Bush and Clinton.:

and if you watch the whole video, he said Obama inherited a bad economy... and said To say Obama destroyed the Economy isnt true....So he seemingly is just a economy numbers geek... and loves to go over Data. He even corrected Trump on a wrong statement he made on Highest economy 100 years chirp...(in fact its was ten years)

I made sure all sources are liberal, as no democrat will even click your link if it resembles anything conservative, which is ridiculous...ofcourse facts can come from either side.........Anyways, to anyone saying The tax Cuts and deregulation changes Trump made did not work...( as they would.. under any president. Not just Trump. As they did for Regan as well) is complete hog wash... Oh And gas was super cheap as he focused on self energy independence.......and...Yeah other than being divisive with his twitter thumbs, Trumps take on the economy and the direction he should guide it to.....was better as far as from an economic growth standpoint and better for the 'average joe' than any previoius administration ...all the way back to another republican. Regan. So to say.,...Trumps Economy is trash, or on the other hand admit it was good...But inherited....Is not factually correct, worked for Regan, Trump took the THAT direction, tweaked it....and deployed it effectively for a new time period.....Not To say Trump did everything right....Other than keeping us out of wars....and a booming economy and energy independent standpoint, which Biden killed with promptly....unfortunately...oh and whoever said recessions only and always come after republican presidents...I will submit to you the strongest the economy has been since the 1980s to now.... was under republican administrations., Trump and Regan. These are facts......okay... annnnnnnnnddd


Also....Side note: anyone wondering where Gavin Newsom is? He got a booster jab, has not been seen in almost 2 weeks..... then was rumored to be having chest problems a mere three days after the jab....Then denied that (via twitter ofcourse, not in person)....and cited family issues,,,another rumor flew our that a family member was in deep criminal shit...But lets be honest here... For Gavin to not show to the climate dog and pony show and consort with the rich, famous and like minded people is very odd for a normally gregarious guy.....things that make you say hmm... Given this fact from the vaers system clearly highlighted on the jabs and risks for men with future cardiac issues....ill give you the quote here ...Steve Kirsch, executive director of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund and a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) panel member. In a late September discussion of the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, he stated that the “VAERS [Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System] shows heart attacks happen 71 times more often following these [coronavirus] vaccines compared to any other vaccine.”
Your strongest economy was Repugs harvesting the hard-earned gains of the Democrat administrations immediately preceding. You’ll need better talking points.

The rest of your verbal vomitus is
Not that im too into politics or Trump... and definitely not for Biden... who... unless you're in complete denial... ..well.. the lights are on but no ones home....Any defense that Biden is running things or clear of Mind... is ridiculous. Yes I know you'll argue me.. but, its a fact, How many stopped streams and events are cut short/ ....With Rumors of him deficating himself coming out of the vatican.... Massive dislike to like ratios on every platform Biden speaks on......How many hours of complete gibberish Joe Biden is putting out.....I mean there are like 5-6 major youtube channels that have big traffic....That are only held up by Biden Gaffes and moments of complete confusion of the year, day, dates, how long hes been in politics and a bunch of other things that are concerning ...coming from the leader of the 'free world'.......But anyways.

I do remember Obama saying, something to the sort... theres not some magical wand that can just increase the GDP by several percent....Which Trump achieved by several percent for multiple years...until covid..... reported on by even cnn :
, This is the only time you see any liberal media give any tip of the hat to Trump at all... Before all the "Trumps economy is all because of Obama and inherited." I am a former 2x Obama voter btw,.

And Kevin Hassett quickly disproved the notion that Trump inherited the upward trend from Obama.... Hassett worked under Bush and Clinton.:

and if you watch the whole video, he said Obama inherited a bad economy... and said To say Obama destroyed the Economy isnt true....So he seemingly is just a economy numbers geek... and loves to go over Data. He even corrected Trump on a wrong statement he made on Highest economy 100 years chirp...(in fact its was ten years)

I made sure all sources are liberal, as no democrat will even click your link if it resembles anything conservative, which is ridiculous...ofcourse facts can come from either side.........Anyways, to anyone saying The tax Cuts and deregulation changes Trump made did not work...( as they would.. under any president. Not just Trump. As they did for Regan as well) is complete hog wash... Oh And gas was super cheap as he focused on self energy independence.......and...Yeah other than being divisive with his twitter thumbs, Trumps take on the economy and the direction he should guide it to.....was better as far as from an economic growth standpoint and better for the 'average joe' than any previoius administration ...all the way back to another republican. Regan. So to say.,...Trumps Economy is trash, or on the other hand admit it was good...But inherited....Is not factually correct, worked for Regan, Trump took the THAT direction, tweaked it....and deployed it effectively for a new time period.....Not To say Trump did everything right....Other than keeping us out of wars....and a booming economy and energy independent standpoint, which Biden killed with promptly....unfortunately...oh and whoever said recessions only and always come after republican presidents...I will submit to you the strongest the economy has been since the 1980s to now.... was under republican administrations., Trump and Regan. These are facts......okay... annnnnnnnnddd


Also....Side note: anyone wondering where Gavin Newsom is? He got a booster jab, has not been seen in almost 2 weeks..... then was rumored to be having chest problems a mere three days after the jab....Then denied that (via twitter ofcourse, not in person)....and cited family issues,,,another rumor flew our that a family member was in deep criminal shit...But lets be honest here... For Gavin to not show to the climate dog and pony show and consort with the rich, famous and like minded people is very odd for a normally gregarious guy.....things that make you say hmm... Given this fact from the vaers system clearly highlighted on the jabs and risks for men with future cardiac issues....ill give you the quote here ...Steve Kirsch, executive director of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund and a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) panel member. In a late September discussion of the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, he stated that the “VAERS [Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System] shows heart attacks happen 71 times more often following these [coronavirus] vaccines compared to any other vaccine.”
Obama's economy was better during his last three years than Trump's first three.

And that was before Trump's shit handling of the virus.
It was Obama who said it. So called "Progressives" want all or nothing and so, nothing is what they accomplish.

What good did all the rancor accomplish? @schuylaar at least was honest when she confirmed it was all just political theater. It's also called spitting in the soup.

Eh, I am a realist in what can get accomplished vs ideals, so I do get it. Currently the left people don't have a party/candidate, and I think they make themselves irrelevant by breaking away. It's a delicate balance, not pissing in the soup, but they should advocate for their position within the party. Its one of the trappings of being a big tent party, very hard to appeal to everyone under the umbrella.

*lol, so grumpy with Obama, thought I was getting a rowdy community organizer, did not deliver.
Not that im too into politics or Trump... and definitely not for Biden... who... unless you're in complete denial... ..well.. the lights are on but no ones home....Any defense that Biden is running things or clear of Mind... is ridiculous. Yes I know you'll argue me.. but, its a fact, How many stopped streams and events are cut short/ ....With Rumors of him deficating himself coming out of the vatican.... Massive dislike to like ratios on every platform Biden speaks on......How many hours of complete gibberish Joe Biden is putting out.....I mean there are like 5-6 major youtube channels that have big traffic....That are only held up by Biden Gaffes and moments of complete confusion of the year, day, dates, how long hes been in politics and a bunch of other things that are concerning ...coming from the leader of the 'free world'.......But anyways.

I do remember Obama saying, something to the sort... theres not some magical wand that can just increase the GDP by several percent....Which Trump achieved by several percent for multiple years...until covid..... reported on by even cnn :
, This is the only time you see any liberal media give any tip of the hat to Trump at all... Before all the "Trumps economy is all because of Obama and inherited." I am a former 2x Obama voter btw,.

And Kevin Hassett quickly disproved the notion that Trump inherited the upward trend from Obama.... Hassett worked under Bush and Clinton.:

and if you watch the whole video, he said Obama inherited a bad economy... and said To say Obama destroyed the Economy isnt true....So he seemingly is just a economy numbers geek... and loves to go over Data. He even corrected Trump on a wrong statement he made on Highest economy 100 years chirp...(in fact its was ten years)

I made sure all sources are liberal, as no democrat will even click your link if it resembles anything conservative, which is ridiculous...ofcourse facts can come from either side.........Anyways, to anyone saying The tax Cuts and deregulation changes Trump made did not work...( as they would.. under any president. Not just Trump. As they did for Regan as well) is complete hog wash... Oh And gas was super cheap as he focused on self energy independence.......and...Yeah other than being divisive with his twitter thumbs, Trumps take on the economy and the direction he should guide it to.....was better as far as from an economic growth standpoint and better for the 'average joe' than any previoius administration ...all the way back to another republican. Regan. So to say.,...Trumps Economy is trash, or on the other hand admit it was good...But inherited....Is not factually correct, worked for Regan, Trump took the THAT direction, tweaked it....and deployed it effectively for a new time period.....Not To say Trump did everything right....Other than keeping us out of wars....and a booming economy and energy independent standpoint, which Biden killed with promptly....unfortunately...oh and whoever said recessions only and always come after republican presidents...I will submit to you the strongest the economy has been since the 1980s to now.... was under republican administrations., Trump and Regan. These are facts......okay... annnnnnnnnddd


Also....Side note: anyone wondering where Gavin Newsom is? He got a booster jab, has not been seen in almost 2 weeks..... then was rumored to be having chest problems a mere three days after the jab....Then denied that (via twitter ofcourse, not in person)....and cited family issues,,,another rumor flew our that a family member was in deep criminal shit...But lets be honest here... For Gavin to not show to the climate dog and pony show and consort with the rich, famous and like minded people is very odd for a normally gregarious guy.....things that make you say hmm... Given this fact from the vaers system clearly highlighted on the jabs and risks for men with future cardiac issues....ill give you the quote here ...Steve Kirsch, executive director of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund and a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) panel member. In a late September discussion of the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, he stated that the “VAERS [Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System] shows heart attacks happen 71 times more often following these [coronavirus] vaccines compared to any other vaccine.”
First post in the politics forum. What, no foreplay? Do you fuck like you post?
and whoever said recessions only and always come after republican presidents
please quote where anyone said that. I was talking the worst 3 financial disasters came after republican presidents. Those are facts in history. Not debatable. You may try and not blame the presidents back then. But you have no problem blaming Joe for the economy now :roll:

Somehow our national debt (that’s accumulated over the last ~100 years) is also joes fault :wall:
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whoever said recessions only and always come after republican presidents...I will submit to you the strongest the economy has been since the 1980s to now.... was under republican administrations., Trump and Regan. These are facts......okay... annnnnnnnnddd
Bonus points.
Who was the last president to achieve a budget surplus, increase taxes on the weathy, and enjoy a healthy economy?