Is being black in US worse than being white?

I do not understand how this black - white bullshit has any relevance in growing marijuana. All it does is put a new face to your avatar, stop being baited and lets get back to growing.

Peace and have a great day!

It dosn't at all , but it is fun to see peoples opinions on tha subject !
If you don't like it stick to the grow section boy !!!!!
I do not understand how this black - white bullshit has any relevance in growing marijuana. All it does is put a new face to your avatar, stop being baited and lets get back to growing.

Peace and have a great day!

You think this is our first rodeo? We recognize it for what it is, thank you, though.

Niggers, Jews, Homo-sexuals, Mexican, A-rabs, and all different sorts of Chinks stink, and I hate 'em!
I'm tired of black guys holding their big ole wangs over the white mans head.

If they had smaller units they would be
afforded the same freedoms as the japs.

There I said it.
It dosn't at all , but it is fun to see peoples opinions on tha subject !
If you don't like it stick to the grow section boy !!!!!

It's amazing the the courage meth heads have hiding on a forum. Get back to playing with yourself! BOY!!!!
In one of the Chris rock stand ups, he said there isn't a white man in America that would switch places with him, and he's rich. Would you switch from from poor white man to rich black man?
The jap said to the white guy , " you lokk out you flucking bacon and egg eater , you have eye's lik flucking overcoat buttons !!!!!)
The white guy said , "is that fuckin right is it ? "
The jap said "yes that is correct !" , he then said " see that building there there ? " the white guy(lets call him ben for short) said "yeah i see that "
The jap (let's cal him bill for short) only because i have worked with a chineese person b4 called bill , he was the funniest person eva , loved him .
Any way back to story , bill said "i own that" , ben said well fuckin really ?
Then bill said see that gtr skyline and that bmw and that merc ? ben said "yeah what of them ?"
bill said i own those cars to !
Ben said " well big fuckin deal , i own a fuckin ford falcon and a 2 bedroom flat , but just remember one very important thing .
bill said "yes what is it looser"
ben said i don't give a fuck how many fucking story buildings you own or how many fancy fucking cars you have .
Just remember 1 thing , you will never have a long , thick white guys cock (then you have the blacks , i'm scarred of them )
ben said now fuck off tic tac cock , just as ben said that a swarm of japs or chineese or something came running around the corner with meat cleavers and shit in there hands .
ben said " now all you fucking cunt's with cocks like fuckin toes better fuck off before i turkey slap each and one of you .
bill and foe ran , ben was a hero !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry people i don't know what just came over me to tell you that little story ?
Meth head , HA you should speak you fucking looney , get back to your dump master bin where you live !

typical meth head speak, your wife is calling you.

Damn, I was admiring Cleavon's sharp attire and good looks, when I realized for the first time, the saddle bags say Gucci.
typical meth head speak, your wife is calling you.
Typical is it ? Your the 18 year old fucking nerd sitting behind your computer , popping all your fucking zits , eating twinkies for dinner .
Tellinig your fucking self how cool you are every 30 seconds .
Yes you are a big man hiding away by that thing you call a computer , now fuck off train wreak
Your mom stole your army boots again and went out nude saying "i will suck and fuck for coupons !"

Damn get her a leash sister ! ya never know who she could attack .
After you stop licking your window you might want to go back to your grow bitch ....
Typical is it ? Your the 18 year old fucking nerd sitting behind your computer , popping all your fucking zits , eating twinkies for dinner .
Tellinig your fucking self how cool you are every 30 seconds .
Yes you are a big man hiding away by that thing you call a computer , now fuck off train wreak
Your mom stole your army boots again and went out nude saying "i will suck and fuck for coupons !"

Damn get her a leash sister ! ya never know who she could attack .
After you stop licking your window you might want to go back to your grow bitch ....

Wow that was a mouth full, you've got a lot of balls! in your mouth. Yes, I call it a computer like millions of others. What do you call it? I guess you are using your toaster to post your silly ass responses or your maybe you finally got your Commodore 64 repaired. Learn to spell! It's Train Wreck! You illiterate asshole. You picked the wrong one sucker! You need to move on before you become my Rollitup Bitch!
Wow that was a mouth full, you've got a lot of balls! in your mouth. You picked the wrong one sucker!

Is that right little mister fiddle dick ?
Balls in my mouth ? what about all your mates with bruises on there chins from your balls ?