Is it just me or is this(pics) F#@KING SHWAG?!?!?!

Man "brick" I hear about this crap and I am so thankful I have never come across any of this crap. The last thing I would want is dried, pressed weed. We smoke it Fresh and ship the rest down to you guys in the USA, haha :lol:


I love me some brick! I never smoked it until I moved here. I've been trading Haze nugs for Brick for a few months now. I have about for ounces of brick now :lol: I picked through it all for viable seeds, eventually I will be doing a breeding project with them.

Here is where US weed comes from:

40% Mexico
45% Domestic
and the rest comes from other places like BC. :wink:
I love me some brick! I never smoked it until I moved here. I've been trading Haze nugs for Brick for a few months now. I have about for ounces of brick now :lol: I picked through it all for viable seeds, eventually I will be doing a breeding project with them.

Here is where US weed comes from:

40% Mexico
45% Domestic
and the rest comes from other places like BC. :wink:

Its kinda nice, the mexican weed never makes it past the USA/Canada border...:lol:

We always had to grow our own. :weed:

dude.. ^^^

It is all about where you live and who you know.. plain and simple..just because you pay that where you live doesnt mean ppl in other places do too.. Even if you lived in the same state prices can vary wildy depending on who you get it from.. So how the hell can you say "your getting ripped for 100.00" ???

PS - tusseltussel your sig is pretty racist imho. Im caucasian , but I still think any type of racism is sickening.
my sig is a quote from a gov. official learn your marijuana history ....... this is what they used to say about weed its how our government thinks and yes it is racist like our government used to be you think if they started playin alll those old psa'a they might relizerther stupidity

prices are diffrnt evrywhere but this guy keps sayin how great a deal he got and he is getting robbed, since when was it cheaper to get a quarter than an oz.
It might not be schwag, it looks to me like you just got the bottom of the bag commonly referred to as shake. It might have been buds before, but you got the last eighth dude. Better than nothing but the dude should have given it to you for a substantial discount. I wouldn't buy from that guy again, but it doesn't sound like you have many options eh? Twist it up and blow it off.

I agree completly.. If you seen the Schwag that floats around Iowa, U would throw up. That my friend looks like it is Shake from what was a good bag of fluff.. I would have paid maybe 40 for it but not 50. Not completly ripped off
Haha someone gave me neg rep because I said I like brick! It's for a breeding project, that is pretty lame though first neg rep I have ever gotten. I can't even give neg rep :lol: Go brick! Down with the haters!
Haha someone gave me neg rep because I said I like brick! It's for a breeding project, that is pretty lame though first neg rep I have ever gotten. I can't even give neg rep :lol: Go brick! Down with the haters!

you know whats funny is most people wont leave their name if they give you negative rep but they will if you give positive rep
you know whats funny is most people wont leave their name if they give you negative rep but they will if you give positive rep

Yep they did not leave a name either. The funny thing even if they did leave their name their is no way I could neg rep them back. I have a mac and it still has the old RIU interface on my browser so I don't even have a neg rep option just a positive rep:-P I actually thought rolli got rid of neg rep until I saw that when I logged in:wall:
lol i got a new macbook and i can do neg and positive rep.....cant you just change the interface? theres like 10 different ones to choose from

Oh!! You that is probably it man thanks! +Rep :lol:

I was high as shit one night and board on RIU, I started messing with the interface options . . . hmm that must be why I can't change font color anymore either:-P
lol if you ever find out whoever added negative rep for you liking brick weed.....however that is odd....that brick shit sucks man i almost wont smoke it unless i have to....but if i aint got no weed i wont complain for a second about a bag of decent brick weed
lol if you ever find out whoever added negative rep for you liking brick weed.....however that is odd....that brick shit sucks man i almost wont smoke it unless i have to....but if i aint got no weed i wont complain for a second about a bag of decent brick weed

I really think this guy must have good brick. It smells really good tastes like crap but gets you high. I really don't smoke it that often I have plenty of good buds for that. The whole thing is explained on my lengthy "Brick Weed" thread. I am just trying to solve the mysteries of brick. I want to see what these plants look like and try to breed the most favored phenotypes. Think about it if I could do that and ship the seeds back to mexican farmers all those poor kids smoking Brick will at least smoke dank brick :lol:

So my endevors in the land of brick weed have been mostly in search of seed.
i dont know for sure but i dont think that its because of the plant that they grow shitty weed.....i think it has to do with the conditions in which they are a huge field no one tending to the individual plants.....then taken down by a fat machine.....then trimmed as fast as possible.....then flash dried and compacted then shipped to who knows where and goes down through x amount of dealers to the person who finally smokes the nasty man handled weed
i dont know for sure but i dont think that its because of the plant that they grow shitty weed.....i think it has to do with the conditions in which they are a huge field no one tending to the individual plants.....then taken down by a fat machine.....then trimmed as fast as possible.....then flash dried and compacted then shipped to who knows where and goes down through x amount of dealers to the person who finally smokes the nasty man handled weed

I agree but I think that mostly effects the flavor of the weed. Think about it,
its like Jamaican Ganja. The stuff is grown in huge fields, not really possible to weed out all the males and even if you do pollen from another field will probably seed some of your females.

Over time the quality of Jamaican Ganja has gone up due to the introduction of some very nice columbian and dutch strains into the breeding pool. Now days Jamaican Ganja is some of the best seeded bud you can buy. If you get some Jamaican Sensi you are in for a real treat.

That is what I want to introduce in mexican bud.

Just a dream right now though . . .
why not just rip off jamaica or hawaii and go from there. although i hear ya, i got 2+ zips of some suprisingly sweet and green brick and I am saving a couple hundred seeds atleast!
You sound like a really great business man, the kind that I'd like to deal with... not. What is it with everyone? Why is this the only business I know of in which the consumer has NO CONTROL. What ever happened to the customer is always right? Doesn't anyone realize that if we, the consumers, all decided to pay less, the dealer would have no choice but to accommodate? Alright seriously, if you don't agree, get fucked, keep handing out your hard earned money for shit, I'm going to bed now.

Take your car to a mechanic, tell him to fix it, Tell him your not paying what he wants, see where that gets ya, I hate to break it to ya but YOU HAVE NEVER DECIDED WHAT YOU WERE GONNA PAY FOR ANYTHING. PRICES ARE SET BASED ON SUPPLY AND DEMAND YOU DEMAND, I"LL SUPPLY BUT AT MY FUCKING PRICES . LEARN HOW THE WORLD WORKS BEFORE YOU GO BITCHING AND NEG REPPING FUCKTARD!!!!
Haha someone gave me neg rep because I said I like brick! It's for a breeding project, that is pretty lame though first neg rep I have ever gotten. I can't even give neg rep :lol: Go brick! Down with the haters!

Man I have been neg repped for so much pathetic petty crap. One time for "Silly Avatar" of course no name is left.... Another time for a pic of my cat..:rolleyes:

Some people just got nothing better to do, so they hate on people for no reason. And it is kinda funny how no one leaves their name for -rep, but if they +rep you they almost always leave their name hoping to get repped in return.
