Insanely Concentrated Wealth Is Strangling Our Prosperity

Most important change needed in the 50 states, is change in Education. We are behind in every category. Honestly, alot of people are born to be incorporated slaves. And do not have the honor and intelligence to be respected in circles of law and commerce. WE ARE THE CREDITORS OF THE UNITED STATES! Your blood, sweat and tears is what fuels the occupational government/military. Commercial activities. The ultra wealthy all know this. You must demonstrate a willingness to maintain the status quo when you reach these levels of wealth. Understand that as a U.S. citizen your person and property is owned by the State. And you are no party to the rights outlined in the original Constitution.

Nothing will change until Americans reject consumerism and denounce democracy (mob rule). Time to go back to system of lawful money, bartering of goods and services and simple self-sustainability. Only then will the occupational government be squeezed out of these lands.
I have more connections to the local real estate market than you can shake a Rolodex at. They aren't building starter home, they're building move up homes and McMansions left and right, because those are the people with money, stupid!

The bottom 50% of Americans aren't in the real estate market because they can't afford the inflated prices, thanks to a decade of low or zero interest rate policy.

I mean, duh.
The average loan application size for a newly built home was unchanged, which may indicate builders are trying to keep prices down in order to get more buyers in the door. The average loan size for existing homes reached the highest on record this month. This is a factor of both higher prices and a severe lack of inexpensive starter homes for sale.

This kind of imbalance happens periodically. Home builders will meet market demands.
Middle class wages have been stagnant since around 1978. Fact.
The top 1% wages have increased around 400% and the top .01% wages have increased by around 1,000% in that time. Not exact numbers, but close enough for this bunch..
Now adjust for "inflation".
Women's lib didn't put women to work in America (yes, it helped those who WANTED a job/career), it became necessary.

How exactly, is a billionaire spending more money going to help? More money spent somewhere, but where's it going to end up? Not in my pocket.

Lobbyists, corporations and policy.

I don't care where you stand on anything, the whole system is corrupt and people keep thinking if everyone just hugs it out, we'll be A-Okay!

Just as calling an entire group of voters "racist" isn't going to fix inequality issues in America, blaming rich people for not spending isn't going to fix the income gap and continued loss of work.

Keep the people preoccupied, the Colosseum games go on...
High income households have already doubled!!!!!! Everyone who wants to work is working and killing it!!!! Obama paved the way now Trump is doing what he can i guess to help us out!!!!!!!! America is back baby!!!!!
High income households have already doubled!!!!!! Everyone who wants to work is working and killing it!!!! Obama paved the way now Trump is doing what he can i guess to help us out!!!!!!!! America is back baby!!!!!
Just because some of us don't hate the rich on account of their wealth doesn't mean the inequality situation isn't fucked.

You pretense otherwise with no statistical evidence to support it is just...

I disagree, I think the stick market is a big part of the problem because it is rigged against poor people, look at how the price of sticks has skyrocketed in the past few years. Sticks are a human right! We should start a new govt program to subsidize the price of sticks and make them affordable for all
Sticks are affordable up here but rumour has it sticks have gotten a lot more pricey south of the border ...... thanks Don :). MCGA
Most important change needed in the 50 states, is change in Education. We are behind in every category. Honestly, alot of people are born to be incorporated slaves. And do not have the honor and intelligence to be respected in circles of law and commerce. WE ARE THE CREDITORS OF THE UNITED STATES! Your blood, sweat and tears is what fuels the occupational government/military. Commercial activities. The ultra wealthy all know this. You must demonstrate a willingness to maintain the status quo when you reach these levels of wealth. Understand that as a U.S. citizen your person and property is owned by the State. And you are no party to the rights outlined in the original Constitution.

Nothing will change until Americans reject consumerism and denounce democracy (mob rule). Time to go back to system of lawful money, bartering of goods and services and simple self-sustainability. Only then will the occupational government be squeezed out of these lands.
That sounds like fun lol.
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The job market is the best its been in 17 years. Get out there and hustle girl!!!!!!
Yet most of those jobs don't pay minimum wage, most are 10/12 hour contracts and the people still have to claim welfare even if employed.

If you think people working should still need to claim welfare because they can't afford to live then you're truely fucked in the head.

And I just finished up a big contract with a firm abroad so I've more cheese than a dairy at the minute...but that doesn't mean I dont have to give a shit about the less well off.

If people at the lower end of the scale had more disposable income the economy would be roaring.
If people at the lower end of the scale had more disposable income the economy would be roaring.

Uhm, that's exactly what I was saying to you.

Walmart is a great example of this. The Waltons have 150 billion dollars to their name. They pay their employees shit, and they employ 2 million people in America. If they were only worth say 50 billion, and they took that additional 100 billion and handed that out to every employee of theirs, each employee would receive 50 thousand dollars.

Don't you think it would be better for the economy for all 2 million Walmart employees to have 50k to spend than having one family hoard 150 billion?

Does that make me a jealous bitch to point out the obvious economic benefit of something like that?
Uhm, that's exactly what I was saying to you.

Walmart is a great example of this. The Waltons have 150 billion dollars to their name. They pay their employees shit, and they employ 2 million people in America. If they were only worth say 50 billion, and they took that additional 100 billion and handed that out to every employee of theirs, each employee would receive 50 thousand dollars.

Don't you think it would be better for the economy for all 2 million Walmart employees to have 50k to spend than having one family hoard 150 billion?

Does that make me a jealous bitch to point out the obvious economic benefit of something like that?
It makes you a jealous bitch if you cry about rich people having money.

Pointing out that they could do more and changing the system to make it happen is a different story altogether.

It's the difference between "look at that rich bastard" and "things are bad in the country and you guys are gonna need to (and you will be) contribute more".
It makes you a jealous bitch if you cry about rich people having money.

Having money doesn't inherently make someone a shit bag, but if they accumulated that money by fucking over their employees and bribing politicians, it deserves to be bitched about. Most large corporations fall in to the shit bag category. Companies like Costco are the exception to the rule.

The only power the average person has is where they chose to spend their money, and the votes they cast on Election Day....which is why I never set foot in a Walmart, and refuse anymore to vote for politicians that are in bed with corporate America.
Middle class wages have been stagnant since around 1978. Fact.
The top 1% wages have increased around 400% and the top .01% wages have increased by around 1,000% in that time. Not exact numbers, but close enough for this bunch..
Now adjust for "inflation".
Women's lib didn't put women to work in America (yes, it helped those who WANTED a job/career), it became necessary.

How exactly, is a billionaire spending more money going to help? More money spent somewhere, but where's it going to end up? Not in my pocket.

Lobbyists, corporations and policy.

I don't care where you stand on anything, the whole system is corrupt and people keep thinking if everyone just hugs it out, we'll be A-Okay!

Just as calling an entire group of voters "racist" isn't going to fix inequality issues in America, blaming rich people for not spending isn't going to fix the income gap and continued loss of work.

Keep the people preoccupied, the Colosseum games go on...
How bad is American wealth inequality? This is a great chart;
Having money doesn't inherently make someone a shit bag, but if they accumulated that money by fucking over their employees and bribing politicians, it deserves to be bitched about. Most large corporations fall in to the shit bag category. Companies like Costco are the exception to the rule.

The only power the average person has is where they chose to spend their money, and the votes they cast on Election Day....which is why I never set foot in a Walmart, and refuse anymore to vote for politicians that are in bed with corporate America.
Hold on, that's a completely different point.

Of course the shitheads need to be fucked over, I've already stated if it's a problem we need to change the law to reflect it, haven't I?
I hope this is sarcasm... It can be tough to tell in print.
No. Its the way i feel and see things in America. You don't have to get upset at me just because i disagree with you on a few things here and there. I didn't vote for Trump and I'm pretty pissed he does some of the shit he does and says, but I'm not going to blame him for everything. I believe there is global warming, but i got trumps back now, he's our president. If he gets thrown out then ill ride with what ever happens, America is the best place on earth and i hope anyone that wants to live here will do so!!!!!!! And I don't believe in the green triangle head aliens like you do, or ghosts. Im sorry, i just don't.....
No. Its the way i feel and see things in America. You don't have to get upset at me just because i disagree with you on a few things here and there. I didn't vote for Trump and I'm pretty pissed he does some of the shit he does and says, but I'm not going to blame him for everything. I believe there is global warming, but i got trumps back now, he's our president. If he gets thrown out then ill ride with what ever happens, America is the best place on earth and i hope anyone that wants to live here will do so!!!!!!! And I don't believe in the green triangle head aliens like you do, or ghosts. Im sorry, i just don't.....
I don't mean to Godwin the thread but you realize that's how Hitler got away with it, right?