infrastructure vote surprise...

.I will submit to you the strongest the economy has been since the 1980s to now.... was under republican administrations., Trump and Regan. These are facts......okay... annnnnnnnnddd

"While it is difficult to assess blame for the root causes, at least one recession did begin under every Republican president since Ronald Reagan compared with zero under Democratic presidents over the same period. As a "strong recovery," the Clinton administration clearly qualifies, landing in the fourth spot for growth since World War II. The Obama administration recovery is a jump ball, posting a weaker 2% average GDP, but scoring 75 months of positive job growth."

Quoted just in case you dont feel like reading the link above
Eh, I am a realist in what can get accomplished vs ideals, so I do get it. Currently the left people don't have a party/candidate, and I think they make themselves irrelevant by breaking away. It's a delicate balance, not pissing in the soup, but they should advocate for their position within the party. Its one of the trappings of being a big tent party, very hard to appeal to everyone under the umbrella.

*lol, so grumpy with Obama, thought I was getting a rowdy community organizer, did not deliver.
Still doesn't answer the question whether the price was worth the stalling and rancor.

I think I'm a realist too. Maybe you are too, IDK. What I do know is blaming Democrats for Republicans blocking Biden's agenda is unrealistic. Same with blaming Obama for Republican obstruction during his term.

What got done will do great good for the people of the US. Obama did same.
whoa whoa gents, relax.. was chatting, opening some channels...throwing some info out there, Im not a trumper, I dont think he is the answer to everything, I find ideas the dems have some are good, some are awful, same with repubs under regan and trump... and im not bad mouthing Biden because i think hes making the most awful decisions... I think its because he's getting quite old and well...I know the difference between talking to my Grand mother, (someone who never used drugs, always ate well as they lived on a farm... and got plenty of mental and physical exercize.) at 74 then having the same convo's with her when she was 78-80... shes now 90.. and can recite entire scriptures from the bible.. word for word, but forgot what she had for breakfast... or if we had talked or not....I think there are some people possibly taking advantage of the poor old fella. Although I didnt agree with him hanging out with shady people in the 70s... or his crime bill with hillary.,...(super predators) I always felt like he was a down the middle type of guy...but something seems to be shouving him awfully left...Idk..Im just worried about the state of the dem party...and let me tell you.. my Father was a democrat councilman for my home town for 30 years, his father... Town Justice, democrat...all my uncles Dems......Now? they feel somewhere in the middle... maybe even leaning right, because it feels like the spectrum has shifted way left... leaving people like me...kinda.. Homeless. All i was saying, was Trump was following Regans plan, albeit tweaked, cutting taxes, and regulations... it works...To say his Economy was a direct result of Obama, is... just not true... Thats all. Calm down, no reason to swarm.
Still doesn't answer the question whether the price was worth the stalling and rancor.

I think I'm a realist too. Maybe you are too, IDK. What I do know is blaming Democrats for Republicans blocking Biden's agenda is unrealistic. Same with blaming Obama for Republican obstruction during his term.

What got done will do great good for the people of the US. Obama did same.

What was the price though? Democrats aren't lockstep voters like Republicans, its a wide array of groups so debate and compromise has to happen to get people on board. That's sort of baked into the party. You wind up with a big enthusiasm gap if people feel they aren't being heard/represented and voters aren't that motivated to get out there if they don't have an interest.
Obama's economy was better during his last three years than Trump's first three.

And that was before Trump's shit handling of the virus.

I mean someone whos worked under dem and repub admins....lays it all out with graphs and opens the floor to questions...So, I disagree...and so do people who I would assume have a much beter grasp of economics than you do... Hassett was an assistant professor of economics at Columbia business school from 1989 to 1993 and an associate professor there from 1993 to 1994. From 1992 to 1997, Hassett was an economist in the Division of Research and Statistics at the Fed res, board of governors.... He served as a policy consultant to the Treasury dept during the bush and Clinton administrations ....Did you even watch it?
Hey sorry to break the bad news to you but youre definitely very retarded and sucking major trump dick

Lol I mean Because I can admit the good along with the bad? Have you considered... your raging case of TDS? Do you hate everyone that speaks of things he did well? kinda sad. But okay, you're right, IM retarded because you refuse to leave whatever eco chamber you got going, all presidents do good and bad things, get over it. Also have you pumped gas in the last.. 4 years? lol
Lol I mean Because I can admit the good along with the bad? Have you considered... your raging case of TDS? Do you hate everyone that speaks of things he did well? kinda sad. But okay, you're right, IM retarded because you refuse to leave whatever eco chamber you got going, all presidents do good and bad things, get over it. Also have you pumped gas in the last.. 4 years? lol
did you just post a video of admitted serial liar sarah huckabee sanders? holy fucking shit youre dumber than i thought and i thought you were retarded beyond belief already.

trump was the only president since hoover to lose jobs, the presidency, the senate and the house so suck his dick some more sweetie
Lol I mean Because I can admit the good along with the bad? Have you considered... your raging case of TDS? Do you hate everyone that speaks of things he did well? kinda sad. But okay, you're right, IM retarded because you refuse to leave whatever eco chamber you got going, all presidents do good and bad things, get over it. Also have you pumped gas in the last.. 4 years? lol
The only people who mention TDS are full MAGA.

I mean someone whos worked under dem and repub admins....lays it all out with graphs and opens the floor to questions...So, I disagree...and so do people who I would assume have a much beter grasp of economics than you do... Hassett was an assistant professor of economics at Columbia business school from 1989 to 1993 and an associate professor there from 1993 to 1994. From 1992 to 1997, Hassett was an economist in the Division of Research and Statistics at the Fed res, board of governors.... He served as a policy consultant to the Treasury dept during the bush and Clinton administrations ....Did you even watch it?
I dont think anyone watches anything with Huckabee Sanders. We dont have to anymore
did you just post a video of admitted serial liar sarah huckabee sanders? holy fucking shit youre dumber than i thought and i thought you were retarded beyond belief already.

trump was the only president since hoover to lose jobs, the presidency, the senate and the house so suck his dick some more sweetie
Thats how I know you're a tds freak. and did not watch the video at all.. After I JUST got done explaining who it was.. and what he was explaining... or should I assume some guy who posts 40 times a day on a weed growing forums, knows more than the teacher who worked for colombia.....and also worked under three presidents ...some dem some repub as an economic adviser? Good lord man, get a grip....She literally introduces him.. thats all, You make yourself look bad dude.. lol
Thats how I know you're a tds freak. and did not watch the video at all.. After I JUST got done explaining who it was.. and what he was explaining... or should I assume some guy who posts 40 times a day on a weed growing forums, knows more than the teacher who worked for colombia.....and also worked under three presidents ...some dem some repub as an economic adviser? Good lord man, get a grip....She literally introduces him.. thats all, You make yourself look bad dude.. lol
do you let sarah huckabee sanders peg you in the ass with a dildo shaped like a cows dick or something because for the life of me i cannot understand why someone would post a video of that fat lying sack of racist shit
you didnt even watch it
why would anyone watch that fat bitch? she swore up and down she never lied about anything then when she was in front of mueller it was a much different story. "yes mr mueller i am a dumb fat lying bitch please dont put me in prison with the rest of trumps campaign"

dear god what is wrong with you
So long as there cant be an open discussion with both sides of the isle... which i attempted... there will be no unity..And I hate to say it.,.. but the dems are at the forefront of this dog shit state we're in. m And I say that with more several lifetimes and generations of Democrats in my family. How Cringe....until people start to see this... The left side of the isle will just lose... and bring the country down with it.,,Anyways, have a good one, imagine a bunch of pot heads telling me im wrong... backed by someone obviously more in the know than you will ever be in economics....But not even KNOWING that because they refused to click the video because it featured Trumps former press secretary as introducing him.... and yet you guys double down, calling me a maga supporter.. which im not, and retarded... which.. I mean, hey you're the potheads on a pot forum... saying something is false without even looking at it.. lol. and you guys feel safe with that decision because all your other buddies are agreeing with you (ecooooo).. when you're infact completely wrong....And... over the course of 52 minutes, which you watched not one of, the superior intellect absolutely destroys everything you've said here... and yet you still call names, slander and post reactions.. I hope im never so duped, that I sink as low as...well... you all.. and ill never make the mistake of posting informative videos that aim for the truth, when a bunch of pre decided brains act like hyenas all agreeing and laughing at the same time.. with literally not a clue as to how factually wrong you god. When people like you drop the hate... and the high and mighty act maybe, JUST maybe the Democrats can reform the party into something it used to be. Right now...Im looking at this thread ....just shaking my head... like what happened to these people? Its sad. Have a good night..