I agree completly.. If you seen the Schwag that floats around Iowa, U would throw up. That my friend looks like it is Shake from what was a good bag of fluff.. I would have paid maybe 40 for it but not 50. Not completly ripped off
Man I have been neg repped for so much pathetic petty crap. One time for "Silly Avatar" of course no name is left.... Another time for a pic of my cat..
Some people just got nothing better to do, so they hate on people for no reason. And it is kinda funny how no one leaves their name for -rep, but if they +rep you they almost always leave their name hoping to get repped in return.
stoney that looks like that kentuckey outdoor, we get those "mids" down here sometimes. I have have a hard time believing they come from mex espically when i find very few seeds in those compressed nugs. The shit I think is from mexico are the brick weed not compressed nugs..........Does anybody know if my theory is correct?
how is it...???Here are two I forgot to post.
how is it...???
this is what I think mexican weed looks like...
take your car to a mechanic, tell him to fix it, tell him your not paying what he wants, see where that gets ya, i hate to break it to ya but you have never decided what you were gonna pay for anything. Prices are set based on supply and demand you demand, i"ll supply but at my fucking prices . Learn how the world works before you go bitching and neg repping fucktard!!!!
how is it...???
this is what I think mexican weed looks like...
seriously i agree with gingerbreadman, an eighth is 40 standard in my home town and he's right that bag was shit it wouldnt have sold for even 30 where im from. thats why i started growing so i could sell good bud for a fair price, there are too many business hippies out there fuckin up the market.
Congratulations, this thread just won "The shittiest thread ever" award!
Here is your prize!
...its not even up to date...