The jap said to the white guy , " you lokk out you flucking bacon and egg eater , you have eye's lik flucking overcoat buttons !!!!!)
The white guy said , "is that fuckin right is it ? "
The jap said "yes that is correct !" , he then said " see that building there there ? " the white guy(lets call him ben for short) said "yeah i see that "
The jap (let's cal him bill for short) only because i have worked with a chineese person b4 called bill , he was the funniest person eva , loved him .
Any way back to story , bill said "i own that" , ben said well fuckin really ?
Then bill said see that gtr skyline and that bmw and that merc ? ben said "yeah what of them ?"
bill said i own those cars to !
Ben said " well big fuckin deal , i own a fuckin ford falcon and a 2 bedroom flat , but just remember one very important thing .
bill said "yes what is it looser"
ben said i don't give a fuck how many fucking story buildings you own or how many fancy fucking cars you have .
Just remember 1 thing , you will never have a long , thick white guys cock (then you have the blacks , i'm scarred of them )
ben said now fuck off tic tac cock , just as ben said that a swarm of japs or chineese or something came running around the corner with meat cleavers and shit in there hands .
ben said " now all you fucking cunt's with cocks like fuckin toes better fuck off before i turkey slap each and one of you .
bill and foe ran , ben was a hero !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry people i don't know what just came over me to tell you that little story ?