We need a fucking start over man. A complete redo of all humanity so we can get the fuck out of religious beliefs and just use our fucking heads and become morally correct to our fellow humans.
We all know deep inside our heads what is right and what is wrong. It is how we are brought up that teaches us what we are to become and what we will believe in. That is the problem right there. We start off with hatred, fear, love, caring, belief systems and punishment systems. Many times it's not all of those or more of them.
Yes, people do change how they feel and act but that is a large minority. It's very hard to push a system out of your mind once you have been indoctrinated with it for so many years.
What comes to my mind is one of Arthur C. Clarke's novels about an alien visitation to earth. But it wasn't aliens at all. It was our creators and they judged us unworthy due to the fact that we were so brainwashed in our ways that only newborn children could be saved and the rest of the planet and it's people obliterated into dust.
Horrible way to feel about our state of existence but this was written a long time ago and wrings true in many ways. Murder has become a way of life and guns makes it a million times easier. The lack of respect for each other, even if you have the same belief systems, has become intolerable. The world seems to be more hate filled as each day passes.
I know hate has been going on forever but it seems like since Trump became president it's way more prevalent now. Guns are drawn much faster and triggers pulled without remorse. There are not many more real tears left because everything you see now days is phony.
This is what I see when I really take a good look at the people around me. The sweet people are less trusting to be sweet anymore. It's almost as if everyone has formed this very hard shell around them for self preservation and the tiniest of issues sets them off. They become something else.
I'm very high and happy at the moment but this is what I see when I'm out and about. Pot is an excellent way to go about my day with a smile and ignore the fucking assholes with sour faces and snide remarks who never stfu no matter where they go outside or the forums they frequent inside.
And YES, they are on both sides of the political aisle. I know some very nice republicans and some asshole democrats, and vice versa. Personally I don't like conservatives much but I let them talk their belief systems and nod my head. It's the best way to deal with them