Numbers don't mean what they used to these days. Technology reigns supreme
I understand the sentiment, but numbers have always mattered, and they always will.
Especially when you're talking about a work force for the production of war materials.
Numbers don't mean what they used to these days. Technology reigns supreme
We are very busy, screwing over China and they know it. China is not our enemy however. We are joined at the hip by borrowed Gold.
China is fucking destroying us financially and under the current inept
U.S administration it has only gotten worse. They are by far our biggest threat. Busch got played by the Chinese and Obama is enthusiastically giving them the rest of our jobs and factories while we continue to support there fraudulent currency. Wars are won with money and a strong manufacturing base with these two things technology is never far behind. China will pass us up soon enough if things don't change
And how do you figure THEY are destroying you financially?
By purchasing Treasuries?
American Exceptionalism is dead...welcome to the rest of the world, fellow human.
PS if you really want to blame an American President for opening the door to China, try Nixon (Feb. 21, 1972)![]()
We would all have to kill like 50 china men to when the war.
China is fucking destroying us financially and under the current inept
U.S administration it has only gotten worse. They are by far our biggest threat. Busch got played by the Chinese and Obama is enthusiastically giving them the rest of our jobs and factories while we continue to support there fraudulent currency. Wars are won with money and a strong manufacturing base with these two things technology is never far behind. China will pass us up soon enough if things don't change
I just don't like u saying china is going to whip our ass.
[h=1]Fueled by Cheap Chinese Panels, U.S. Solar Use Soars[/h]
The solar-power business is expanding quickly in the U.S., helping lift the cloud that has surrounded the industry since the demise of Solyndra LLC a year ago.
But the growth isn't coming from U.S. solar-panel manufacturing, despite the money and rhetoric devoted to the industry by the Obama administration. Instead, it is in installations of largely foreign-made panels, whose falling price has made solar more competitive with other forms of power.
I understand the sentiment, but numbers have always mattered, and they always will.
Especially when you're talking about a work force for the production of war materials.
Yeah, our military combined with our weaponry is virtually unstoppable.
But our people are weak. Could probably kill over half the country in a matter of weeks by just cutting the power. Look how crazy people get when a fucking computer system glitches on any program used by the masses.
meanwhile china is laughing all the way to the bank with not a care that the money they are taking was stolen from we, the american people. it all spends the same for them, and as long as we keep letting junkies handle our finances, how can we really complain if these addicts continue to exercise the same poor judgement they have been demonstrating for over 100 years?
I am very hesitant to respond to this, because I'm fairly certain this has been dealt with before on other threads...
And oddly enough, this also has its roots with Nixon.
Oh my...Japan is a threat!
But I digress...
China doesn't have a floating RoE (rate of exchange), instead they have an arbitrary peg to $US. In order to maintain the peg, they need to keep their balances in check.
All those surplus US$ that go to Chinese producers wind up in the CCB (China Central Bank) eventually, because US$ are not practical for transactions in China; the people want Yuan.
So the CCB "prints" Yuan for the Chinese and racks up a supply of $US. Now the CCB needs to do something with those $US, so what do they do?
They buy "liquid assets", i.e. US Treasuries, either in the open market or directly (disregard other foreign-asset/commodity options for now)...
Now this surplus goes back to the Fed (either directly or through primary dealer accounts), and the CCB gets their "chequing account" at the Fed credited.
The effect? Lower interest rates...
So really, this is a good outcome for the US "consumer" (I know you love that word). If the CCB wanted to fuck over the US, their better option would be to flood the ForEx, but that would inadvertently screw themselves over since it would reduce the purchasing power of the US "consumer" by driving down the value of the $US, while cranking up whatever other foreign denominations they purchase, which makes it equally difficult for Chinese investment in those other Nations.
Now I understand one can look at this and say "gee, that's an over-simplification", and it is; I'm not denying that (especially since I am not including the SDR in this exposition). And it is possible I am glossing over some other important details (like currency swaps) due to a rusty memory, not having needed to revisit this topic to any great depth in over a year...
But if you don't even understand the basic mechanics of Monetary operations at the National level, your xenophobia has no merit (not that it had any in the first place).
A funny side-note is if you were aware of how spooked they are of Muslim Terror, you'd probably feel greater kinship towards your yellow brothers and sisters.
KKKynes sure seems scared that people are going to call him racist, quite preoccupied with the perception that he is a bigot. That is a lot of effort spent avoiding being thought of as a xenophobe.
before this turns into another China Strong spam thread, the PRC's press releases are about as reliable as those from Pyongyang.
janes estimates that china does have several subs capable of fitting cruise missles, but NO ABILITY to fit nuclear weapons to those subs.
most of China's deep water navy is old diesel subs of russian manufacture (and they are still buying more) cuz their nuclear sub program (nuclear powered, NOT nuclear armed) is as shaky as Michael J Fox in a bouncy castle.
their surface navy is largely irrelevant even when compared to france, much less the US navy.
Instigators, turn pits in cages
Let loose and bit the neighbors, wrist to razors
Y'all don't want war, y'all want talk
In the dark my dogs all bark like WOOF!
Proof nigga I'mma wolf, get your whole roof
Caved in like reindeer hoofs
Stomp the booth, shake the floor tiles loose
The more y'all breathe shit the more I moves
It's Hill Street, this is hardcore Blues
Put a gun to rap, check in all our dues (nigga)
Or make the news, betcha all y'all move
When the uzi pop you better drop, when the music stop
~Mathers, Dre, et al (2002)
Funny thing, a 50 megaton bomb doesn't scare me any more than a 10.
I read an interesting study about that. It tracked the amount of ordinance expended per day of fighting per fighting man. forgive me, but it was a long time ago so I am making up the numbers. Civil war = 1 ton, WWI = 10 tons WWII = 40 tons. The projection is that baring a nuclear incident, a modern war fought in earnest (not those limited engagements we have been involved with) would go through the country's stockpiles in a matter of months.
that means that no one would be able to ramp up production of replacement on either side. The study concluded that the winner of the next major conflict would invariably be the one with the deepest stockpiles of weapons - on hand at the start of the conflict.