Is a seed from a hermi always a hermi?

Dude, 4 years ago I was doing a large room of mostly GG#4. There were a couple of White Widows mixed in that went herm. I pulled them after I realized it, but a bit of pollen had already spread. I ended up harvesting about 4 pounds of GG4, and in the 4 pounds were 2 seeds. One popped, one didn't. The one that popped turned out to be female. I grew it out, cloned it, and now I'm 4 years into running a GG4/WW cross that is not only phenomenal, but also has never kicked out a single nanner. I'm talking about hundreds of plants - no nanners. Not ever.

So you're statement isn't true.
that's what I wanted to hear, YEAH BABY!
So you swear and bring in politics


Yer realllllllllly smart
You're acting like Sarah Sanders. You answered the topic in an absolute - "yes, hermies are hermies"

You got called on it, tried to back track, and now you're crying on the internet about it.

Hey Sarah - grow a pair and either own what you said, or state that you fucked up and were wrong. It's actually quite simple. I've been wrong on RIU plenty of times, and every time I just owned it and apologized.

Or keep crying. Your call.
It's not a stress reaction! How come that shit always shows up when plants look stressed or when I jam lights too close and bud foxtails and Herms or the lower branches that struggle for light that can Herm easy.

It's obvious.
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Yer just wanting to argue... And I'm fine with yer antics, basketball game is kinda boring anyways
So if somebody pops onto RIU and states something that you know isn't true, you're just gonna let it go???

I value this site for facts and advice. As many years as I have under my belt, I learn new shit from here almost weekly. False statements(like yours) on a site that people are trying to gather info from are counter productive and should be called out every single fucking time.

You were wrong. Own it instead of being a little bitch about it. You've had some great posts in the past. This backpedaling routine is beneath you.
Ok let's be serious here

How was I wrong

I said, that not 100% of hermied seeds are hermies

And my initial comment was an off handed comment, not a statement of facts or falicy

So what am I to say I was wrong about