Inzane in the membrane, Gorilla Zkittlez, Mango Saphire


Well-Known Member
So I 60 tops at aboit 30g a top. That's pretty sick.

Any prunning techniques?

I've been running SE 1000w HPS over a 4x4 screen with ~30 tops a screen. Ive been hitting around 1.8p with 9 plants.

This is the first run for me where I replaced those 1000w HPS with DE 945w CHM. Same setup as before.
Honestly, there are so many different styles. But it's not just 30 tops, I topped once the clones were on the table and I end up with way more than double the number of tops after vegging for a few weeks. Like 30 plants = 200 tops. Anyways in that instance I "lolipopped" the plants and pretty much removed everything under the canopy when I started to flower and again about 3 weeks into flower. But this round I only pruned one out of three strains, the Inzane in the Membrane because it stretches much more than the others. And I topped it and then went into bud 3 days later. Just want to do less larff trimming and less pruning altogether so I'm trying smaller plants this round. Looked at some pics of your grow it looks great. Keep doing that is the only advice I have lol.


Well-Known Member
Which strains have you found that produce this well? Anything that doesn't do well? You pheno hunt yourself or clones from shops?

Recommendations on strains? Sorry when I see great grows, it brings up so many questions. My mind races...


Well-Known Member
Which strains have you found that produce this well? Anything that doesn't do well? You pheno hunt yourself or clones from shops?

Recommendations on strains? Sorry when I see great grows, it brings up so many questions. My mind races...
I grow from seed (never had bugs), and just pop whatever takes my fancy. Everything has yielded fairly similarly, since I usually have 3-4 strains on the table, if one doesn't produce well another one produces really well so it evens out. I don't have time to pheno hunt, I pop a couple seeds of a strain and then clone and bud those clones. I've had some stains that didn't produce well but they are usually high quality, Mango Saphire is an example of one that is high quality but lower producer. Amherst Sour Diesel or Raspberry cough probably had the biggest colas so far.


Well-Known Member
Update, day 21 of flower. Added a second net because the Inzane is stretching so much like a thin Sativa, they are going to need support. Despite my topping and LST, they are a bit taller than the rest of the canopy. Not too bad though. Anyways here are some pics. Although totally unnecessary I am getting another 600-h for this table to replace one of the 260xl. It will add roughly another 340 watts to the table but it won't be here for another couple weeks. With my current yields of 4-5 pounds I am really curious how much more I can squeeze out of this space.

20190312_222547.jpg 20190312_222537.jpg 20190312_222529.jpg


Well-Known Member
Thanks, yeah I took a look at his setup. I often grow large plants so the pebbles help anchor the plants in place. Also provide a bit of extra humidity, just personal preference. Although it would be nice to not have to wash the rocks. Seems to be working really well for me, I used to use Rockwool. What a waste of money that was.


Well-Known Member
Some stats for you @Keesje

Nutes: MegaCrop, bit of calmag, PK boost starting week 4 of flower (0-50-30)
lights: QB - 2x260w xl and 1x600-h (currently - waiting on another 600-h to swap for one of the 260xl)
table: 8x4
reservoir: 100G
co2: 1 exhale bag
Veg: 3 days from clone

Anything else?


Well-Known Member
Rockwool only works well with drippers.
In professional greenhouses where I live you seen it used a lot.
But only with drippers, because otherwise the risk of blocking oxygen is too high.
The stuff gets easily saturated and then oxygen can't reach the roots anymore.


Well-Known Member
I used it in Flood and Drain without issues, and I never top fed. But it was heavy and you just throw it out afterwards, and not healthy to work with for a long time.


Well-Known Member
Some stats for you @Keesje

Nutes: MegaCrop, bit of calmag, PK boost starting week 4 of flower (0-50-30)
lights: QB - 2x260w xl and 1x600-h (currently - waiting on another 600-h to swap for one of the 260xl)
table: 8x4
reservoir: 100G
co2: 1 exhale bag
Veg: 3 days from clone

Anything else?
What EC?
What pH?
And of course: How many times do you totally change your rez? :-P

I really like your set up and with a yield like you had before, it looks like a system to copy.


Well-Known Member
What EC?
What pH?
And of course: How many times do you totally change your rez? :-P

I really like your set up and with a yield like you had before, it looks like a system to copy.
I get at least 4lbs every time now (45 plants), this time might be a little less because such short veg period, normally I go two weeks.
As I said in your thread, before this grow I would only totally change it 1-2 times a grow, just add 50% solution when it goes down 50%.
This grow I am changing it every week, just for kicks and to see if i notice a difference. My PH is between 5.9-6.2. In flowering my EC is 1.6-2.0 and in veg when they are clones I start off around 1.2 EC.


Well-Known Member
I am not familiar with MegaCrop, as I think it is only for sale in North America.
Do you have to adjust the pH a lot with this brand?


Well-Known Member
Hardly at all actually man. Most PH stable nutrient I personally have used. I believe they are working to make Europe a reality for MegaCrop right now. It should be available sometime soon. Cheap and works great.


Well-Known Member
That is good to hear (Stable pH and coming to Europe)
You use water from a lake (if I understood correctly)
What is the pH and EC of that water?

Edit: I looked for some earlier grow journals from you, but can't find them.
Is it me, or is this your first real grow journal?


Well-Known Member
That is good to hear (Stable pH and coming to Europe)
You use water from a lake (if I understood correctly)
What is the pH and EC of that water?

Edit: I looked for some earlier grow journals from you, but can't find them.
Is it me, or is this your first real grow journal?
Lakewater PH is like 6.6 and EC is 0.3-4
I may have one other journal somewhere but I don't think I finished it because I got lazy. I intend to finish this one.


Well-Known Member
White Rhino from Canuk produced heavy dense large colas. But lots of strains do that. That is it above in the first three pics, minus the last pic which is C99. if you are looking for a cash cropper try searching for cash cropping strains with short flowing times.


Well-Known Member
Hey Jefferson,

You won me over to the ebb and flow side lol

I'm building a table and res the same as yours and will be running similar plant count and same nutes lol. I figure it's smart to mimic your style after seeing the results. Easier for me to follow along

As of now I will use 2 x 315 cmhs and a 600w hps for lighting

Hopefully that will be enough to cover the table until later when I buy more lights


Well-Known Member
Before my LEDs I had 3x600w HPS (single ended) and 1x400watt HPS for a total of 2.2kw HPS over the same table. I have no idea about CMH lights, I heard they are good though. I don't know what a 315cmh is equivalent to? Either way it seems like enough light. What helps me massive is the white reflective plastic of my tent. I totally notice a big difference on the sides with white plastic vs the open end.