IS china threatening us

They have a BILLION motherfuckers.

G'damn right they're a threat.

A billion people armed with what?
The 4 Classics, a Gu Qin and a counterfeit Rolex?

You should be more concerned about the lunatic at the end of your street with the semi-auto...
A billion people armed with what?
The 4 Classics, a Gu Qin and a counterfeit Rolex?

You should be more concerned about the lunatic at the end of your street with the semi-auto...

You are posting about China ten years ago. You should update yourself on what China is capable of NOW. and their allies
Go hide in your bunker with your 90 day supply of dessicated cheeseburgers, you paranoid loon.

LOL! paranoid? Not me, I just live in Realityville. China is far more advanced than they once were.
It's a fact, doesn't make me paranoid...
What does worry me a bit, is how Obama's sequester has hollowed out our military.
What does worry me a bit, is how Obama's sequester has hollowed out our military.

citation required... Because Obama has done nothing but boost the military... You do realise he handed over the drone program from CIA to DOD at the start of the year or thereabouts?
A top news story of the day is that President Obama is supposedly cutting almost half-a-trillion dollars from the defense budget. But this is simply not true. President Obama is not cutting a single dime out of the military budget. He is actually substantially increasing military spending over the next several years. Washington has once again cleverly disguised a spending increase as a “cut”.

yes, i know freedom works, freedom works should love this..
A top news story of the day is that President Obama is supposedly cutting almost half-a-trillion dollars from the defense budget. But this is simply not true. President Obama is not cutting a single dime out of the military budget. He is actually substantially increasing military spending over the next several years. Washington has once again cleverly disguised a spending increase as a “cut”.

yes, i know freedom works, freedom works should love this..

Why would you say I'd like something that is outdated by several years, and is not even close to being relevant to the topic of sequestration?
Go back to grade school baby boy, adults are trying to have a conversation....


Obama has cut out military spending, and has found a way to fire any commanding officer who dare challenge his agenda.

Realise is correct, spelling differs based on geography... Secondly the article in question reflects the direction that warfare is going and the sequester cuts are designed to shape the future of DOD - Asymmetric Warfare. SOF forces have continued to grow and the sequester has not affected these capabilities.

Black budget for fiscal year 2013 is $52.6 billion, sequester didn't affect it...
LOL! paranoid? Not me, I just live in Realityville. China is far more advanced than they once were.
It's a fact, doesn't make me paranoid...
What does worry me a bit, is how Obama's sequester has hollowed out our military.
Your scared its obvious. Now go hide in your bunker cheeseburger neck. We'll come get u after we whip those motherfuckers.
Realise is correct, spelling differs based on geography...
By Geography, you must mean somewhere other than America

Secondly the article in question reflects the direction that warfare is going and the sequester cuts are designed to shape the future of DOD - Asymmetric Warfare. SOF forces have continued to grow and the sequester has not affected these capabilities.

Black budget for fiscal year 2013 is $52.6 billion, sequester didn't affect it...

If America HAD to go to war right now, we wouldn't have enough combat ready troops.


???????? Who is we? By "we" do you mean Obama? Our commander in chief? LOL You must be trippin' on acid
Well "we" would be like pretty much your whole city with about 5000 gangsters and 2000 hill billies wishing a fucking Chinese cock sucker trying to attack us would walk down the street. They would protect u don't worry. Maybe u missed the days of municipal auditorium.
Well "we" would be like pretty much your whole city with about 5000 gangsters and 2000 hill billies wishing a fucking Chinese cock sucker trying to attack us would walk down the street. They would protect u don't worry. Maybe u missed the days of municipal auditorium.

So you think you know me because you know what city I live in? You think I'm a Democrat? LOL! You're the funniest person I've ever met. :mrgreen:
Why would you say I'd like something that is outdated by several years, and is not even close to being relevant to the topic of sequestration?
Go back to grade school baby boy, adults are trying to have a conversation....

Don't get all mealy mouth now. Simply produce the budget items...well, they made sure you can't do that.

Or you can produce the current figures. Oh right. We are just doing Continuing Resolutions becuase that is all the Resolve in the system. I know the DoD has billions in Green horseshit underway. They are spending more billiion to prepare for Climate Change Catastrophe. (soon to be a major motion picture)


What are facts? Are yours the same as mine? My stat is, just a stat better? Or not. Is to. Is not.

That about sums it up.
According to the Cato Institute
In a literal sense, the United States does not have a defense budget. The adjective is wrong. Our military spending is for many purposes: other nations’ defense, the purported extension of freedom, the maintenance of hegemony, and the ability to threaten any other nation with conquest. But the relationship between these objectives and the end they purport to serve, the protection of Americans and their welfare, is unclear. In fact, defining the requirements of our defense so broadly is probably counterproductive. Our global military posture and activism drag us into others’ conflicts, provoke animosity, cause states to balance our power, and waste resources.
However there are numbers, numbers and damn lies, too. This suggests +10%, spending increase, I say quite civilly.

And you know what? I am not showing you how to act like an adult. I am showing you how I do that.
Cutting defense by $54.7 billion in 2013 would not reverse the inflation-adjusted increase of $55.6 billion in defense spending instituted under Obama.

In fiscal 2003, when the United States was at war in both Iraq and Afghanistan, Defense Department spending was $426.3 billion in constant 2005 dollars. Between then and 2012, real Defense Department spending increased by $156.2 billion, or 36.6 percent.
- See more at:
So you think you know me because you know what city I live in? You think I'm a Democrat? LOL! You're the funniest person I've ever met. :mrgreen:
I never gave any thought to your political party. I just don't like u saying china is going to whip our ass. Nothing is going to happen your scarring yourself into thinking the Russians r coming or the Chinese likes its red dawn or some shit( the old red dawn, not the new one )
I dont know how many of you seen this but as someone who lives in the seattle area i found this really disturbing. china released info about there nuclear subs and how the can attack the USA from anywhere, not only that but they gave us a map of where they would attack and how much damage/life loss would be expected. the scarey part is it would almost wipe the USA out :( Now i know we get threatened all the time but ive never heard anything like this from china, korea yes, not china, which makes me believe there is some kind of reality behind this attack.


before this turns into another China Strong spam thread, the PRC's press releases are about as reliable as those from Pyongyang.

janes estimates that china does have several subs capable of fitting cruise missles, but NO ABILITY to fit nuclear weapons to those subs.

most of China's deep water navy is old diesel subs of russian manufacture (and they are still buying more) cuz their nuclear sub program (nuclear powered, NOT nuclear armed) is as shaky as Michael J Fox in a bouncy castle.

their surface navy is largely irrelevant even when compared to france, much less the US navy.

Instigators, turn pits in cages
Let loose and bit the neighbors, wrist to razors
Y'all don't want war, y'all want talk
In the dark my dogs all bark like WOOF!
Proof nigga I'mma wolf, get your whole roof
Caved in like reindeer hoofs
Stomp the booth, shake the floor tiles loose
The more y'all breathe shit the more I moves
It's Hill Street, this is hardcore Blues
Put a gun to rap, check in all our dues (nigga)
Or make the news, betcha all y'all move
When the uzi pop you better drop, when the music stop
~Mathers, Dre, et al (2002)