IS china threatening us

China won't nuke the USA unless they get a schizo in office.

Kill all the adults and sell the children into prositution rings over in africa? Absolutely.

Irradiate perfectly good soil? No dong ching chong.

Stick out a perfectly good foot and shoot it? No,you are right. And they may actually like us. They owe us for the Space chance. Those guidance parts.

How fair was that?

No harm will come to us. We too will be assimilated.
No harm will come to us. We too will be assimilated.



I'm not worried about china, even with their technological/industrial advances. The simple fact is the one child policy is killing them and they didn't seem too fussed when implementing it - you'd think they'd never read a book by 'ole sunzi....
I dont know how many of you seen this but as someone who lives in the seattle area i found this really disturbing. china released info about there nuclear subs and how the can attack the USA from anywhere, not only that but they gave us a map of where they would attack and how much damage/life loss would be expected. the scarey part is it would almost wipe the USA out :( Now i know we get threatened all the time but ive never heard anything like this from china, korea yes, not china, which makes me believe there is some kind of reality behind this attack.

This is a message for the Obama administration....IMO...

Looks like a missile to me...I think it got swept under the rug...
Oh, I see what this is all about. STUPID. Do, you know who these China subs will wargame with off out coasts? France. France has patrolled our coasts with subs for decades. We are friends with both. Both owe their very existence to the USA.

China is not a problem. That is the current Press Ploy. That could be a test fire from a US sub, to blame the Chinese for distraction from the real problem.

We have a Liar in Chief. The entire world knows that now.

You know we will sink a boat if it opens the missile doors. No questions asked. You know we dog all boats with ours from moment they set sail.

We did that to Kurst, with Dallas and LA. They had their accident and our Subs were there.

No doubt in my mind we stopped that rocket torpedo from being fired at Dallas. When the doors open, shoot on bearing.

So, it was one of ours.