i beleive msi interpretation of the bible is rampant. if you REALLY want to read the REAL bible, not one that was translated (wrong)...then learn ancient hebrew and then read the original writings, again not the king james version, jesus was not called jesus christ, god was not called god
What is His name?
lol wow dude really ? Cool story bro. Tell it again. You forgot Elohim. You seem to know alot about the subject, yet still don't know anything about it.
If you think any of that BS is how it really went down, you prolly think Santa stopped bringing you stuff because you are bad.
I'm donating my soul to science when i die
But back to FB
Its dangerous unless you aren't concerned about your old lady hooking up with her high school sweetheart old flame or other random guys.
Its dangerous when the person your trolling lives in your neighborhood lol
Its dangerous when you gotta beat a bitches ass over it
Its dangerous when people take it so seriously they commit suicide
Or when the try to reach out before committing suicide and no one "likes" it or prevents it
This may include sharing information with other companies, lawyers, courts or other government entities.
But none of that shit is why i'm not on facebook. I'm not on it because i don't wanna be Zuck's product.
People provide the content, people create the traffic, people are the product.
How much did the people get when facebook went public ?
Zuck got billions, whatcha get?
But Facebook has the same problem that AOL, yahoo, myspace, and all well known social networking sites have.
When your grandma is on the same site you are on it just isn't cool anymore so it probably won't be long until the next big thing.