Is a seed from a hermi always a hermi?

It was meant as an offhanded comment

Thank you for understanding my humor

Even if ya may be making fun of
I'm wasn't making fun of it at all. I get what you're saying. I thought you were thinking about Forrest too, lol. I couldn't help but think of that as soon as I read that post and I was laughing. I liked the post from the beginning.
Ahhhh love you to boo
Ok let's be serious here

How was I wrong

I said, that not 100% of hermied seeds are hermies

And my initial comment was an off handed comment, not a statement of facts or falicy

So what am I to say I was wrong about
Are you being serious?

The actual title to this thread - "Is a seed from hermi always a hermi?"

You were the first person to respond to the thread and you answered "Yes." You went on to say "a hermie is a hermie". Then you got called on it, which you responded to with some "potato, potato" bullshit. Sorry sport, facts don't work like that. And here you are, 4 pages later pulling the Sanders routine, and you actually question why I referenced her???

Again, you've actually posted some really good stuff here. This thread? Yeah, you suck. But manning up to the fact that you were wrong is so much easier than the stupid dance you're performing.

But keep it up. Who doesn't admire a tap dancing clown?
Are you being serious?

The actual title to this thread - "Is a seed from hermi always a hermi?"

You were the first person to respond to the thread and you answered "Yes." You went on to say "a hermie is a hermie". Then you got called on it, which you responded to with some "potato, potato" bullshit. Sorry sport, facts don't work like that. And here you are, 4 pages later pulling the Sanders routine, and you actually question why I referenced her???

Again, you've actually posted some really good stuff here. This thread? Yeah, you suck. But manning up to the fact that you were wrong is so much easier than the stupid dance you're performing.

But keep it up. Who doesn't admire a tap dancing clown?

Me love u long time

I'm glad I've given you a fun night, and got yer furry in a bunch

Yer very combative...

maybe it would be good to post some pictures of some hermi's you got going on in your gardens for people to get an idea of what it is