Insanely Concentrated Wealth Is Strangling Our Prosperity


Apparently he's good at convincing black males, hispanics, and females, too!
The only poll that matters are those taken during an election.

I'm glad this makes you feel good. It makes me feel good too.
You don't have to "let" people pay more taxes, stupid. I didn't propose it as any kind of tax plan just a way for people who want to pay more can lead by example, they can still push for higher taxes. But as my other post shows what good is that if its only spent on the military. I see by your profile your one of the trolls that prowl the politics thread so in you go to the ignore box with the rest of your pathetic troll friends.

That's not at all what you stated. You should consider reading what you write. I know you are talking out your ass, but I'd assume you'd stick by the bullshit you write. I guess I was wrong, you just like arguing for the sake of it. That's cool kid, do your thing. Free country.

I'm glad you took the time to research me. I'm flattered, never thought you'd like my cock so quickly. I don't kiss on the first date though. And I insist you swallow what I give you.
Odd. I see the letter "I" by Bernie's name. Not "D".... I wonder why that is...
He switched back to Independent in July, 2016 after the convention was over.

I don't completely agree that Bernie was some sort of stealth bomb for the Democratic Party. Agree that it's pretty clear by where he campaigned and his policy issues that he wasn't trying to win the nomination but I don't see any good reason why he'd do that to break up the party. While registered as an independent, he caucused with Democrats and voted with them fairly consistently. I think @abandonconflict 's theory that he was the sheepdog for the party is the better explanation.

There is a strong resentment among soft white liberals who are used to privilege that they have to go out and work for it. Bernie told them everything would be free. When Bernie lost, they became as angry as a spoiled kid who was told only one piece of cake . Spoiled children can't be reasoned with. The blow back, in my opinion was more than reckoned with.

Then again, it's true that Bernie has never shown aptitude for reconciliation or bringing groups together. He's very divisive. He's a good choice for the soft white liberal who is uncomfortable about addressing systemic racism because they don't want their privilege messed with. Maybe his goal was to break up the party. I get what you are saying. Maybe he's trying to form a coalition of soft white centrists who just want some free stuff and don't want to confront racism. Maybe we should name this third party the Downy party.
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If he's so popular, then may I suggest he run as an Independent. Because, ya know... party over people.

And round and round we go.
Bernie can't win the nomination for the Democratic party without support from Black, Hispanic or women groups within the coalition. He's clearly not trying to reach out to those groups, so you are right, third party is his only option. The Downy party is the only way he'll make it to the general election.
If he's so popular, then may I suggest he run as an Independent. Because, ya know... party over people.

And round and round we go.
The one thing the two parties have enthusiastically cooperated on is making it difficult to the point of extreme improbably for a third party to compete with them.

Your ignorance is showing.

Or you know it and you're just blowing smoke.
Bernie can't win the nomination for the Democratic party without support from Black, Hispanic or women groups within the coalition. He's clearly not trying to reach out to those groups, so you are right, third party is his only option. The Downy party is the only way he'll make it to the general election.

Bernie doesn't have a shot. His only shot is to run as a third party candidate. Because he's so super duper popular. By far the most popular person on the entire planet, in the history of ever.
The one thing the two parties have enthusiastically cooperated on is making it difficult to the point of extreme improbably for a third party to compete with them.

Your ignorance is showing.

Or you know it and you're just blowing smoke.

But but but, Bernie is the most popular candidate ever.

I'm starting to think you don't understand the word "popular". Google it.
Bernie doesn't have a shot. His only shot is to run as a third party candidate. Because he's so super duper popular. By far the most popular person on the entire planet, in the history of ever.
As if being popular is the most important attribute to predict the outcome of an election.


This thread gave us one gem:
Elections can be hacked. Polls are voluntary
Odd. I see the letter "I" by Bernie's name. Not "D".... I wonder why that is...
Do you honestly believe this is some kind of gotcha question? That Sanders was an Independent who chose to run for president as a Democrat?

You're trying to play something up that's nonexistent. Nobody gives a fuck about that because it's a nonstory. He's the most popular politician in America..

Agree that it's pretty clear by where he campaigned and his policy issues that he wasn't trying to win the nomination
Clinton abandoned the rust belt, she obviously wasn't trying to win
There is a strong resentment among soft white liberals who are used to privilege that they have to go out and work for it. Bernie told them everything would be free. When Bernie lost, they became as angry as a spoiled kid who was told only one piece of cake . Spoiled children can't be reasoned with. The blow back, in my opinion was more than reckoned with.
OK, Grover. Right out of the right-wing playbook.

Everything would be free. Except not. Those soft white liberals also work and pay taxes. What I work for and pay taxes for should represent my interests. I'm not getting anything "for free", that's a Republican talking point. You must be very proud for employing it here..

Then again, it's true that Bernie has never shown aptitude for reconciliation or bringing groups together. He's very divisive.
Except for all of the bipartisan amendments he sponsored during his time in congress.. so very divisive.. More amendments than anyone else the entire session.. totally divisive..
He's a good choice for the soft white liberal who is uncomfortable about addressing systemic racism because they don't want their privilege messed with.
Like you, who voted for him during the primary over Clinton
Maybe his goal was to break up the party. I get what you are saying. Maybe he's trying to form a coalition of soft white centrists who just want some free stuff and don't want to confront racism. Maybe we should name this third party the Downy party.
Did you vote for Sanders because you just want free stuff? Or was it because you're a racist?
He's the most popular politician in America..

Fantastic! So he should have no problem running for President in 2016, in whatever party he chooses. Oh wait, no. He lost by 3.7 million votes.

Ok. Well with that behind us... snicker snicker... maybe he will run in 2020 as an Independent. Because he is the most popular politician in America, he should have no trouble winning, no matter the party.

Geezus kid. You are not good at this.
Fantastic! So he should have no problem running for President in 2016, in whatever party he chooses. Oh wait, no. He lost by 3.7 million votes.

Ok. Well with that behind us... snicker snicker... maybe he will run in 2020 as an Independent. Because he is the most popular politician in America, he should have no trouble winning, no matter the party.

Geezus kid. You are not good at this.
You can't seem to accept the Democratic primary wasn't fair and there are inherent disadvantages running 3rd party

I'm not interested in how many votes Hillary Clinton won in a rigged primary

It means nothing

Progressives will continue to run in whatever party they want so long as the inherent disadvantages running 3rd party are present. Keep crying about it.
You can't seem to accept the Democratic primary wasn't fair and there are inherent disadvantages running 3rd party

I'm not interested in how many votes Hillary Clinton won in a rigged primary

It means nothing

Progressives will continue to run in whatever party they want so long as the inherent disadvantages running 3rd party are present. Keep crying about it.

And round and round we go.

Bernie is the most popular candidate. He should have no trouble winning the election. Because he is the most popular candidate. Why does it matter what party he aligns with at the time most convenient for him? He's the most popular.

Look up the word popular. You clearly don't understand what it means. And such a simple word too... sigh.
Do you honestly believe this is some kind of gotcha question? That Sanders was an Independent who chose to run for president as a Democrat?

You're trying to play something up that's nonexistent. Nobody gives a fuck about that because it's a nonstory. He's the most popular politician in America..

Clinton abandoned the rust belt, she obviously wasn't trying to win

OK, Grover. Right out of the right-wing playbook.

Everything would be free. Except not. Those soft white liberals also work and pay taxes. What I work for and pay taxes for should represent my interests. I'm not getting anything "for free", that's a Republican talking point. You must be very proud for employing it here..

Except for all of the bipartisan amendments he sponsored during his time in congress.. so very divisive.. More amendments than anyone else the entire session.. totally divisive..

Like you, who voted for him during the primary over Clinton

Did you vote for Sanders because you just want free stuff? Or was it because you're a racist?
Oh man, you completely missed my point.

Bernie was the guy who promised what couldn't be delivered and when he lost, it infuriated the people who bought that. I chose Bernie because I thought he was better than Clinton. When he lost, I took a harder look at Clinton and realized that I had been fooled by all the propaganda out there. I solicited a list of complaints about Clinton on this forum and went through that list issue by issue. I realized that I had been had. Practically all the shit said about her was false.

Then Bernie's babies lost me when they turned their ire on the Democratic party. "rigged", "DNC collusion", stolen. Nope, not a shred of fact there. And to this day you keep grinding the organ.

Go start your third party already. Bernie isn't reaching out to the groups in the Democratic party that caused him to lose the primary. He can't win the nomination of the Democratic Party in 2020 without them. He's courting the weak white liberal who is "tired" of identity politics and as @ttystikk says, thinks racism will go away if we stop talking about it. (thanks for that gem, tty). The soft white liberals who were completely taken in by right wing divisive propaganda about Clinton are not worth a bucket of warm spit. So go away already.

Those "screeching" (your word not mine) black men and women who deal with more adversity every day than you do are tougher than you, more pragmatic too and saw Bernie for what he is before I did. I'll give them credit for that.
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