injunction/court case updates

If you think the little piece of paper will help you when your neighbor calls and the cops show to take your shit... think again.

MMAR pink piece aint worth the paper its written on.
You will easily see court..need a lawyer...could even have your house taken and kids as well.
Sure.. you may not be convicted in the end.
but the sad truth one has a clean bill to grow with out facing the law!

I keep sayin that and no one seems to follow.

so...if an MMAR will go through this...anyone can do the same and have the same END result.
BEING LET OFF! (: Specially if you suffer from some debilitating illnesses!

Police dont believe LP scripts...why would they believe an MMAR paper? There isnt anyone to ask anymore either. Patient info through HC isn't there anymore.
While that could happen, there hasn't been a big crackdown busting mmar grows as far as I know. I'm not worried about the cops taking a sudden interest in my garden. This fucking confusion needs to end though.No one should live in fear of arrest for simply growing or possessing medicine, time for a protest or sit-in or something to wake the judge up.
Gb your smarter then that you been here some time. MMAR while it was valid trumped all. Cops seen "Health Canada" and they shut there least in toronto. LP script on the other hand how many times have we heard from patients "crown thinks I printed it off the internet" it's all bullshit for the time being, IMO anyone with doctors consent and documented sickness should be ok...hope yall can afford 1.30$
While that could happen, there hasn't been a big crackdown busting mmar grows as far as I know. I'm not worried about the cops taking a sudden interest in my garden. This fucking confusion needs to end though.No one should live in fear of arrest for simply growing or possessing medicine, time for a protest or sit-in or something to wake the judge up.
(Crack downs on private gardens) nope, and there won't be..... they don't care about most MMAR ....they do care about the ones abusing it though.
Gb your smarter then that you been here some time. MMAR while it was valid trumped all. Cops seen "Health Canada" and they shut there least in toronto. LP script on the other hand how many times have we heard from patients "crown thinks I printed it off the internet" it's all bullshit for the time being, IMO anyone with doctors consent and documented sickness should be ok...hope yall can afford 1.30$
With that reasoning MMAR left out with a pink piece would be good...
Most people let alone cops, know the right cut off date anymore :)
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With that reasoning MMAR left out with a pink piece would be good...
Most people let alone cops, know the right cut off date anymore :)

At this point I say any left out that wants to grow, grow. You have an established need, and if CC's can sell and get off in the courts, then I doubt anyone with a need is goiing to get into any problems, the only problem I would for see would be stupid shit like insurance.

I have a lot of reason why MMPR does not work for me right now, mainly strains and terponiod profiles, I can not buy meds from people who are still learning about the stuff I found out 20 years ago, I do not need tweed to teach me about med cannabis. Heck they do not even know for sure what strains they have so how can I buy meds from them or anyone? that means if I happen to be left out and grow I think I am good.
If you think the little piece of paper will help you when your neighbor calls and the cops show to take your shit... think again.

MMAR pink piece aint worth the paper its written on.
You will easily see court..need a lawyer...could even have your house taken and kids as well.
Sure.. you may not be convicted in the end.
but the sad truth one has a clean bill to grow with out facing the law!

I keep sayin that and no one seems to follow.

so...if an MMAR will go through this...anyone can do the same and have the same END result.
BEING LET OFF! (: Specially if you suffer from some debilitating illnesses!

Police dont believe LP scripts...why would they believe an MMAR paper? There isnt anyone to ask anymore either. Patient info through HC isn't there anymore.

Sorry sir but you are completely misinformed.

That little pink slip of paper has gotten me out of alot of confrontations with law enforcement.

Having a plant count that is under the number on your mmar papers draws a look of defeat over the officers face and usually an apology as well.

I printed out the injunction order and currently have a "doctors note" dated for the beginning of this year so that might have helped?

Anyway do not underestimate the mmar, it may not be active anymore, but the lack of restrictions was always astounding to me!

Peace and Pot

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Rollitup mobile app
Sorry sir but you are completely misinformed.

That little pink slip of paper has gotten me out of alot of confrontations with law enforcement.

Having a plant count that is under the number on your mmar papers draws a look of defeat over the officers face and usually an apology as well.

I printed out the injunction order and currently have a "doctors note" dated for the beginning of this year so that might have helped?

Anyway do not underestimate the mmar, it may not be active anymore, but the lack of restrictions was always astounding to me!

Peace and Pot

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Rollitup mobile app

Yea GB you lost me on that one. I have MMAR pinks and MMPR scripts, both are valid. Have you not been on Mark Klokeids youtube page before? this guy smuggles hash into Canada and smokes it in the airport bathroom on film and gets away with it. He goes up to cops with lit joints on camera and they always say nothing or at most they ask him for ID.
Yea GB you lost me on that one. I have MMAR pinks and MMPR scripts, both are valid. Have you not been on Mark Klokeids youtube page before? this guy smuggles hash into Canada and smokes it in the airport bathroom on film and gets away with it. He goes up to cops with lit joints on camera and they always say nothing or at most they ask him for ID.


Klokey? I have to say his style of activism is not the most conventional.....but LOOK at the results!!!

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Rollitup mobile app

Klokey? I have to say his style of activism is not the most conventional.....but LOOK at the results!!!

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Rollitup mobile app
Yea do not get me wrong, I am no way one of his crazy minions, I was simply pointing out all the crap he gets off with by flashing his papers, and he is 9 times out of 10 being a total ass to the cops when he does it, but they still let him go. Yea I do not consider him a be rep for our community.
If you think the little piece of paper will help you when your neighbor calls and the cops show to take your shit... think again.

MMAR pink piece aint worth the paper its written on.
You will easily see court..need a lawyer...could even have your house taken and kids as well.
Sure.. you may not be convicted in the end.
but the sad truth one has a clean bill to grow with out facing the law!

I keep sayin that and no one seems to follow.

so...if an MMAR will go through this...anyone can do the same and have the same END result.
BEING LET OFF! (: Specially if you suffer from some debilitating illnesses!

Police dont believe LP scripts...why would they believe an MMAR paper? There isnt anyone to ask anymore either. Patient info through HC isn't there anymore.

Uhhh, they DID show up and didn't take shit. In fact all I had to say was MMAR and he left. He didn't even ask to see the paper.

I remember you going on about this before, but I just fail to see your line of thought on this one.

The police resources line is still active at HC so the cops can call and ask if an address has a MMAR license attached to it.

An LP script is a lable or a piece of paper provided by a private company, and there isn't an industry standard for it so they all look different. Which makes it difficult for all the police forces to familiarize themselves with every LPs script. MMAR license is an official government document that is the same across the board from BC to Nova Scotia.
Sorry sir but you are completely misinformed.

That little pink slip of paper has gotten me out of alot of confrontations with law enforcement.

Having a plant count that is under the number on your mmar papers draws a look of defeat over the officers face and usually an apology as well.

I printed out the injunction order and currently have a "doctors note" dated for the beginning of this year so that might have helped?

Anyway do not underestimate the mmar, it may not be active anymore, but the lack of restrictions was always astounding to me!

Peace and Pot

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Rollitup mobile app
I have the exact same thing, new notes every year with plant count and storage...asked my doc to sign a copy of my fax confirmation completed of sending HC my address move in the future. He don't take no shit from government authorities.
I have had a neighbour try her best for the last two years...
has phoned the police,on me,multiple times and not once did they even come speak to me about my garden.
She has phoned by-law, the city and tried to take me to small claims court as well...claiming my garden will over seed her property and she will have wild mj plants growing on her property as a result.
But the best one all summer was when I heard her telling a cop in her driveway....about my garden and he told her to mind her own business,because lots of people have medical grows.(she went completely crazy on him at this point)

she also claimed in court I was growing excessive amounts of 15 or more plants but before I could defend myself
the judge,shut her down....big I had pictures of my garden in my defense package....that showed the 4 plants
I had grown...from inception to finished product.
So ...though we can all be at the mercy of someone on a power trip...most law enforcement is very understanding
to our plight and I found it especially so in the justice system.
Mark Klokeids youtube page before? this guy smuggles hash into Canada and smokes it in the airport bathroom on film and gets away with it. He goes up to cops with lit joints on camera and they always say nothing or at most they ask him for ID.

one fool and that's how it all goes? :)

Naaa 8)

I know part of Cannadans story...
He was being nice about his neighbor (:.

and yes.... I have seen Mark Klokeids before and...good for him if he is doing what he wants to do.
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I have been saying this too....lp's are strictly for rec weed...and they will admit that this is their
intended audience....
medical will be their smallest portion of business....

Correct! LP's knew from the start that there would never be sustainable biz from MMJ. They've been hanging on tooth & nail for Rec since inception....all of them!
Hey.... Dishes...... just say MMAR

for? my garden is gone. i'm a left out
if i had room, i would say that and see...especially after the guy i Quebec who got the $1 fine for his plants. he didn't even have any paperwork.
i wish i had the room in my apartment
Theres the great outdoors next summer..I realize its to little to late but .... as long as I have been around...I doubt there was a year where things were not done outside to make up for not having enough meds to last through the year. Its hassle free as dont have to tend to them much at all.

Its just another way to have meds...very easy to do.
I live in a trailer park...I advised my neighbors I was legal...the neighbors all advise me if strange vehicles come in the back alley...or stop in my drive...have the cops do drive-thru the park, and back alley...keep 1 or 2 plants under and its all good...feel bad for those with non-understanding safe folks!!!

mojo embodying the fkr fkr in us all