Insane Weekend. Involves A Gun Shot Wound. I Live A Comic Book Life. Pics

:clap:First thing I did was gun safety with my wife!Lol Lol Lol! At least drill into their head the correct way to unload something! So if they do shoot you they will do it properly! Gun discharged accidentally and took his left nut? I was aiming for chest and shot him in the mouth the police would believe?

huh? you shot someone in the mouth?
& why was she unloading your firearm without your knowledge?

:lol: good story I dug the pics

and the disclaimers about the pictures :lol:
My wife & 2 of our 3 sons are legal to carry in michigan & they do.

We dont go anywhere unless we carry,my wifes 9 is allways in reach for both of us,the laws in my state are clear about weapon storage in a vehicle or anywhere you are not in 100% full control of the weapon.
Your weapon is supposed to be locked away by approved methods the second it leaves your hand,no exceptions,we have to use a trigger lock as well as a gun lock cable securing the weapon to the vehicle if its not in a locked trunk in a locked case ,even then trigger locks are still mandatory.

How did you walk away without police confiscating the weapon ?
How is your permit not revoked on the spot pending a hearing ?:shock:

How were you not charged with reckless endangerment ?:?

Unless the law in your state is cool with weapons stored any ole way & the cop was barney fife driving car 54 i cant see this in my mind,somethings amiss here.

What state are you in,i'd like to research that states ccw laws ,cause if they are that lax im moving there !
My wife & 2 of our 3 sons are legal to carry in michigan & they do.

We dont go anywhere unless we carry,my wifes 9 is allways in reach for both of us,the laws in my state are clear about weapon storage in a vehicle or anywhere you are not in 100% full control of the weapon.
Your weapon is supposed to be locked away by approved methods the second it leaves your hand,no exceptions,we have to use a trigger lock as well as a gun lock cable securing the weapon to the vehicle if its not in a locked trunk in a locked case ,even then trigger locks are still mandatory.

How did you walk away without police confiscating the weapon ?
How is your permit not revoked on the spot pending a hearing ?:shock:

How were you not charged with reckless endangerment ?:?

Unless the law in your state is cool with weapons stored any ole way & the cop was barney fife driving car 54 i cant see this in my mind,somethings amiss here.

What state are you in,i'd like to research that states ccw laws ,cause if they are that lax im moving there !

Reckless endangerment because a 27 year old women grabbed my gun on her own? Haha. Please. I don't live in a Nazi gun state. Washington is very liberal. I can leave my pistol in my car. I don't need anything you described. And to be perfectly honest? Don't care if you believe the story or not. Went down exactly the way I said. They returned my pistol after 2 weeks and my CPL is valid till 2016. :)
Right? Reckless endangerment maybe if she was a 4 year old, but 27?!

You live in a great state, I love Washington...

Spent many weeks in the San Juans... great place to "find yourself".
Reckless endangerment because a 27 year old women grabbed my gun on her own? Haha. Please. I don't live in a Nazi gun state. Washington is very liberal. I can leave my pistol in my car. I don't need anything you described. And to be perfectly honest? Don't care if you believe the story or not. Went down exactly the way I said. They returned my pistol after 2 weeks and my CPL is valid till 2016. :)

Wow,touchy feely,belief isnt the issue.

As i said "somethings amis" & from reading your post i was right, you left out that they confiscated the firearm,somethings amiss is far from disbelief,im pretty good at saying what i mean.

As for the 27 year old i couldnt care less about you not being charged,nor am i crying out for you to be charged,any adult stupid enough to ( play ) with a firearm like she did deserves what she got,my comments are based on knowing police conduct ,which is to charge with every possible charge right from the start,then let the defendant squirm out of it,not weather you deserved a charge or not.

Dont be pissed at me,your post made it seem as if you walked away with a firearm involved in a shooting.:mrgreen:
Mistake #1 - Carrying a pistol with a chambered round on a SA pistol.
Mistake #2 - Abandoning your weapon loaded in an unsecured manner.
Mistake #3 - Thinking you are compentent enough to own anything but a water pistol
Mistake #1 - Carrying a pistol with a chambered round on a SA pistol.
Mistake #2 - Abandoning your weapon loaded in an unsecured manner.
Mistake #3 - Thinking you are compentent enough to own anything but a water pistol

He was so irresponsible............. NOT!
So I started my Saturday morning very well. Here we have the worlds largest 3 on 3 basketball tournament. Friday evening after I was gone my insurance check for my car I had a little spending money. Got a girl some flowers...for the first time that day just because.

Also I picked up the new HTC Sensation 4G from T-Mobile. Upgrade your shit haters.

Had a margarita with a friend then went down to the tournament and met some friends for a drink. Smoked some oil before hand as well with a buddy and had a bomb breakfast.
***Not actually me and my friends.

Met the 27 year old I've been waiting to see all day. No pic. :(:(:( she is 5'1 115. Naturally curly hair. Big ass. Decent chesticles. Cute little face. Awesome attitude. Lacking in common sense.

Anyway...we drive around to a house she is sitting and dog watching at for a week. We take the dog on a walk.
****Not her.

We go down to meet a buddy whom loaned me 43 dollars about a week ago because it was on the way back to where we were goin. I had my concealed pistol with me and my Concealed Pistol License.

I put it on my side of the car in the door and told her not touch this it is loaded. I will be right back. Well apparently after I walked down the block a little and inside she had already grabbed my pistol. Released the mag and tried to free the bullet from the slide. Her finger slipped into the trigger guard and she caught a .45 185 grain jacketed hollow point at point blank range right below the middle finger and out the back of her hand into the door shattering the rolled down window and lodging itself into the other side of the door.
***Identical to what hit her.


I had to sit with cops for 45 min so I could be released her car etc. Blood everywhere. Shit like this happens to me way to often. Spent all night Saturday in the E.R. and been taking care or her. Spent like $70 on flowers again so she might feel better. Might be working.

She has to lose her middle finger completely....never touch someone else's gun kids. Specially big ones.

Night ya'll.

Trip to the E.R. - $2,300.00
Bouque of flowers - $70.00

A fun filled night filled with gunshots to the hand of your hot date? PRICELESS!
Thats a crazy fuckin story man. maybe she'll get like a robot finger one day, like a swiss army finger or something.