So I started my Saturday morning very well. Here we have the worlds largest 3 on 3 basketball tournament. Friday evening after I was gone my insurance check for my car I had a little spending money. Got a girl some flowers...for the first time that day just because.
Also I picked up the new HTC Sensation 4G from T-Mobile. Upgrade your shit haters.
Had a margarita with a friend then went down to the tournament and met some friends for a drink. Smoked some oil before hand as well with a buddy and had a bomb breakfast.
***Not actually me and my friends.
Met the 27 year old I've been waiting to see all day. No pic.

she is 5'1 115. Naturally curly hair. Big ass. Decent chesticles. Cute little face. Awesome attitude. Lacking in common sense.
Anyway...we drive around to a house she is sitting and dog watching at for a week. We take the dog on a walk.
****Not her.
We go down to meet a buddy whom loaned me 43 dollars about a week ago because it was on the way back to where we were goin. I had my concealed pistol with me and my Concealed Pistol License.
I put it on my side of the car in the door and told her not touch this it is loaded. I will be right back. Well apparently after I walked down the block a little and inside she had already grabbed my pistol. Released the mag and tried to free the bullet from the slide. Her finger slipped into the trigger guard and she caught a .45 185 grain jacketed hollow point at point blank range right below the middle finger and out the back of her hand into the door shattering the rolled down window and lodging itself into the other side of the door.
***Identical to what hit her.
I had to sit with cops for 45 min so I could be released her car etc. Blood everywhere. Shit like this happens to me way to often. Spent all night Saturday in the E.R. and been taking care or her. Spent like $70 on flowers again so she might feel better. Might be working.
She has to lose her middle finger completely....never touch someone else's gun kids. Specially big ones.
Night ya'll.