Funny how most ignore the 10 ton elephant in the room:
Most of these statistics are within the power of black people, and no one else to change.
Equality is impossible without equal effort..............................
i picked the most racist member posting in this thread to address.
not surprisingly, a racist like angelsbandit is also incredibly naive and stupid.
they took the same resumes and randomly put either white names (emily walsh or greg baker) or black names (lakisha washington or jamal jones) on them.
same resume, but the black names had to send out twice as many resumes to get the same number of interviews.
so equal effort won't even do it. blacks need to make more than equal effort just to keep from losing ground, and that is AFTER we have gotten rid of slavery, jim crow laws, institutional racism, implemented civil rights, and so on and so forth.
i won't even get into stats about how blacks are more likely to be pulled over, searched, and arrested, or how blacks are more likely to get a tougher sentence for the exact same crime, or any of the other myriad statistics that illustrate how much tougher it is for blacks to escape the cycle of poverty that centuries of unequal access to opportunity has left them in disproportionately.
has anyone seen the demographic maps, by the way?
my point is, it's much easier to be white in america. much easier. most of the advantages we have we take for granted, too.