Insane Weekend. Involves A Gun Shot Wound. I Live A Comic Book Life. Pics

Mistake #1 - Carrying a pistol with a chambered round on a SA pistol.
Mistake #2 - Abandoning your weapon loaded in an unsecured manner.
Mistake #3 - Thinking you are compentent enough to own anything but a water pistol

Correction #1 It's a single action/double action. And regardless you ALWAYS keep one in the chamber. It takes long enough to draw your weapon as is...why add another 2 seconds to chamber a round when I can drop the safety? You know nothing.
Correction #2 It was left in the care of a responsible adult in a locked car, in a holster, with the safety on who had been warned before I left to not touch it.
Correction#3 Thinking you know what the fuck you are talking about was really mistake number 1.

Anything else princess?
You are one lucky mo fo,here in michigan the authorities woulda hung my ass out to dry.

Last year the wife & myself went shopping,she couldnt walk very well that day so when we got to meijers she got an electric scooter,at the cash register i was paying cash & as most women allways do she went rooting round in her purse for 7 fukin cents for the bill.

In the process her weapon became visable,we got home later to 2 police cars & 3 policemen outside our home,one standing next to the suv cop wagon with his shotgun out of its cradle.

The bitch at the cash register freaked after seeing a glimps of the weapon,called security which in turn took our plate number down & called the cops,security told police that my wife actually pulled her weapon out in public & had it on her lap,which never happened,all she did was push the weapon to the side of the purse & cover it back up with a fold in the pures.

The cops wrote her an appearance ticket charging her with & i use exact terminology here ( flagrant brandishing of a weapon in a public place) ,the cops seized her weapon & asked us to surrender the other 5 registered weapons we have on file,we refused,she was taken to jail,made to stand in extreme pain to be printed & mugshot & then charged with interfering with a police investigation & refusing a police directive.

We lost the 9mm that the police confiscated until the hearing on the appearance ticket,the judge threw out the case & ordered police to return the weapon in a timely manner,to this day the weapon has not been returned due to a chain of custody issue,they know exactly where the weapon is but refuse to return it until all custodians of the weapon sign off,the cop who seized the weapon is on paid medical leave & until he returns to work & signs off were fucked.

Were still fighting the other trumped up charges & have over $4,000 in legal fee's invested so far with atleast another 2 court dates ,& thats if things go in our favor 100%.

The cops here cant stand citizens having the right to carry & do everything possible to make it hard on permit holders,this is why i commented the way i did,i just cant fukin believe how much more lax the police are in your neck of the woods.

Dude if you seen my wife you'd think she's a helpless little woman & ask her if she needed help in any way,people do all the time,she is 98 lbs when she's in good health,very feminine & lady like,wears little cute sun dresses & sun hats with lil flowers on them,extremely soft spoken & non agressive woman,she is beautiful from head to toe & an immaculate dresser,since her disease ran rampant she developed a kind of sick look to her facial features that make her look even more helpless,on top of that she's a highly educated woman & holds several degrees in education & phsychology,the prosecutor acts as if she's a public threat & backs the police to the hilt & refuses to budge or listen to reason,the mother fucker even asked her why she dont dress like other women from the middle east beacuse she is from lebanon.

Its unimaginable to me how you were treated,we woulda been charged with atleast one felony & most likely convicted,you have much better police & thats all i was getting at not a bunch of anti gun cry baby shit trying to bitch about you having weapons.
the cops should have realised it was just hysteria, when they saw your frail wife who suffers from ms,assholes
Oh fuck... guess you wont be hitting that dumb ass broad anymore... im sorry but you have to be a dumb ass to mess with a loaded gun
Oh fuck... guess you wont be hitting that dumb ass broad anymore... im sorry but you have to be a dumb ass to mess with a loaded gun

Yup. I am choosing not to. I probably still could after it all heals and shit. And ya...extremely stupid..
Wow....glad nobody was killed. I carry as well but I never let it leave my side. Be careful out there folks...:peace:
So I started my Saturday morning very well. Here we have the worlds largest 3 on 3 basketball tournament. Friday evening after I was gone my insurance check for my car I had a little spending money. Got a girl some flowers...for the first time that day just because.

Also I picked up the new HTC Sensation 4G from T-Mobile. Upgrade your shit haters.

Had a margarita with a friend then went down to the tournament and met some friends for a drink. Smoked some oil before hand as well with a buddy and had a bomb breakfast.
***Not actually me and my friends.

Met the 27 year old I've been waiting to see all day. No pic. :(:(:( she is 5'1 115. Naturally curly hair. Big ass. Decent chesticles. Cute little face. Awesome attitude. Lacking in common sense.

Anyway...we drive around to a house she is sitting and dog watching at for a week. We take the dog on a walk.
****Not her.

We go down to meet a buddy whom loaned me 43 dollars about a week ago because it was on the way back to where we were goin. I had my concealed pistol with me and my Concealed Pistol License.

I put it on my side of the car in the door and told her not touch this it is loaded. I will be right back. Well apparently after I walked down the block a little and inside she had already grabbed my pistol. Released the mag and tried to free the bullet from the slide. Her finger slipped into the trigger guard and she caught a .45 185 grain jacketed hollow point at point blank range right below the middle finger and out the back of her hand into the door shattering the rolled down window and lodging itself into the other side of the door.
***Identical to what hit her.


I had to sit with cops for 45 min so I could be released her car etc. Blood everywhere. Shit like this happens to me way to often. Spent all night Saturday in the E.R. and been taking care or her. Spent like $70 on flowers again so she might feel better. Might be working.

She has to lose her middle finger completely....never touch someone else's gun kids. Specially big ones.

Night ya'll.
I bet she will listen next time someone tells her not to touch something,
And I hope you never uttered the words i'm sorry, unless it was i'm sorry you didn't listen to me.
Hope everything works out and you have no further troubles