Is Biden really that bad?

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I stuck a butter knife in an electric socket at age 4, because I had to felt odd turning my arms to what felt like a rubber band + energy at the same time.

I made a mental note to not do that again.

I did something similar, but dumber. I wanted to learn how to pick locks and found a Bobby pin on the ground, but it had plastic on the tips and wouldnt fit in locks. So I stuck it in an outlet to melt off the plastic. It started shooting sparks so I freaked out and grabbed it and pulled it out, in the process causing some weird electrical cut/burn thing that went through most of my finger and cauterized the wound in the process.
Drove to Syracuse this weekend. Met up with family and went to a concert.

I couldn’t get over how cheap gas was there. Even on the interstate! We are paying double for gas up here.

Wish Joe Biden was our Prime Minister.
So you wish Biden was your prime minister because gas is cheaper here @ $4.89/ gallon... But when trump was president I was paying $1.99 per gallon and Trump is the antichrist? :blsmoke:
Tell me something
What was it that Trump actually did accomplish, besides pretty much destroying any semblance of sanity in the GOP (Good thing)
Or was it ripping this country in half (Bad thing)
Enlighten me
I guess it is a matter of how you look at it. When trump was president EVERYTHING!!! Was cheaper... I could afford to buy things like food and gas... Unemployment was at an all time low. The economy was great! Our country was energy independent for the most part.... We didn't have illegals flooding our southern border by the thousands. We didn't have a war being waged in Europe... Dude, watch Sky News in Australia. Even the Aussies half way around the world realize Biden and his administration is a joke. They promote people to positions they aren't qualified for based on the color of their skin, their gender, or their sexual preference. They blame trump and racism for everything.
So you wish Biden was your prime minister because gas is cheaper here @ $4.89/ gallon... But when trump was president I was paying $1.99 per gallon and Trump is the antichrist? :blsmoke:
You wanna bitch about gas prices?
Check out the profit margins made by Exxon/Mobil in the last 6 months & then get back to me
Tell me something
What was it that Trump actually did accomplish, besides pretty much destroying any semblance of sanity in the GOP (Good thing)
Or was it ripping this country in half (Bad thing)
Enlighten me
Oh and lets be realistic here. Trump tried to work with house and Senate Dems... Biden has pretty much called anyone who supports Trump (half of the country) domestic terrorists. So who is really dividing the country here?
Keep drinking the Kool-Aid
I made an argument that Biden has caused gas prices to go up by pointing out policies and things he changed that Trump implemented. And your argument as to why Biden has nothing to do with gas prices is "keep drinking the Kool aid?" Wow... Good argument. Maybe you should have been a debater. You could have won every debate by calling everyone a racist, and saying come on man... And keep drinking the koolaid...
Wow... Talk about spewing hate and lies! :blsmoke::blsmoke::blsmoke: tell me more there fella... Russia Russia Russia, they already have proof Hillary made that shit up... But the fbi has proof Biden is on China's payroll.
Your my dawg-dawg. Lots of feminine energy amongst growers and smokers. Im not necessarily pro-Trump but I like alot of Pro-Trump dudes as they generally have alot of Liberty minded ideals and are usually quite moral people. If the government is too large to strangle with a belt, its no longer effective.
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