Interesting Thought...


Well-Known Member
alrite... I'm a first time indoor grower... So I started with bag seed. have 1 female 6 days into flowering... already has quite a few pistols... also have 4 purple kush seedling only 4 days old...
What are you growing? how you doing?


Well-Known Member
Im 15 days into a single AK-47 grow, i only have enough lighting and space for one plant, i was told that the seed i was given is feminized (i got the seed from a grower with a lot of exp.). I have enough good bag seed to last a lifetime, someday ill get a female if i dont this time...


Well-Known Member
Hows the 100W HPS??? was thinking of getting one... but decided not to because my space is kind of small... 3 feet by 5 and 5 feet high... how big is yours?


Well-Known Member
hmmm i always take baths in coke water, gives me that little pick meup before work, then i add a box of bakingsoda, and sell the scummy crack that forms in the divots of my bellybutton and collects on my areola hair, i think thats how black people make it as well.....


Well-Known Member
WOW... Thats how its done?!?!?! ... I always thought like there was some either and some freebasing and some real hot shit.. didn't know I could take a bath in crack... SOUNDs like FUCKIN FUN... and profitable... better go take a crack bath... will baking powder work??? lol Im a crack


Well-Known Member
Hows the 100W HPS??? was thinking of getting one... but decided not to because my space is kind of small... 3 feet by 5 and 5 feet high... how big is yours?
now that i have measured my space is 18" wide, 18" depth, 60" tall.

i got the 100w HPS from home depot as a security light, i just took it apart and made a reflector.


Well-Known Member
hmmm i always take baths in coke water, gives me that little pick meup before work, then i add a box of bakingsoda, and sell the scummy crack that forms in the divots of my bellybutton and collects on my areola hair, i think thats how black people make it as well.....
Ahh, finally someone who uses the same method! +rep


Well-Known Member
now that i have measured my space is 18" wide, 18" depth, 60" tall.

i got the 100w HPS from home depot as a security light, i just took it apart and made a reflector.
Yea man I went to home depot and bought a 100 watt HPS but returned it after reading about how hot they are and that you need a large space and good ventilation... my space is decent but ventilation isnt good... How is your ventilation... how hot does the room get?


Well-Known Member
dude, it doesnt get that hot at all, i just have a 12"intake fan and a 12" exhaust fan, i have a infrared heat sensor and the light tops out at 90F, my grow box stays around 78-82.


Well-Known Member
ho ho ... Mine is like 80 all day with CFLs... Guess I'm going to go buy some HPSs... they wernt that expensive... 20 bucks for a 50 watt... I bought 2 then returned them... shouldn't have... Thanks


Well-Known Member
That was another part of the reason I returned it... because I didn't want to wire it... lazy fuck... also one of the lightbulbs were missing... so... going to go back soon buy iy... open the box first make sure the lightbulb is there... not a bad way to get a free lightbulb... but a dickhead way?


Well-Known Member
I'm sure the multi-million dollar companies that take the losses of ppl stealing can handle it.. some think its wrong to steal some don't, if the government can steal (taxes) why cant we? IMO.


Well-Known Member
No... I'm saying its dickheaded that I buy it without it... The fuckin store needs to check shit before they put it back... and replace whats missing... I must have spent like 500 dollars at home depot this year... damn right I steel shit from them... they can suck it up... they plan on it... they know thats the price you pay for having giganic stores... right?


Well-Known Member
lol! hell yes. They have a shrink allowance, and if there loss prevention team isnt good enough to stop us, its there own fault. haha


Well-Known Member
It seems that there prevention team does little... if not nothing... except not let you in the out door or out the in door... no you have to walk all the way 10 miles to the other side... while your pants are falling down because of stolen goods... whoohaaahahahahah mwahahahahha myhahahajaha aaa