Is Biden really that bad?

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The reason why Biden sucks is not really his policies, of many which do suck, but its because our entire political process sucks, and which he is a part of, and hes acted in accordance with all other advancing career politicians, selling out mainstream while acting like their pal..

Republicans do the same only they don't even give you the courtesy of acting like they care.

Democrats are on the right path with the right agendas with the right heart and minds but act ignorant to the fact that our political process is nothing more than a reality TV show and the network feeds you drama with actors while behind the scenes human greed and moral weakness prevails. I mean about 5 hedge funds own all of the media and its no surprise out of 350 million people in America everyone gets behind 2 morons like Trump and Biden and the only reason that type of nonsensical puppet politics can happen is by a rigged political process. I don't care if your vote counts if the only people you get to choose voting between are hand picked by the hedge funds and popularized through the media until they are the only ones participating in interviews, the only ones winning primaries, the only choices for president. So no your vote doesn't really count and it's evident in our debates when they block out any contenders with the hand picked puppets and the way people like Biden and Bernie spend decades talking universal Healthcare and the second they actually can make it happen you get crickets. I mean if a pandemic of world proportions can't convince America that we need healthcare nothing will. But it isn't Americans who need convincing its those career puppet politicians who only puppeteer profit for the hedge funds who control everything..
I used to think a lot like this. And would go through it point by point, but it is getting late and I am tired.

So I would start small right with one question though, about this part:

"the way people like Biden and Bernie spend decades talking universal Healthcare and the second they actually can make it happen you get crickets. "

When was this time that they can make it happen? In say the last 50 years, there has been about 7 years that the Democrats could actually get anything passed and every single time they were dealing with a obstructionist Republican party that refused to help with the recession that they dumped on our economy.
I used to think a lot like this. And would go through it point by point, but it is getting late and I am tired.

So I would start small right with one question though, about this part:

"the way people like Biden and Bernie spend decades talking universal Healthcare and the second they actually can make it happen you get crickets. "

When was this time that they can make it happen? In say the last 50 years, there has been about 7 years that the Democrats could actually get anything passed and every single time they were dealing with a obstructionist Republican party that refused to help with the recession that they dumped on our economy.
Umm Biden made Bernie in charge of his healthcare task force. Did he make moves to present universal Healthcare? I mean it was a pivotal moment climaxing Bernies entire career yet he backed down when Biden told him universal Healthcare wasn't on the agenda. How disgraceful.. There would never have been a better time.. Republicans would have looked awful to deny universal Healthcare during a pandemic. Many Republicans support it.
Umm Biden made Bernie in charge of his healthcare task force. Did he make moves to present universal Healthcare? I mean it was a pivotal moment climaxing Bernies entire career yet he backed down when Biden told him universal Healthcare wasn't on the agenda. How disgraceful.. There would never have been a better time.. Republicans would have looked awful to deny universal Healthcare during a pandemic. Many Republicans support it.
How many votes would it take to pass universal healthcare? How could the Democrats been able to get it done with the current Republicans in the senate?
The reason why Biden sucks is not really his policies, of many which do suck, but its because our entire political process sucks, and which he is a part of, and hes acted in accordance with all other advancing career politicians, selling out mainstream while acting like their pal..

Republicans do the same only they don't even give you the courtesy of acting like they care.

Democrats are on the right path with the right agendas with the right heart and minds but act ignorant to the fact that our political process is nothing more than a reality TV show and the network feeds you drama with actors while behind the scenes human greed and moral weakness prevails. I mean about 5 hedge funds own all of the media and its no surprise out of 350 million people in America everyone gets behind 2 morons like Trump and Biden and the only reason that type of nonsensical puppet politics can happen is by a rigged political process. I don't care if your vote counts if the only people you get to choose voting between are hand picked by the hedge funds and popularized through the media until they are the only ones participating in interviews, the only ones winning primaries, the only choices for president. So no your vote doesn't really count and it's evident in our debates when they block out any contenders with the hand picked puppets and the way people like Biden and Bernie spend decades talking universal Healthcare and the second they actually can make it happen you get crickets. I mean if a pandemic of world proportions can't convince America that we need healthcare nothing will. But it isn't Americans who need convincing its those career puppet politicians who only puppeteer profit for the hedge funds who control everything..
What's the difference how many Republicans support it if they can't or won't vote for it?
Exactly my point. What's the point of rallying for something your entire career only to not even try once you have the position, power, and leverage more than ever before and ever will have? I'll tell you. Pandering puppetry..
Exactly my point. What's the point of rallying for something your entire career only to not even try once you have the position, power, and leverage more than ever before and ever will have? I'll tell you. Pandering puppetry..
If it wasn't for everything we have learned about the attack on our democracy over the last handful of years you might have a better point.

Also you should read up on Obamacare, which if not for the Republican led states that have stopped their citizens from being able to access the insurance and all the court battles that they have had to try to dismantle it, we would have that final 8% of Americans covered with health insurance that were not.

This is the problem with the 'both sides' troll, it really doesn't hold up when you really look at it.

But I get it, after decades of the brainwashing propaganda, even though it is not logical, it doesn't mater since it...

Screen Shot 2022-03-20 at 10.51.54 PM.png

PS it will take 60 votes to pass anything in this senate at least and the Democrats only have 50 (+tie breaker), so I ask again, when is this magical time that the Democrats could have fixed healthcare?
If it wasn't for everything we have learned about the attack on our democracy over the last handful of years you might have a better point.

Also you should read up on Obamacare, which if not for the Republican led states that have stopped their citizens from being able to access the insurance and all the court battles that they have had to try to dismantle it, we would have that final 8% of Americans covered with health insurance that were not.

What good is covering everyone if they still have to pay the disgusting high cost of healthcare? The cost is the biggest problem. But of course our government will focus on making sure everyone is covered rather than deal with the problem of high cost because after all getting everyone covered means more profit for the Healthcare industry, which is owned by the insurance companies to begin with. What a surprise?? Why is it insurance rates are so high? Because insurance companies know it doesn't matter how much they spend at the hospital on your Healthcare because they can just raise premiums next year to offset costs.. Why do you think you now sit in a room for 20 minutes waiting to see the doctor when even though you're on time for your appointment its a long wait? Because the glory of having a Healthcare system run by insurance companies hell bent on profit means they now have a doctor working for a Healthcare system instead of private practice, because that's the only way they will get referrals, completely maximizing the Healthcare systems profit(The insurance company) by seeing as many patients a day as possible.. And they do this by now employing less doctors which in turn increases volume of referral rates per doctor. But yeah the fears dumb Republicans used to throw out there about having to wait 2 weeks for surgery and months for an appointment... Those times have come even without nationalized Healthcare.. But yeah you keep supporting that system pal!
What good is covering everyone if they still have to pay the disgusting high cost of healthcare? The cost is the biggest problem. But of course our government will focus on making sure everyone is covered rather than deal with the problem of high cost because after all getting everyone covered means more profit for the Healthcare industry, which is owned by the insurance companies to begin with. What a surprise?? Why is it insurance rates are so high? Because insurance companies know it doesn't matter how much they spend at the hospital on your Healthcare because they can just raise premiums next year to offset costs.. Why do you think you now sit in a room for 20 minutes waiting to see the doctor when even though you're on time for your appointment its a long wait? Because the glory of having a Healthcare system run by insurance companies hell bent on profit means they now have a doctor working for a Healthcare system instead of private practice, because that's the only way they will get referrals, completely maximizing the Healthcare systems profit(The insurance company) by seeing as many patients a day as possible.. And they do this by now employing less doctors which in turn increases volume of referral rates per doctor. But yeah the fears dumb Republicans used to throw out there about having to wait 2 weeks for surgery and months for an appointment... Those times have come even without nationalized Healthcare.. But yeah you keep supporting that system pal!
translation: demand everything be done at once and accomplish nothing.

First, Bernie's healthcare bill was just a symbolic act. The plan was not defined well enough to estimate the cost, much less how to pay for it.

Second, the shit stupid bill required people to leave the healthcare plans that they liked. Forcing more than a hundred million people off healthcare plans that they like without anything to offer but a promise. It was Trump's best hope to win another term.

What so called Progressives must do before they can be taken seriously is win elections in contested districts. They can't. And there is the rub. They are an small and powerless group. But oh my they can bitch.
translation: demand everything be done at once and accomplish nothing.

First, Bernie's healthcare bill was just a symbolic act. The plan was not defined well enough to estimate the cost, much less how to pay for it.
That part is true!
What so called Progressives must do before they can be taken seriously is win elections in contested districts. They can't. And there is the rub. They are an small and powerless group. But oh my they can bitch.
How will they win when they don't get the media coverage to be popular, meanwhile Sarah Palin panders to her constituents to build a bridge to no where and wins, because of unfair election processes that rely on media popularity.. The medias job during elections is pursuading the majority of the mindless masses who can't think for themselves, who idolize pop culture, in the same way, to pick a front runner to be part of the popular group to feel better about themselves. To pick one or the other puppet the puppet masters have hand picked.

Why aren't debates more inclusive??
That part is true!
Well, then at least we don't have to discuss his shitty bill.

How will they win when they don't get the media coverage to be popular, meanwhile Sarah Palin panders to her constituents to build a bridge to no where and wins, because of unfair election processes that rely on media popularity.. The medias job during elections is pursuading the majority of the mindless masses who can't think for themselves, who idolize pop culture, in the same way, to pick a front runner to be part of the popular group to feel better about themselves. To pick one or the other puppet the puppet masters have hand picked.

Why aren't debates more inclusive??
People win elections when they get more votes than their opponents. It is the job of the candidate to convince people to vote for them. Which districts do you think held unfair elections? Who lost for the simple reason they could not get their messages out? Be specific. You aren't making sense.

Regarding your complaint that elections are unfair because they rely on media popularity. Was Biden popular? Was Trump? Both have had horrible approval/disapproval ratings, even during the primaries. So I don't know what you are talking about. Please be specific. Sarah Palin isn't an elected official and she isn't popular with the majority, so I don't know what you are talking about there either.

What debates are you talking about and who do you think was shafted?

What to you propose we DO.
Well, then at least we don't have to discuss his shitty bill.

People win elections when they get more votes than their opponents. It is the job of the candidate to convince people to vote for them. Which districts do you think held unfair elections? Who lost for the simple reason they could not get their messages out? Be specific. You aren't making sense.

Hi my name is John and my hedge fund owns 35 percent of the cable TV networks and this is my friend Bill. His company owns another 35 percent of the cable networks. This is my father Bob. His hedge fund owns 51 percent of all the newspapers in the country. We've decided Jimmy Longstocking and Terry Snickerling are our candidates.

(all the media shows are Jimmy Lingstocking and Terry Snickerling as viable candidates)

You're like a trout looking for bait.

"What to you propose we DO."

We could start by admitting our government is outdated and not working for the majority. Then we could consider the way of the Swiss who have citizens initiatives and referendums pretty much keeping politicians in check and the power of government in the hands on the people.

In America we elect a bunch of self centered shipbags who make decisions for us and often deciding things that hurt us. I mean yeah it made sense in 1800 when word of mouth traveled by horseback and could take weeks to months to receive pertinent information meaning you needed government to act on your behalf but today with the instantaneous flow of information elected officials should really have no say in anything and should be merely clerks carrying out the will of the public.
Hi my name is John and my hedge fund owns 35 percent of the cable TV networks and this is my friend Bill. His company owns another 35 percent of the cable networks. This is my father Bob. His hedge fund owns 51 percent of all the newspapers in the country. We've decided Jimmy Longstocking and Terry Snickerling are our candidates.

(all the media shows are Jimmy Lingstocking and Terry Snickerling as viable candidates)

You're like a trout looking for bait.

"What to you propose we DO."

We could start by admitting our government is outdated and not working for the majority. Then we could consider the way of the Swiss who have citizens initiatives and referendums pretty much keeping politicians in check and the power of government in the hands on the people.

In America we elect a bunch of self centered shipbags who make decisions for us and often deciding things that hurt us. I mean yeah it made sense in 1800 when word of mouth traveled by horseback and could take weeks to months to receive pertinent information meaning you needed government to act on your behalf but today with the instantaneous flow of information elected officials should really have no say in anything and should be merely clerks carrying out the will of the public.
So you have nothing but platitudes and fiction to discuss.

Your story sells in Tokentalk.

Your entire argument is a sweeping generalization. You basically state your belief and can't say exactly who or what is wrong. Just "the media" and "those politicians". I get that you think you are smart but your words say otherwise. You are just another deluded narcissistic authoritarian windbag who wants to tell others what to do and do nothing themselves.

Might I suggest you start taking a practical line? Because nobody can make the changes you suggest without convincing a majority to do them. From what you've said here, you don't know or say anything of value. Perhaps your problem lies in your grandiosity.
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