Interesting Thought...


Well-Known Member
HAHAHa... I always make sure to leave with a few tubes of epoxy putty... greatest stuf in the univeres... thats why its expensive... and I can't afford it...

Great stuff epoxy putty... great for all ocasions... bong repair... wall repai... building shit... explosives :)... getting inside coke machines ... AND ANYTHING ELSE you can IMAGINE!!! oooo IMAGINATION!!!


Well-Known Member
Yea man... sometimes it even dries before you want it to its so fast... lieteraly dries in like a minute... dries like cement... kick ass... most of my bongs have this stuff all over it...


Well-Known Member
I just checked my current morning glory batch..
It failed.. I guess I never should have taken the lid off..
There were shit tons of bugs in it..


Well-Known Member
How were you trying to do it???...
This year I dont have too many... because I pulled them all... there mean... they allways choke everyplant they come in contact with... and my garden is only like 4 feet by 10 feet so yea... they would be everywear killing everyone... They grow like crazy though... they grow wiled all over my neighborhood... everywear I go I see them...


Well-Known Member
Concentrated Alcohol, filter, wood alcohol shit, filter mush, then it got attacked by nasty bugs so i threw away


Well-Known Member
EWW what the fuck would bugs want with that???? wonder if they are halucinating... I thought you ment the seeds you planted...


Well-Known Member
growing already???

Next tyme you should probably buy Hawiian rosewood seeds... much more potent... plant them too... do rose trees grow lol????


Well-Known Member
Damn it man... I planted weed seedling like 3 days before you planted those. and mine are like an inch and a half... well I do bend the bottom of the stem and burry it... but still...


Well-Known Member
lol They definetly will... theres a few coming up that I havent pulled... dont know why... but yea there like 2 feet high starting to bud.


Well-Known Member
ive been meaning to ask, how old are you? Some posts you seem younger and some you seem older.. lol sorry if yur offended..


Well-Known Member
Nah I dont care man... I'm 18... but sometimes I think I'm still like... 4 or 5 ... or 2 maybe?


Well-Known Member
Haha... got too much time on my hands... spent alot of time reading about everything while smoking blunts... probably forgot most of it... But I like to chill out smoke a blunt and read some crazy ass shit... used to print shit up from the computer... can learn anything... its great... fucking than I ran out of computer paper... and never think to buy it... So I'v been reading books... theres some crazy ass books out there... If it wern't for cannabis... I would have never started reading... interesting...

Man you'r in Oregon... Cant you be growing legaly???


Well-Known Member
And, I am looking at it from an "investment" point of view. Lace it, sell it, people end up addicted, they don't know what they are addicted to...hey wait a sec, its the weed, im addicted to weed! no there addicted to my coke!, so here comes the kid to buy some more, after a few times, you wouldnt even have to lace it anymore, and they would buy i up more and more untill they decided they couldnt get high off it anymore, then kaboom, here comes some more laced nuggets, and they are back on the chain.

That is such a good fucking idea. Im seriously going to try exactly what you said. Even stop adding it like you said, then put it back later , itll be like boom this shit is awesome. :)


Well-Known Member
i love reading too! Yeah oregon's legal to grow if you have the card.. but i don't have chronic pain or cancer.. even if i did though i dunno if i could get it.. i have a couple drug overdoses in my med record... oops.. too much ecstasy fucks you up and makes you do stupid shit.. lol.. past times.. im sticking to weed and oxy's.. and the occasional night of cocaine..