Is Biden really that bad?

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What good is covering everyone if they still have to pay the disgusting high cost of healthcare? The cost is the biggest problem. But of course our government will focus on making sure everyone is covered rather than deal with the problem of high cost because after all getting everyone covered means more profit for the Healthcare industry, which is owned by the insurance companies to begin with. What a surprise?? Why is it insurance rates are so high? Because insurance companies know it doesn't matter how much they spend at the hospital on your Healthcare because they can just raise premiums next year to offset costs.. Why do you think you now sit in a room for 20 minutes waiting to see the doctor when even though you're on time for your appointment its a long wait? Because the glory of having a Healthcare system run by insurance companies hell bent on profit means they now have a doctor working for a Healthcare system instead of private practice, because that's the only way they will get referrals, completely maximizing the Healthcare systems profit(The insurance company) by seeing as many patients a day as possible.. And they do this by now employing less doctors which in turn increases volume of referral rates per doctor. But yeah the fears dumb Republicans used to throw out there about having to wait 2 weeks for surgery and months for an appointment... Those times have come even without nationalized Healthcare.. But yeah you keep supporting that system pal!
All of this text to avoid the reality that the Democrats have not had the ability to actually get things done and have had the Republicans in office trolling them while they did for the handful of years they held power in DC over the last half century. And again, while fixing a wrecked Republican economy in those first couple years of each presidency before the astroturf movements paid for by the mega wealthy win the Republicans back enough power to really stop everything from getting done.

That is the problem with the 'both sides' trolling. It lacks reality of history and moves on to the snow flaking.

That part is true!

How will they win when they don't get the media coverage to be popular, meanwhile Sarah Palin panders to her constituents to build a bridge to no where and wins, because of unfair election processes that rely on media popularity.. The medias job during elections is pursuading the majority of the mindless masses who can't think for themselves, who idolize pop culture, in the same way, to pick a front runner to be part of the popular group to feel better about themselves. To pick one or the other puppet the puppet masters have hand picked.

Why aren't debates more inclusive??
Then move onto 'the media' trolling.

Hi my name is John and my hedge fund owns 35 percent of the cable TV networks and this is my friend Bill. His company owns another 35 percent of the cable networks. This is my father Bob. His hedge fund owns 51 percent of all the newspapers in the country. We've decided Jimmy Longstocking and Terry Snickerling are our candidates.

(all the media shows are Jimmy Lingstocking and Terry Snickerling as viable candidates)

You're like a trout looking for bait.

"What to you propose we DO."

We could start by admitting our government is outdated and not working for the majority. Then we could consider the way of the Swiss who have citizens initiatives and referendums pretty much keeping politicians in check and the power of government in the hands on the people.

In America we elect a bunch of self centered shipbags who make decisions for us and often deciding things that hurt us. I mean yeah it made sense in 1800 when word of mouth traveled by horseback and could take weeks to months to receive pertinent information meaning you needed government to act on your behalf but today with the instantaneous flow of information elected officials should really have no say in anything and should be merely clerks carrying out the will of the public.
What is sad is that if you actually believed this, you should actually be able to appreciate that Joe Biden (and shit the majority of the Democrats voted into the house the last few election cycles at least) was firmly in the middle class his entire political career (his taxes are out there if you actually bothered to check and not just rely on your feels). He didn't have all these 'connections' that you claim everyone in politics have.
All of this text to avoid the reality that the Democrats have not had the ability to actually get things done and have had the Republicans in office trolling them while they did for the handful of years they held power in DC over the last half century. And again, while fixing a wrecked Republican economy in those first couple years of each presidency before the astroturf movements paid for by the mega wealthy win the Republicans back enough power to really stop everything from getting done.

That is the problem with the 'both sides' trolling. It lacks reality of history and moves on to the snow flaking.

Then move onto 'the media' trolling.

What is sad is that if you actually believed this, you should actually be able to appreciate that Joe Biden (and shit the majority of the Democrats voted into the house the last few election cycles at least) was firmly in the middle class his entire political career (his taxes are out there if you actually bothered to check and not just rely on your feels). He didn't have all these 'connections' that you claim everyone in politics have.
One thing we can say about that idiot is he was good at separating facts from his opinion. His posts were purely opinion. "they", "the media", "the puppet masters" and so forth. He managed to string together several sweeping generalizations that were masterpieces of fact free propaganda.

His handler will be proud.
That may 'feel' truthy, but is it?

old, and getting older. of course, that doesn't mean senile, or doddering...maybe incontinent though....
it does probably mean many are out of touch with what most of their constituents actually want...which may also not be a bad thing, as most of their constituents are probably morons. only two are in their 80s though, but as long as they're mentally aware, does it really matter? i'd rather have someone with experience than a freshman who can be manipulated easily
Umm Biden made Bernie in charge of his healthcare task force. Did he make moves to present universal Healthcare? I mean it was a pivotal moment climaxing Bernies entire career yet he backed down when Biden told him universal Healthcare wasn't on the agenda. How disgraceful.. There would never have been a better time.. Republicans would have looked awful to deny universal Healthcare during a pandemic. Many Republicans support it.
Have you really not noticed (wouldn’t be much of a surprise) that Dems only control the senate ON PAPER? A fifty—fifty split, when DINOs vote Republican on every major issue….

If the battle between the two sides has been inaudible to you for the last 3 years, I have to assume you haven’t been listening.

it’s a popular GOP myth that “Dems can’t get things done”, enabled by the fact the GOP obstructs and interferes with EVERYTHING any democrat tries to accomplish - including pretending to work with Dems to sabotage their efforts. All while lying with nearly every word (the most effective lies have some grain of truth, but a durable lie will serve as well as truth).

GOP can no longer be seen as a viable political choice, as they’ve chosen the path of imposing their will on the voters in a quest for permanent power (Rove’s “permanent Republican majority). They can’t be trusted with anything, as they’ve proved repeatedly they will sacrifice *anything and everything* to this quest. Their goals are the return of (de-facto) slavery, the absolute rule of white wealth, and reducing the number of citizens with voting rights.

Their voters depend on them for “the future”, but GOP only depends on the base for power; once they get enough in their hands, their base will discover just how disposable they truly are.
Umm Biden made Bernie in charge of his healthcare task force. Did he make moves to present universal Healthcare? I mean it was a pivotal moment climaxing Bernies entire career yet he backed down when Biden told him universal Healthcare wasn't on the agenda. How disgraceful.. There would never have been a better time.. Republicans would have looked awful to deny universal Healthcare during a pandemic. Many Republicans support it.
Even having a crack at it would of been something. Even if it had of failed. At least Obama made a start and got people talking about it.

Americans in general don't want universal healthcare, we have seen the debate on here time and time again. They don't understand it. "My tax's will go up". "Why should i pay for someone else" (sadly a very American/Capitalist response to most things). "But how will Dr's make any money?" "It's Communism".

Then try to explain to them that the cost of most used prescription medicine comes, way, way, way down and they explode...
He beat Trump miserably, didn't he?
Cool man. tweedle d beat tweedle dumb. Why are either remotely close to the most intelligent choice for a presidential candidate? Because our banana republic doesn't need intelligence it needs brainless puppets to carry out their bidding so you get a TV reality star like Trump who's dumb enough to drink bleach or another career actor who's brain is so foggy they can really have their way with him. Both have history of creepy sexual misconduct. Best choice right? I mean the regional manager for stop and shop in your local area is probably a better choice.. That's telling.
Cool man. tweedle d beat tweedle dumb. Why are either remotely close to the most intelligent choice for a presidential candidate? Because our banana republic doesn't need intelligence it needs brainless puppets to carry out their bidding so you get a TV reality star like Trump who's dumb enough to drink bleach or another career actor who's brain is so foggy they can really have their way with him.
Opinions from idiots are idiotic.

old, and getting older. of course, that doesn't mean senile, or doddering...maybe incontinent though....
it does probably mean many are out of touch with what most of their constituents actually want...which may also not be a bad thing, as most of their constituents are probably morons. only two are in their 80s though, but as long as they're mentally aware, does it really matter? i'd rather have someone with experience than a freshman who can be manipulated easily
Thank you for those charts, point taken about the age (although average age under 65 is still well below the troll statement of the 80's). I am with you about liking the experience over rolling the dice like the Republicans have been doing with idiots like Cawthorn, MTG, Bobert, and so many others.

I still stand by the feel of being 'truthy' though. A couple decades off is still quite a bit.

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I double checked the second part too to make sure.

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Hey Biden lovers..Sniffed anyone's kids lately? Did you know Biden says poor kids are just as smart as white kids? He knows poverty because he's lived with roaches. Wanna come feel up his hairy legs in the pool?? He confused his wife with kamala Harris. Are your knees red kamala? Remember the accusations against Bidens finger? #Metoo right? Yeah..That's our President. The most unsuitable for the position. Not saying Trump was remotely suitable either but at least can the partisan politics stop? I mean its really pathetic when so many people fight over which incompetent moron conniving theif child molester is better.:wall: :wink:

How about a President with intelligence? How about a President who's at least all there? Would be dramatic change.
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Hey Biden lovers..Sniffed anyone's kids lately? Did you know Biden says poor kids are just as smart as white kids? He knows poverty because he's lived with roaches. Wanna come feel up his hairy legs in the pool?? He confused his wife with kamala Harris. Are your knees red kamala? Yeah..That's our President. The most unsuitable for the position. Not saying Trump was remotely suitable either but at least can the partisan politics stop? I mean its really pathetic when so many people fight over which incompetent moron conniving theif child molester is better.:wall: :wink:

How about a President with intelligence? How about a President who's at least all there? Would be dramatic change.
this whole rant is a bigoted pile of horseshit, so i can only imagine what stayed inside your head... :spew:
people like you do make me sick. tear down everything you can get your hands on, and make vague, stupid, untenable "suggestions" for improvements...oh get a better president, change this law, make this a law and get rid of this one...all with no motherfucking clue what the fuck you're talking obviously don't bother to learn any facts, you just go with what makes your dick hard, or your asshole clench....
Hey Biden lovers..Sniffed anyone's kids lately? Did you know Biden says poor kids are just as smart as white kids? He knows poverty because he's lived with roaches. Wanna come feel up his hairy legs in the pool?? He confused his wife with kamala Harris. Are your knees red kamala? Yeah..That's our President. The most unsuitable for the position. Not saying Trump was remotely suitable either but at least can the partisan politics stop? I mean its really pathetic when so many people fight over which incompetent moron conniving theif child molester is better.:wall: :wink:

How about a President with intelligence? How about a President who's at least all there? Would be dramatic change.

Got anything other than a couple click bait edited videos to make your point?

Here is a random full speech, feel free to watch it and be proven a stupid as shit troll.

this whole rant is a bigoted pile of horseshit, so i can only imagine what stayed inside your head... :spew:
people like you do make me sick. tear down everything you can get your hands on, and make vague, stupid, untenable "suggestions" for improvements...oh get a better president, change this law, make this a law and get rid of this one...all with no motherfucking clue what the fuck you're talking obviously don't bother to learn any facts, you just go with what makes your dick hard, or your asshole clench....
lol @ 'people like you'. Do sock puppet trolls count as 'people'?
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